Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 10 July 2017

at 12.15 in the Farnham Maltings


Sue Willson (Chair), Jo Watson (Vice Chair), Mary Williams (Hon Secretary), Glennis Turner (Hon Treasurer), Ann Vickers, Val Atkinson, Mike Love, Ron Mansfield,.

In attendance

Pete Wisbey, Malcolm Ellis, and Bernard Whelan

2. Apologies Nickie Brander, Anne Connolly, Margaret Ham, Ian Webster, Michael A'Bear.

3.Minutes of Meeting of 5 June 2017

The Minutes were approved.

4.Matters Arising

(i)The committee meeting scheduled for 14 May 2018 will take place immediately after the Monthly Meeting on that date.

(ii) The ESET antivirus system for the computers will cost £38, the expenditure was approved

Action: Ron

(iii)Registration Day: Ann V reported that all preparations are in hand. Helpers will be needed on the day, she will circulate details of jobs to be done and contact individuals as needed. Mike will ask Maltings if they want to have a membership table at the event. Some members present expressed doubts about this, as potential new U3A members not familiar with Maltings might confuse the Maltings with U3A membership.

Action: Ann, Mike

(iv)Stuffing Day on 3 August: Ann has the arrangements in hand.

(v)AGM on 11 September: notices are to go out early in August, Jo will deal with the electronic notices, Mary with the ones going by post.

Action: Mary, Jo

Glennis will pass the accounts to the independent examiner early in August.

Action: Glennis

(vi)New Members Meeting: Mike will make the arrangements.

Action: Mike

(vii)Postponed Workshop: the preparatory work had produced some very useful results. The items which were going to be dealt with at the workshop will be spread out over several regular committee meetings.

Action: Ian, Sue, Mary

(viii)List of possible speakers: Gill Smith will be asked to coordinate the list when she joins the committee, and in the meantime Sue will take responsibility for it.

Action: Sue

(ix)Community Notice Board: Sue receives a number of requests from other charities and voluntary organisations to inform members about what they do. It was suggested to Gavin that space should be found in the Maltings for a community notice board on which such requests could be posted. He said that he would be interested, if we can suggest where it should go. There used to be a community notice board, where the U3A notice board is now positioned, but our notice board is not to be given up. Mike will discuss this at his next meeting with The Maltings. A community notice board would have to be managed by the Maltings, not U3A.

Action: Mike

5.Reports from Committee Members

Reports were circulated in advance.

6.Points for Discussion

(i)Request for new Zumba class: in accordance with our policy that there should be no more groups with paid tutors, it was agreed that this request will not be granted.

(ii)Eva Mack Memorial Lecture: Sue has approached several potential speakers and will continue to try to find a suitable one. The budget for the event is £600, if the Maltings Great Hall is used, it will cost £100, leaving £500 for a speaker’s fee and expenses. The event would be made open to non-members of U3A who would be required to pay for entry. Eva Mack’s daughter will be informed of the arrangements but will not be asked to approve them. It was agreed that Arts Society lecturer Caroline Rayman's talk 'Great Families and Their Gardens' sounded the most promising., indeed very suitable. Her fee would be £375 plus travelling. Sue would pursue this with her.

Action: Sue

(iii)Equipment: all groups who use U3A equipment are supposed to have a nominated member responsible for it. It was agreed that it should always be the group leader who is responsible to the Committee for use of equipment, and responsible for seeing that only trained people use it.

Ron reported that Maltings have regularly been borrowing some of our equipment, especially safety mats, which keep on disappearing. It was agreed that Maltings would be given one of our two boom-boxes, and reminded of the need to return borrowed items. They will also be asked to notify us before borrowing anything.

Action: Ron

(iv)Disability coordinators: a member, John Egan, hss offered to help and Ann will liaise with him to coordinate help to members with various types of disability. Ideas are welcomed from all members of the committee.Sue, John and Ann will meet very soon.


(v)Farnham Town Council notice boards: Michael A’B had suggested that a flyer about our pre-Registration Day event should be made for posting on the FTC notice boards; he is not able to do this himself as he is away, so Malcolm volunteered to try drafting something appropriate.

Action: Malcolm

(vi)Budget 2017-2018: Glennis had circulated the budget. It was agreed that income and expenditure for the Theme and the Monthly Meetings should be budgeted and accounted for separately. Subject to this, the draft budget was approved (proposed by Mary, seconded by Sue).

(vii)Programme 2017-2018: the programme is now with the printers, Val and Mike were thanked for the work that they had done in its production. Jo said that details about all groups for the forthcoming year are now on the website.

7.Any other business

(i)Sue and Mary confirmed that Erica has now resigned for health reasons.

(ii)Pete and that some groups had requested a wireless system to connect amplifiers with speakers in the Long Kiln Room. The cost would be approximately £120, this was approved.

(iii)UCA listening post: Sue will be meeting a representative from UCA to discuss the idea, no commitment is intended this stage.

(iv)The newsletter has been proof-read, it looks good, and matches the website and MailChimp layouts. It is about to go to the printers.

(v)Malcolm said that the Jazz Club want to do an open meeting. It is too late to go in the programme but can be publicised on Mail Chimp.

The meeting ended at 1.50.

Next meeting: Monday. 21 August at the Maltings at 1215pm.