PRESENT:Mr J Fell, (Chair), Mrs I K Bricknell, Mrs A Bryan, Mr J D Clarke (until 15/28), Mrs V Fell, Mrs C Kerr, Dr D J Marks, Mrs L Mee (until 15/28), Mrs G Morphet, Mr B M Rimmer, Mr J Walker (until 15/28) andMr S Wilkinson

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr E Greenand Mrs G Kitchen (until 15/28)

Mr D Rad (for 14/101)

IN ATTENDANCE: Rev Dr R Garner (until 15/28)

Mr E Green, Mrs G Kitchen, Mrs C Bampton and Ms J Kelly (until 15/28)

Prior to the formal business, Members received a briefing from Mrs Kitchen on the proposed, new Ofsted inspection framework


The Chair reminded Members that they should declare any interests they may have.


Apologies for absence were received from Mr J Heddon, Mr M J Jebson, Mrs C McClennan, Mr O Pallis, Mr J Pickering and Mr J Tinsley; leave of absence: Mrs H Dixon and Mr K Millington.


The Clerk reported that two members of staff had been nominated for the forthcoming vacancy of staff governor (academic staff) and that Mr Andrew Davidson had won the subsequent election.

RESOLVED – That Mr Andrew Davidson be appointed:

1)as the staff governor (academic staff) for a four year term of office commencing on 15 March 2015

2)to membership of the Standards Committee

3)to ‘shared’ membership of the Governance Committee with the staff governor (business support).


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2014 were received as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


‘Essential Trustee’

The Clerk briefed Members on the role of an ‘essential trustee’ under charity legislation, this being essentially the same role as a further education governor; the Charity Commission would be publishing updated guidance in the spring, following which he would report any implications to the Governance Committee in the first instance.


Minute 14/110 was deemed confidential and not for publication.


Members reported the following attendances:

Mrs Kerr: Performing Arts production, annual dinner, Chair/Vice Chair meetings with the Principal and the Clerk, various external meetings e.g. with representatives of KGV, Sefton Council and various internal meetings

Mrs Bricknell: appeal hearing, SI Department meeting, Safeguarding Committee, meeting with Head of SI, Annual dinner, IT subgroup, Performing Arts production safeguarding training, Chairs’ meeting, meeting with Mrs Bampton, SI student representatives meeting.

Mr Rimmer: Annual dinner, election count, staff governor

Dr Marks: Strategic Planning meeting, two Financial Regulations subgroup meetings, Chairs’ meeting, meeting with Mr Green, Annual dinner, Chairs’ meeting, link meeting with Mrs Sherlock

Mr Fell: Southport FC, various external meetings e.g. with representatives of KGV, Sefton Council and various internal meetings, St Helens College meeting with Chair, AoC NW governors’ network meeting, Annual dinner, Chair/Vice Chair meetings with the Principal and the Clerk,Chairs’ meeting,Performing Arts production

Mrs Morphet: link meeting with Mr Rogers, meetings with welfare staff, meeting with Mrs Bampton re safeguarding, safeguarding meeting

Mrs Bryan: meeting with HE programme leaders


The Corporation considered a report outlining progress made towards the nine strategic objectives for 2014/15.

Mr Clarke informed Members that

a)the College’s mission was ‘To provide outstanding education and training for individuals and employers’

b)the Strategic Plan for 2014-17which supported the mission, was broken down into three areas: responsiveness, quality and resources; nine strategic objectives underpinned those areas

c)this was the second of three standard reports for 2014/15 which would outline progress made towards the objectives, with the outcome results for 2013/14 and results to date for 2014/15 as appropriate; the status and timing of data was variable depending on the nature of the objective; the report was complemented by detailed reports to the relevant committees of the Corporation which would address the goals directly and indirectly

d)the performance indicators which provided more detailed information relating to progress against targets were attached to the report as annex 1.

Mr Clarke particularly discussed the following with Members:

i)in 2013/14, the College had met or exceeded its recruitment target across all main funding streams in 2013/14

ii)the decline in 16-18 fulltime recruitment in 2014/15 and actions taken through the schoolleavers’ recruitment strategy

iii)the risk of adult programmes not meeting the funding target, though other funding streams including16-18 apprentices, higher education and 24+ loans were on or above target

iv)the significant curriculum challenges,particularly meeting the provision of the English and maths GCSE requirements, the changes to BTEC assessments, the reintroduction of English and maths A level options and the development of higher education courses up to degree level

v)the recruitment for the proposed new fulltime 14-16 year old centre; the numbers were small at the moment but this was an important initiative for the future; a further open evening would be held and it was hopeful that the required number would be achieved

vi)the considerable improvement in success rates in 2013/14, particularly at advanced level and now above national rates for most areas; English and maths A*-C grades, and apprenticeship success rates were key areas for improvement

vii)the continuing development of the teaching and learning strategy through teacher led staff development, and continued rigour in observation and curriculum review

viii)the retention of outstanding financial health for the current year, with financial planning well underway for 2015/16 and 2016/17

ix)the continuing focus of the HR strategy on improvement through the engagement and involvement of staff and developing a strong high performance culture; the staff development days had been very successful.

