Minutes of the Environment & Planning Committee

held on Thursday 12June 2008 at 6.30pm

Present: Cllr David Banks, Cllr Hazel Bowden, Cllr Peter Murphy, Cllr Dave Westcott (Chair), Cllr Loretta Whetlor, Cllr Vincent Woods

In attendance: SarahReedTown Clerk

08/10BApologies: Cllr Paul Chamberlain

08/11BDeclarations of Interest:

Name / Minute No: / Description of Interest / Personal / Prejudicial / Action Taken
Cllr Bowden & Cllr Murphy / Plan 3/37/08/013 / Both Councillors as friends of the applicant / Personal / Both Cllrsremained in the room and took part in the discussion and voting

08/12B Parking restrictions in central parking

After a brief discussion, Cllr Westcott proposed that this Committee revisit the Traffic Order for Swain Street and arrange a meeting with Richard Newby, Somerset County Council Highways to review the original traffic order and to discussits implementation as the current parking situation in Swain Street is not satisfactory.

08/13BSCC monitoring equipment at Cleeve Hill – Road & Signage

The Clerk commented that the monitoring equipment installed by SCC at the top of Cleeve Hill to monitor erosion of the cliff had been reported to the office as the equipment was malfunctioning. The office is aware of the problems and currently dealing with it. It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.

08/14BDogwatch Scheme - Update

Cllr Westcott reported that the “Dogwatch” Scheme seemed to be making a difference and improvements had been seen especially within the town. The residents involved remained pro-active and positive and feedback from the scheme was more positive than negative. The dog warden was very supportive of the scheme and had patrolled the Memorial Ground on the request of the “Dogwatch” Committee issuing two fines of £50.00.

Cllr Banks proposed that it is put on record that those residents involved in the Scheme should be congratulated on the progress they have made so far and continued support will be given to the “Dogwatch” Scheme from Watchet Town Council. Seconded by Cllr Woods. Carried.

08/15B Matters for the Next Meeting

  • Access for vehicles at the top of Flowerdale Road and Causeway Terrace
  • Washford Cross Intersection
  • Hedge on the boundary of the bungalow adjacent to West Street Car Park
  • Appoint a new Parish Path Liaison Officer (SCC)
  • Revisit Traffic Order on Swain Street
  • Cliff erosion monitoring equipment Cleeve Hill
  • DogwatchScheme


The plans discussed as outlined below and included in a letter addressed to Christine MilesPrincipal PlanningOfficer, West Somerset Council, dated13 June 2008, are as follows:

3/37/08/01212 South Road, Watchet

Replacement & alterations to windows + construction of 2 storey extension at rear

Subject to no objections from neighbouring residents, this Committee would recommend approval

3/37/08/01359 Doniford Road, Watchet

Division of existing property into two properties & associated alterations

Recommend approval

The meeting closedat 7.00pm

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