SAU #68

DATE: September 14, 2010



Judy Boyle-Chairperson Michael Cosgriff, Superintendent of Schools

Jean Robbins Bob Nelson, Principal

Jay Bartlett Debbie O’Connor, Financial Manager

Holly Harrington Joanne Osgood, SAU Administrative Assistant

Ken Osgood Nancy Bartlett, Teacher Representative

Sheila Rich

PUBLIC PRESENT: Justin Orlando, Lauren Luce, Julie Quesnell, Bobbi Donahue, Mike Donahue, Faith Clark


Judy Boyle called the meeting to order 6:33pm.

Mr. Nelson Introduced New Staff Members: Lauren Luce – Graphic Arts, Digital Photography & Channel 3; Julie Quesnell - Student teacher for Technology Integration Consultant and Justin Orlando- Chemistry Physics and Science.


Jean Robbins made a motion to accept the public minutes of August 24, 2010. Ken Osgood seconded. All present voted in favor. Sheila Rich abstained.

Jean Robbins made a motion to accept the non public portion of the August 24, 2010 minutes. Ken Osgood seconded. All present voted in favor. Sheila Rich abstained.

Jay Bartlett made a motion to accept the return to the public minutes of August 24, 2010. Jean Robbins seconded. All present voted in favor. Sheila Rich abstained.



1.  Staff – Nancy Bartlett, reports that today was the last day that students could add /drop classes, things seem to be going well. Judy Boyle asked if there would be a student representative at the Board meetings this year. Mr. Nelson responded that there will be a student representative, possibly at the next Board meeting.

Bobbi Donahue – Addressed the Board as a staff member as well as a community member concerning the teacher dress memorandum from the Board. Bobbi asked the Board to revisit the issue of open toed shoes not being allowed. Bobbi stated that the open toed shoes do not stop her from performing her duties. A group of teachers who served on the committee decided against the open toed shoes. The committee was formed using a sampling of ES, MS & HS staff. The Board thanked Bobbi for her input, and they will address this later.



Judy received NHSBA Resolution in the mail. Board asked members to consider becoming a delegate and attend the meetings; Joanne will bring copies of the Resolution to next board meeting



Manifest was circulated and signed.

·  All state report are in including DOE25, MS25, MS24 and our apportionment worksheet that the Department of Revenue uses when setting the tax rates with the towns. Based on our funding formulas for the 2 towns.

·  Auditors will be here Thursday and Friday

·  Reminded Board of the form they need to fill out for the audits

·  Budget packages go out to the teachers at the end of the month


Mike Cosgriff reports on the following:


  • Small engines class-providing additional support/curriculum/tools
  • New teacher orientation
  • Back to school professional development days
  • Meeting with students and parents for the 9th grade netbook evening
  • Special education and 504 case management
  • North country supt. Meeting (DOE & Budget)
  • NHSAA Executive Board – Bullying Legislation / DOE Reporting / Budget
  • Continuing renovation of Industrial Arts area
  • Painting of Cafeteria


  • Bullying law workshop tomorrow at Grappone Center in Concord
  • NCES Executive Board
  • DOE commissioner's meeting
  • Town of Lincoln cable contract is ending and Supt. Cosgriff has been asked to serve on the committee
  • Funding Formula Committee – We have to get started on forming committee for the funding formula, one Board member from each town. Mr. Baker hesitantly volunteered as a neutral nonresident member. Towns will select their own members. We have not received any dates, possibly sometime in November, roughly about 5 meetings. Supt Cosgriff will start working on this.

Some residence and students asked Judy Boyle if the school would be selling, or putting out for bid, the shop equipment. Supt. Cosgriff said they distributed some of the tools to Joe Bossie to use for repair of our equipment. Other equipment like the band saw, lathe and welder, has been stored with the hopes in the future to refurbish the

generator building and make it into a wood shop for students and community. A solid piece of metal was given to

Clark's, it was of no value to anyone. Later, if some of these items are salable, they will be sold if not used. Judy

suggested the items be advertised when the time comes. Judy asked for an itemized list of equipment in the shop.

Supt. Cosgriff said he would provide a list when the cleaning and work on the rooms has been completed. Mike

Donahue asked for a copy as well.

Judy Boyle asked about the netbooks meeting with parents. She has heard that some parents did not want to sign the contract to pay for damages? There were some concerns. Mr. Nelson responded that there were 2 parents who were concerned. Parents wanted to know if their child would be negatively affected if they did not have a netbook. Mr. Nelson spoke with teachers and they will make available alternatives for students. The Board questioned if

parents would be allowed to go and purchase one on their own, or bring their own laptop. The discussion will be

forthcoming and the Administration will need to look at policies and see what other districts are doing. Board

member asked if there is any insurance that could be purchased for these netbooks. Also questioned if the netbooks

will be turned in at the end of the year or kept through the summer? These are all issue that has not been determined



Bob Nelson reports on the following:

  • Smooth opening of school
  • Quite a few new students, 2 exchange students in HS, more diversity in our HS
  • Homecoming a week from this weekend, dance on 24th, activities on Saturday
  • PLC started meeting this morning and faculty meeting this afternoon. Discussed future meetings and topics, such as data analysis, community relations with staff, wellness and bullying
  • Mr. Loukes heading a fitness club on Thursday
  • October 6th walk to school day


Policy Committee: Met this evening. Will have one policy for first reading at the next board meeting

Professional Development:

  1. PD Master Plan approved by the DOE, letter of 6/29/10 to Mike Cosgriff
  2. PD Plan training had to be cut short in August so detailed notes of the training were sent to all staff

members. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the K-12 meeting in September (requested of

Bob Nelson).