After further discussion on the issues around the proposed 14-16 provision, the ongoing success of the HE provision and noting that Mrs Bryan had held meetings with the HE staff and the quality team to prepare for the HE quality review in November 2014, the Corporation

RESOLVED – Thatthe report be noted.


The Corporation considered the College’s proposed Strategy for Higher Education for 2015/16 to 2017/18 which would replace the current strategy for 2012 to 2015, and which was intended to combine the growth of higher education provision with an equal emphasis on maintaining and developing high quality teaching and learning and support.

Mr Clarke informed Members that:

a)this provision had doubled in size over the last three years from a relatively small modest base, and the strategy was intended to support further significant growth

b)a Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) review was planned for November 2015 under the Higher Education Review system; the new strategy and its impact would be considered as part of the review

c)the strategy was based around five core aims:

  • to enable students to aspire and succeed through providing the highest quality HE learning opportunities in an environment which would be both supportive and challenging
  • to grow the provision and student numbers through widening participation and access, targeted advice and guidance and providing clear progression opportunities for young people and adults into higher education
  • to develop a responsive curriculum which enhances students’ employability and career opportunities, meets employer needs and supports economic growth
  • to maintain and develop accommodation and resources to support a distinctive, high quality HE experience
  • to work in partnership with students, staff and university partners to enhance the provision and practice.

Members then discussed with Mr Clarke and commented on:

d)how important the provision had become to the College

e)the need to determine the staff responsible for the objectives with time scales

f)the need for the Standards Committee to review the provision, which it could do alongside the College’s other provisions

g)the need to be aware of accommodation requirements as the provision grows.

The Corporation then

RESOLVED – That subject to minor amendments, the proposed Strategy for Higher Education for 2015/16 to 2017/18 be approved.


The Corporation considered a report which

  • detailed the current position on fees and fee remission
  • contained recommendations for changes for the academic year 2015/16
  • sought confirmation of the tuition and examinations fee policy
  • contained a recommendation for the 2016/17 learner services fee.

After discussion on the effect on recruitment that higher fees might have, the Corporation

RESOLVED – Thatfor the 2015/16 academic year, approval be given to:

(i)no change to the tuition and examinations fee policy statement

(ii)the fees for co-funded courses being increased by c2% as shown in paragraph 3.3.4, with management discretion to limit any increases or decreases in fees so as not to destabilise market demand or the level of fees collected

(iii)the fees for loan funded courses being set at the funding rate per the funding rate matrix Rate Matrix with a cap of £4,000 for one year courses and £7,000 for two year courses

(iv)the fees for overseas students being set at the funding rate per the funding rate matrix including programme weighting

(v)no changes to the College remission categories for carers and staff and the ability of the Principal to remit fees for students not eligible for full funding or in any other remission category

(vi)the learner services fee remaining at £15, collected at the start of the course only

(vii)an increase of c2% for leisure course fee bands

(viii)full time fees for College HE courses being set at £6,000 per annum, part time HND fees being set at £3,000 per annum, and part time HNC fees being set at £2,000 per annum

(ix)the fees being set at £900 per module for teacher education HE courses

(x)that Community Learning fees being set at the leisure rates, reduced to £10 for the unemployed

(xi)the use of a costing model and fee discount structure for employer and other full cost courses as set out in paragraph 10.4 of the report.


The Corporation considered a report summarising the main equality and diversity activities for 2013/14 which demonstrated the College’s legal compliance in relation to its policy on equality and diversity.

Ms Kelly amplified to Members various aspects in her report which contained detailed information on:

  • the Public Sector Equality Dutyandpublished data to meet the duty’s requirements
  • the College’s published equality and diversity objectives
  • key activities monitored by the Equality and Diversity Committee
  • the promotion of equality and diversity
  • learner voice feedback.

After discussion, particularly on the welcome reduction in the male/female gap for success rates, this being a continuing trend over the last three years,


1)the information and data analysis submitted be noted and it be confirmed that the College had met its obligations under the legislation

2)the equality and diversity monitoring and promotional activities undertaken in 2013/14 be noted

3)the College’s Equality and Diversity objectives be noted

4)the Equality and Diversity Policy be approved as submitted.


The Corporation considered a report containing a review of the risks to the College’s business and in particular, those that were considered to be high risk in the Risk Management Plan.

