Minutes of the Deans’ Council Meeting of August 31, 2010

Present: Moustafa Abdelsamad, Kelly Quintanilla, Frank Pezold, Paul Meyer, Arthur Hernandez, Mary Jane Hamilton, David Billeaux, Chris Shupala, JoAnn Canales,

Note taker: Cely Smart

I. Call to Order

II. Minutes from Previous CDC Meeting

The minutes of the Dean’s Council from August 24th were approved.

III. Presentations/Topics

A.  University Rules

The Council discussed and unanimously approved the following rule and procedures:

12.03.99.C1 Faculty Workload

12.03.00.C1.01 Assignment of Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty Workload Credit

12.99.99.C2.02 Full-time Non-tenure Track Faculty Positions

B.  Strategic Plan

The Council discussed the strategic plan and requested clarification regarding the terminology about department owners.

C.  The Council discussed suggestions for improving the approval and routing of rules and procedures through campus. The deans discussed re-organizing the order in which rules and procedures are reviewed by various campus bodies. The Council also discussed how to manage the new online catalog system. Suggestions included going to a live catalog version where updates are published as they happen (course changes, programs…). The deans also suggested separating the non-programmatic material and appendix materials from the catalog to make the catalog update easier. These two changes were unanimously improved by the Council. This will continue to be discussed at further meetings.

IV. Other Issues of the Council

A.  A review of the grade appeal process was requested.

B.  Dr. Pezold discussed the “double dipping” rule and the Council agreed to look into this rule in more detail at the next meeting.

C.  Mrs. Shupala discussed the status of the C.V. and Syllabus publications.

V. Adjourn