Minutes of the CM 2004 Leuven
Wednesday, May 26th, 2004 from 1930 until 2040
1. Welcome, Roll Call,Statement of quorum / 8. Review Reims 20032. Teams to be deleted / 9. Proceedings Brussels
3. Teams withdrawing / 10. Applications 2005 and beyond
4. Applications from new teams / 11. Amendments to the Manual
5. Adoption of minutes CM 2003 / 12. EC Issues
6. Finance / 13. Election of the new Executive Committee
7. Mail / 14. A.O.B.
Attending EC members:
ChairmanA. Beattie / Minutes
R. Sugland / C. Klee / C. Carpenter / J. Bakos
Attending teams:
Aix-en-Provence / + / C.F.M.U. / - / Malmoe / + / Roissy-Orly / +Aldergrove / + / Copenhagen / + / Manchester / + / Roma / +
Athens / - / Corfu / + / Milan / + / Russia Team / +
Barcelona / + / Dublin / + / Minsk / + / Schiphol / +
Belgrade / + / Dusseldorf / + / Moscow / + / Shannon / +
Berlin / + / Faro/Santa Maria / + / Munich / + / Skopje / -
Bordeaux / + / Frankfurt / + / New York / + / Sofia / -
Bremen / + / Iceland / + / Nice / - / Stavanger / +
Brest / + / Karlsruhe / + / Norway / + / Tampere / +
Brindisi / - / Kiev / + / Padua / + / Vienna / +
Brussels / + / Lisbon / + / Paris / + / Vilnius / +
Bucharest / + / London / + / Prague / - / Warsaw / +
Budapest / + / Maastricht / + / Prestwick / + / Zagreb / +
Canarias / + / Madrid / + / Reims / + / Zurich / +
The meeting had a quorum acc. Chapter 2 of the ECC Manual.
Item 1:
The representative of the board of sports of the city of Leuven, Mr. Willy Verlinden, welcomed the meeting.
The Chairman Allan Beattie welcomed the meeting and thanked the sponsors of tonight’s event.
The Chairman called the meeting to a minute of silence for 3 colleagues having passed away as well as the victims of the Madrid bomb attack.
The Secretary Rolf Sugland performed the roll call of those attending.
There were 2 proxies and after some late arrivals there were 47 of 56 teams present.
The meeting had the necessary quorum.
Item 2:
There were no deletions.
Item 3:
Team CFMU have withdrawn.
That reduces the number of eligible teams to 55.
Item 4:
There were no applications from new teams.
Item 5:
The minutes of the CM 2003 were adopted without discussion and unanimously.
Item 6:
The treasurer Cornelia Klee presented the financial report. There were no questions.
The Audit Committee were Munich and Schiphol. They found the report in order.
The new Audit Committee for 2005 are Dublin and London.
Item 7:
There was mail concerning the selection of teams and a vote of thanks from team Zurich concerning the condolences expressed by the EC.
Item 8:
The OC Reims advised the meeting that they had made a surplus of 4800,- € (= 100,-€ per team). They would either refund this money cash or transfer it as entry fee to the OC 2005.
Item 9:
Teams Padova and Munich, on behalf of others, were not satisfied about the room allocation policy. They felt a misbalance between the rooms offered and the costs. The OC stated their point of view. The Chairman then explained the situation of OC’s in general and asked the participants for patience, cooperation and understanding.
At this point the Chairman presented a certificate to the OC Brussels stating that they have hosted the ECC 2004.
Item 10:
Team Moscow applied to host ECC 2005 in Antalya (Turkey) in May 2005. They handed out brochures and presented their bid. They stated they were ready to host ECC 2005. Being the only applicant for 2005 the meeting then voted in favor of their bid under the provision that the EC would inspect the venue and give their approval a.s.a.p.
There were no candidates for 2006 or beyond as yet.
Item 11:
There was one proposal to the Manual by team Bordeaux to allot an extra participation point to the winners of the “Spirit” trophy and the “Fair Play” trophy. This proposal was defeated by 18 against and 6 abstentions.
Item 12:
The Chairman advised the meeting that the “Golden Goal” rulle will be withdrawn by the FIFA on July 1st, 2004. Therefore the Manual will be corrected accordingly.
The Chairman addressed future OC’s again to the problems concerning double/twin beds/bedrooms. Future OC’s must state the availability of beds without any doubt in their infos.
The Chairman recommended that all participants must have their ID’s available at any time. Otherwise there might occur problems if an unconcious person must be delivered to a hospital.
The Chairman also advised all players to have their ATC ID’s with them at any time to perform a proper “doping” test.
Item 13:
The EC Secretary introduced 7 candidates for the new EC.
Allan Beattie (Prestwick), Cornelia Klee (Maastricht), Charles Carpenter (New York), Marc Brinkis (Karlsruhe), Fernando Madeira (Lisbon), Rory McDonough (Shannon), Andrea Quercia (Milan)
The counting was performed by teams Zurich and Dusseldorf as well as Jozsef Bakos and Rolf Sugland of the EC.
The new EC consists of:
Allan Beattie (Prestwick)
Cornelia Klee (Maastricht)
Charles Carpenter (New York)
Marc Brinkis (Karlruhe)
Rory McDonough (Shannon)
Item 14:
Team Milan wished to introduce a new challenge cup to be presented the ladies in the ECC. This was approved by the meeting.
As Rolf Sugland and Jozsef Bakos resigned from the EC they expressed their thanks to the meeting for the pleasant atmosphere all over the years and handed over their chairs to the new committee members.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 20:40 hrs including a vote of thanks to the OC Brussels.
Following the meeting the OC invited the team captains for lunch and drinks.