Minutes of the Executive Committee 19/09/2017

Chairing the meeting: Ahtesham Mahmood

Officers Present: Ahtesham Mahmood, Mollie Footitt, Jessica Okwuonu, Mike Mayes, Derrick Mensah

Part time reps:

Course Reps and committee members in attendance:

Staff: Dave Whitlock (minute taker)

1.  Apologies
No apologies were received
2.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were passed unanimously
3.  Gold, Silver and Bronze Progression
Mike – Beginning to help the University with their #InvestingInYou campaign that aims to let students know how their fees are spent. Also beginning the Demon Media Governance Review which will take us into mid next year.
Mollie – Almost finished course rep training and have a meeting later in the week on the UNI2KNOW campaign which is to educate students on their academic rights
Derrick – Writing the business case for Inter-Faculty Activities, also beginning to work with Global and Square Mile to get other types of student involved rather than just sporty.
Jessica – The Safe Haven location is looking to be within the multifaith room that is currently being built and she has been working with someone to bring ‘Look After Your Mate’ training to DMU and be available to students. The training will allow students to be aware of mental health issues. DMU’s HealthyDMU initiative will also include a focus on mens and BME mental health.
Ahtesham – Currently looking for income streams to fund DSU Marketplace and is yet to contact MSL website providers. A meeting about the Tenant’s Union reps is also taking place within the week to start this initiative.
4.  Actions from ECSLT and USUEC
ECSLT has asked the Executive to discuss food provisions within Millys. There was discussion regarding the offer that is currently made and there should be some changed in regards to the Halal offering and making that change wherever possible.
Mollie Footitt also raised the issue that there should be more vegetarian and vegan options.
Derrick Mensah raised the concern that the Union should try to get Halal accreditation so we can actively push and promote the change we have made.
5.  Black History Month
Jessica Okwuonu explained the current ideas for Black History Month which included: flags in the atrium, an open mic night, film nights and a celebration at the end of the month with food being sold by Milly’s.
There was also an expression of interest to host a gallery to which all the Officers agreed should happen.
The Nigerian Society have been contacted and are hoping to put language classes on at the open mic night.
Videos from students and officers talking about why Black History Month is important are also taking place.
There was discussion around whether the month should be BME History Month instead to represent all students. It was decided that it should stay as Black History Month due to the national awareness of the month and to host an Asian History Month in February.
Jessica agreed to go away and write all these events up with Officers responsible for each event to be brought to the next meeting.
Action: Jessica to create a plan with responsible Officers.
6.  Mental Health and Sexual Health Strategy
Jessica Okwuonu raised to the group that the Union was undergoing work to make these strategies that will feel into ‘De Stress You’ and how the Union tackles issues in these areas in the future.
7.  Part Time Officer Structure
Jessica and Mollie raised concerns that some of the Part Time Officers were sometimes unsupported during their time in post and the Full Time Officers should do more to correct this.
The idea was proposed that each Full-Time Officer mentors a Part Time Officer to ensure their goals are reached and supports them in their needs. The room agreed and Jessica agreed to go away and make a proposed mentoring delegation.
Action: Jessica to make mentoring delegation
8.  Visiting Other Unions
Derrick expressed interest in visiting other Union’s Activities departments and has raised the idea to senior staff members who also agreed and came to the group to ask if he could spend money from the Executive budget.
Ahtesham raised the concern that there are some events such as NUS Conference which has to come out of this budget line and have to be careful we do not spend it too quickly.
Ahtesham said he would sit down with Dave Whitlock later in the week to get an idea of how much will be spent throughout the year on ‘essential travel’ to then make the decision on whether Derrick could travel to other Unions.
Action: Ahtesham and Dave to meet regarding the Executive Budget
9.  Another Other Business
Relations with University Senior Staff
Ahtesham raised the discussion point about Officers having regular contact with relevant senior staff within the University to help relationships but also to ensure we know the current landscape of the sector. The other Officers agreed and said they would contact relevant staff members to have monthly catch ups .
Action: Officers to email relevant Senior University Staff to ask for monthly catch ups.
Links with Partners
Mike raised the discussion point that student representatives should meet with DMU Partners to ensure the student voice is heard and wanted Exec approval to pursue this. The meetings would not have to be the Executive but relevant students to the area: Theatre students and the Curve for example.
This would help improve relations and again ensure students are being listened to.
The Officer Team agreed and Mike was to go away and ask the University and it’s partners if these meetings could be set up.
Action: Mike to contact the University and its partners to see their appetite for such an initiative.
Global Clarity
Ahtesham, Mike and Derrick have been contacted separately by Global to pursue initiatives, they agreed to get together outside the meeting to decide what DMUGlobal actually wants from the Officer team to provide clarity.
Ahtesham, Mike and Derrick to meet about DMUGlobal clarity

Action List:

-  Jessica to create a plan with responsible Officers.

-  Jessica to make mentoring delegation

-  Ahtesham and Dave to meet regarding the Executive Budget

-  Ahtesham, Mike and Derrick to meet about DMUGlobal clarity

-  Officers to email relevant Senior University Staff to ask for monthly catch ups.

-  Mike to contact the University and its partners to see their appetite for such an initiative.