Mr Green informed Members that

a)the Risk Management Group had reviewed the Risk Register as shown in annex 1 to the report, and had made amendments as highlighted; however, the following was specifically being brought to Members’ attention:

O3 / Changes to key systems: the net risk of the likelihood of the risk occurring had been increased to medium resulting in the overall risk score increasing from 2 to 4, this being due to the current plans to upgrade both the Finance and HR and Payroll systems this year.

b)annex 2 to the report identified risks with a score of 6 or greater, the actions being taken to reduce the six such risksand the person responsible

c)under the Audit Committee’s minutes, agenda item 15/21, the Corporation would be considering the committee’s recommendation that a termly review of risk assurances for all high risks be adopted.

After discussion on risk S1 relating to inappropriate use of College strategic informationand noting that the actions to be taken by a member of staff on long term sickness absence were being covered by other staff, the Corporation

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


The Corporation considered a report updating Members on the finalisation of the Phase 1 refurbishment of the Tony Leigh (TL) Building and with further Phase 2 refurbishment proposals, and options for Formby College.

Mr Green informed Members that:

a)the Phase 1 refurbishment was predominantly complete save for some remaining minor snagging items and some outstanding items of work due to be completed in February half term; the main contractor had submitted their final account which was being assessed

b)Formby College has been on the market since November 2014 with only little interest shown

c)plans for the Phase 2 refurbishment of the TL building had been refined and the total cost could amount to £* of which £* could be incurred in 2015 and £* in 2016; the LEP had launched its Skills Capital Investment Fund and an application for a grant up to £390,000 could be made, though there was uncertainty over timescales and the application processes, plus there was no guarantee that grant application would be successful

d)further refurbishment had been discussed with the various departments on the ground, second and fourth floors as detailed in paragraph 4.7 of the report.

After discussion, the Corporation


1)the report be noted

2)an application for either strand 1, 2 or 3 LEP grant funding, depending on timescales/application processes, be approved

3)the proposals for the Phase 2 refurbishment of the TL building with detailed planning and commencement for 2015 be approved

4)the proposed 2016 elements of the refurbishment be reconsidered should the LEP grant application be unsuccessful.

* Figures deemed confidential and not for publication


Mr Clarke informed Members that arrangements were in hand for the main Strategic Review Day on 27 May 2015 and that Members were welcome to submit suggested topics.


The Corporation considered the final, proposed Governors’ Charter and


1)the Governors’ Charter as submitted be adopted

2)as a trial for 2014/15, the governance self-assessment be wholly based on members scoring of the Governors’ Charter, this to be in a similar way to the usual quality statements form: 1 excellent, 2 good, 3 satisfactory, 4 poor, 5 don’t know’; although this may not provide a comprehensive self-assessment, it will provide a baseline of ‘where we are now’ and will highlight any areas of concern or development which might need to be addressed, and would enable the Governance Committee to devise a programme of appropriate activities, say one event per term, to improve performance

3)all relevant governance related documents be amended to include reference to the Governors’ Charter, and on a rolling basis starting with the inclusion of appropriate wording in committee terms of reference, role descriptions for Chair of the Corporation, Committee Chairs and Corporation members and Governors’ performance review documentation

4)committee terms of reference be amended by including ‘To conduct all business in accordance with the Governors’ Charter and its core values of positivity, innovation, achievement and, in particular, respect and professionalism’

5)the current, and any future, role descriptions for Governors be amended to include the following statement of responsibility: ‘To adhere to the Governors’ Charter and act in accordance with and in full support of its core principles of positivity, innovation, achievement, respect and professionalism’

6)as the Corporation develops and strengthens its approach to individual Governor assessment, linked to the role descriptions and identified responsibilities,it would be appropriate to include the following in relating to adherence to the Governors’ Charter: ‘How effectively do you feel that you contribute to putting the five core values of the Charter into practice?’

7)the Charter be identified as a key document to be sent to all prospective Governors, referred to in the appointment process and highlighted in the induction process for new Governors

8)although it was the Chair’s responsibilityto control a meeting and to ensure that appropriate standards of behaviour are maintained in accordance with the Charter, it may be useful for Chairs to make a clear statement to this effect at the start of a meeting as a reminder and that he/she will intervene if necessary to stop inappropriate behaviour

9)as well as any specific activities organised as mentioned in section 2, where other training, briefing or development activities are arranged for Governors, a clear link should be made wherever possible to the relevant item in the Charter

10)the subgroup responsible for the production of the Governors’ Charter be thanked for their work.


The Corporation considered a report containing the responses/action arising from the ‘one-to-one’ meetings held in 2014.

Mrs Kerr informed Members that annex 1 to the report, contained the detailed responses to the points raised at the individual review meetings with committee chairs, other governors and co-opted committee members, using the broad headings contained in the review pro forma, with the actions to be taken and timescales where appropriate.

After discussion, the Corporation

RESOLVED – Thatthe actions taken on the responses, and those to be taken, be agreed.


The Corporation considered the Association of Colleges’ (AoC) recently published draft Code of Governance, intended to replace the current code.