  1. a. Multiple comments of too much time 'talking at us' and too little time for work to

get done in classrooms.

b.  This schedule was not as planned by the PD Committee in May/June (no administration present at those

meetings). There were changes made from the original schedule (as frequently happens over the summer).

c.  Sessions ran over allotted time too often, for seemingly no reason. This reduced/eliminated a lot of planned

time for staff to work on in-classroom organization/preparation.

d.  Execution of the in-service schedule was interrupted by room changes (lost momentum, lost time) and need

to re-set chairs and technology. Acoustics is better in the ES MPR though not great - perhaps a

microphone/speaker to be used in the future.

e.  Rose Colby was a good addition to the schedule. Lots of positive comments; excitement about things that

different staff could try in the classroom. Perhaps a session like hers could have been done at a K-12

meeting in the spring and then interested staff could line up similar training sessions during the summer.

f.  Netbooks - some glitches; a learning curve - in process to make next year’s launch go smoother

g.  Need more things for paraprofessionals to do that relate closer to their job. Maybe with Rosemarie on this

committee we can get this done. Not just a day of Para Network training sitting in front of a computer à

okay for a short time but not all day.

h.  Food from Jack Marshall and crew rated excellent

i.  A need to better advertise the Wellness Walks (or similar). Richard unfortunately left this off from the final

posted and e-mailed copy of the agenda - was only on the copy sent home the last week of August. Need to

advertise this better and need to get the word out to staff sooner as to what the training plans are.

  1. Courage to Teach - leadership presentation day at January in-service for Dr. Virginia Barry/State Board of

Education --- The feeling of the committee is that we all have a lot on our plates and will need the

professional development time to work on things that are in process (ES Reading series, ES Math series,

CPI-next level of training for some staff, Standards-Based grading, RTI-DIBELS, HS HW policy, NEASC,

other) Questions were asked if this would involve all staff for all day long. Mr. Weaver suggested that

perhaps if this were to be run similar to the model used for the State Board of Education visit last year

where teachers come to the room where the State Board is and make their presentation or have a

conversation, then it might work and still be able to do professional development activities with the staff.

Richard to contact Mr. Cosgriff regarding this (e-mail with copy to this committee).

5. OCTOBER 8, 2010 in-service day

MS, HS (not most of Special Ed staff; add M Gaites, add new ES Para)à CPI

Richard will confirm with Paula King and arrange the room to be used

ES à either Reading series or Math series - include special education and Para’s

Mike W. will arrange this program

MS, HS Special Ed staff & Para’sà Kurzweil (perhaps Para Network for small portion of day)

Arrange with Julie Quesnell for training specifics, location, etc.

Think about purchasing texts with included CD; novels via Book Share

6. Discussion of Danielson Evaluation system; ‘Distinguished’ – can be done without outside of school work

Wellness: Committee will be meeting Sept. 15th.


1.  Nominations & Resignations: Nominations:

Nominations for the following positions:

Allen Rich Small Engines (phone poll)

Frazier Kirkpatrick – Girls MS Soccer Coach and Lori VanHouten - Girls MS Soccer Assist. Coach (phone poll)

Julie Quesnell – Assist. Cross Country Coach

Tyler Clark Boys Varsity Assistant Soccer Coach

Jay Bartlett made a motion to accept the Small Engines and Girls Soccer Coaching and Assistant Coaching nominations above, that were previously approved through a phone poll. Holly Harrington seconded. All members present voted in favor.

Jay Bartlett made a motion to accept the Assistant Coaching nomination of Julie Quesnell and Tyler Clark. Ken seconded. All members present voted in favor.


Mandy Vance - Board member had a question as to why she resigned. Robert Nelson clarified.

Jean Robbins made a motion to accept the above resignation with regret. Sheila Rich seconded. All members present voted in favor.


Judy Boyle noted that two thing have come to her attention. The first item was the lack cleanliness of a classroom. Administration will look into this and report back to the Board. Secondly, Judy received a call from an anonymous taxpayer concerning in-service days and Supt. Cosgriff. Supt. Cosgriff requested that this be discussed under non-public.

Judy Boyle discussed open toed shoes. Mr. Cosgriff said the faculty’s logic was that if the K-5 students couldn't wear open toed shoes that the staff should not wear them. The high school teachers were being supportive of the elementary teachers and felt that if elementary students could not wear sandals for safety issues, then the entire staff should not wear them either.

Board discussed. Administration explains their reasoning, to avoid conflict and remove the gray areas. Judy Boyle thought we may need a clear definition of open toed shoes; Supt. Cosgriff will look for a definition. Discussion continued.

Board completed Board Member Questionnaire that is required by our auditors. Joanne will fill in information and Judy will stop by to sign by Thursday.


The School Board Chairperson, Judy Boyle polled the Board to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3 at 8:12 pm. All members polled voted in the affirmative.

At 8:47 pm the Board returns to public session.


Judy Boyle asked if there was any further business to come before the Board, hearing none, Holly Harrington made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jay Bartlett. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Osgood, SAU Administrative Assistant