Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church
1228 2nd Avenue
Berwick, PA 18603
(570) 752-3184
Rev. Michael Demko, Rector
January 17, 2016
Venerable and God-bearing St Anthony the Great
Troparion tone 4
Thou didst imitate the ways of zealous Elijah,
and didst follow the straight path of John the Baptist.
Thou becamest a desert-dweller,
strengthening the world by thy prayers.//
O Father Anthony, intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved!
Birthdays-Luke Hottenstein-January 22
Nick Patlovich-January 23
Remember in your Prayers: Archbishop Nikon, Archimandrite Athanasy, Priest Emilian, Priest John, Priest Nicholas, Mary, Roland, David, Cayden, Kathryn, Larraine, Jennifer, Rose, Maria, Effie, Christina, Donna, Emalee, John, Christine, Matthew, Ivy Elizabeth, Yvette, Tyler, David, Marie, Jenny, Paul, Paul, Annie, Erin, Clare, John, Dianne, Joe, Kevin, Bryce, Luke, Melanie, Larry, David, Anna, Boyd, Stavro, Thomas, Ethan, Benjamin, Emmitt, Mary, Jack, James, Alaina, Jewel, Kyle, William, Donna, Ron, Elizabeth, Christina, Missy, Bob, Carol, Leadeth, Linda, Korey, Cathy, Nathan, Tamie, Maggie, Tom, Mike, Artem, Jane, Linda, Laura, Antonina, Elaine, Cali, Mariah, James, John, Barbara, Tom, George, David, Charlie, Joseph, Heather, Leyla, Betty, Elizabeth, Emerson, Michelle, Nick, Sam, Mark, Jean, Andy, Nicole, Ally, Reagan, Tara, Sam, Ray, Diane, Nicholas, Bill, Julia, Hannah, Edward, Rick, Roy, Mary, Michael, Taylor
Sunday January 17- Church School 8:30 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am followed by fellowship and Great Blessing of Water at the Test Track.
Wednesday January 20-Daily Vespers 6:30 followed by Orthodoxy 101
Saturday January 23-Vespers and Confession 6pm
Sunday January 24- Church School 8:30 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am followed by fellowship
The Winter Fiesta will be held in the church hall on Sunday, January 31st, following Divine Liturgy. Fellowship Hour will be cancelled on this day. Everyone is welcome to attend. Cost is $15 for adults, $7.50 for children.
Father Michael will continue home blessings this week. If you would like your home blessed please call Fr. Michael to set an appointment.
Collection for January 10
Candles-$162.00; Loose Money-$175.00; Weekly Envelopes-$636.00; Donations (Prop. Giving)-$900.00; Halo Reim-$57.02; Outreach-$25.00; Initial off.-$5.00; Special funds (Cap.)-$20.00; Total-$1,980.02
I no longer fear God, but I love Him. For perfect love casts out fear.St. Anthony the Great