Manor Map Rubric
Name: ______Period: ______Cubby: ______
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0Map contains all parts of a manor.
/ My map contains all parts of a manor described in the reading. They are placed on the map in a sensible way. / My map contains most of the parts of a manor described in the reading. They are placed on the map in a sensible way. / My map contains some of the parts of a manor described in the reading. / My map contains a couple of the parts of a manor described in the reading. / No judgment can be made.
Map shows where different social classes spent their time.
/ My map shows all of the people mentioned in the reading, and where they would have spent most of their time. / My map shows most of the people mentioned in the reading, and where they would have spent most of their time. / My map shows some of the people mentioned in the reading and where they spent time. / My map shows a couple of the people mentioned in the reading. / No judgment can be made.
Map shows how land was used.
/ My map shows how all the land of the manor was divided and used. / My map shows how most of the land of the manor was divided and used. / My map shows how some of the land of the manor was divided and used. / My map shows how very little of the land of the manor was divided and used. / No judgment can be made.
Map includes a legend with at least 5 symbols. / My legend contains more than 5 symbols. / My legend contains 5 symbols. / My legend contains 3-4 symbols. / My legend contains 1-2 symbols. / No judgment can be made.
Map includes a distance scale. / My distance scale makes sense with the size of all of the objects on my map. / My distance scale makes sense with the size of most of the objects of the map. / My distance scale makes sense with some of the objects on the map. / My distance scale makes sense with a couple of the objects on the map. / No judgment can be made.
Map is neat and colored.
/ My map is completely colored; no white is showing. Items are outlined and sharp. It is pleasing to look at and easy to read. / Most of my map is colored; very little white is showing. Items stand out, and my map is easy to read. / Some of my map is colored neatly. I could have taken more time and done a better job. Some of it is difficult to understand. / My map is sloppy and not colored. I could have taken more time and done a better job. It is hard to read. / No judgment can be made.