Dear Birmingham Scientists:

I am happy that you are enrolled in AP Chemistry next year.

There will be a lunchtime meeting for next year’s AP Chemistry class in Mr. Turner’s room F37 at 11:45 on Wednesday 5/25. Bring your lunch.

It is important that you attend, as I will be handing out your summer assignment.

Mr. Turner

Chem Joke: What did element 83 say when it was asked for its electron configuration?

“It’s none of your bismuth!”

Dear Birmingham Scientists:

I am happy that you are enrolled in AP Chemistry next year.

There will be a lunchtime meeting for next year’s AP Chemistry class in Mr. Turner’s room F37 at 11:45 on Wednesday 5/25. Bring your lunch.

It is important that you attend, as I will be handing out your summer assignment.

Mr. Turner

Chem Joke: What did element 83 say when it was asked for its electron configuration?

“It’s none of your bismuth!”


Summer writing assignment

In AP Chem we will be doing a lot of writing……

Write one page to an in-coming 10th grade chem student explaining what this diagram is telling us (in your own words)

  • What do the axes represent?
  • What do the red and blue lines represent? How are they different?
  • Why do the lines have the shape that they do? (a ‘bell curve’)?
  • What is the relationship between the area beneath the blue line vs the area beneath the red line?
  • What does the vertical line labeled ‘Activation Energy’ represent?
  • What do the shaded areas beyond the “Activation Energy’ line represent?
  • What is temperature, anyways?
  • In conclusion, what is this graph telling us?

AP Chemistry Summer Assignments 2016

I am happy that you have enrolled in AP Chemistry next school year. I am here to help you prepare for the AP test you will be taking next May.

The AP Chem test will have two sections:

Section I: Multiple Choice: 60 Questions | 90 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score

Section II: Free Response: 7 Questions | 105 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score

* calculators are allowed on section II, but not on section I

To prepare over the summer, there are a number of things I am asking you to do:

  1. First, email me at m.turner@ Please do this ASAP so that I have your email should I need to contact you over the summer
  2. Read the AP Chemistry course overview. Become familiar with what we are up against. This class will not be easy!
  3. Work the questions on the AP Math Prep worksheet. Write answers clearly on a separate sheet of paper. I will give you 2 sheets of graph paper for the graphing questions.
  4. Write a one page response to the Summer Writing Assignment.
  5. Study the Charges, Names and Formulas of Common Ions sheet.

Email me if you have any questions. Items # 3 and 4 are due at our first class meeting (credit/no-credit) (school starts on August 8th).

Have a wonderful summer. Try to do something enriching (i.e. something you could write about in a college personal statement)

Mr. Turner

Chem Joke:

Q: Why does a hamburger have a lower energy than a steak?
A: Because it's in the ground state.