Minutes of the Club Management Committee meeting held at Sovereign Harbour on 14th October 2016 commencing at 6:30 PM
Present: Wes Mechen (Chair), Michaela Furlong (Vice Chair), David Stringer (Secretary), Adrian Elliott (Treasurer), Lee Dunstall, Faye McClelland, Kerry Duinhoven, Kevin Key.
Apologies: Julie Honess
Item / Minute / Action1
1.2 / Opening Remarks.
The meeting was opened and the agenda reviewed.
As this was the inaugural management meeting no previous minutes were available for review.
2.4 / New Business.
DS presented the club constitution and club code of conduct to the committee for approval. These were line by lined with pen amendments as necessary. The final version of these documents will be produced and presented to the club officers for signature prior to them being made available to club members.
Roles and responsibilities of both the club officers and management committee members were discussed with roles being formalised: These are to be added to the club constitution and are as follows:
Chair Wes Mechen
Vice-Chair Michaela Furlong
Secretary David Stringer
Treasurer Adrian Elliott
Membership Secretary Lee Dunstall
Social Secretary Michaela Furlong
Welfare Officer Michaela Furlong
Kit Manager Kerry Duinhoven
Race and Events Coordinator Shane Barnes
Communications Officer Julie Honess
Social Media Officer Faye McClelland
Swim training coordinator Lee Dunstall
Bike training coordinator Kevin Key
Run training coordinator Wes Mechen/Michaela jugh Furlong
It was decided to increase membership and promote the club the first two sessions would be free. After this point then membership of the club should mandatory to continue benefitting from the sessions. To record both this and the current membership a Membership book was to be procured to record set attendance. The same book will also record all current members and emergency contact details so they are available at each set.
As Treasurer and to maintain visibility to produce the annual financial statements Adi will require to be added to the club bank account.
The decision making process was discussed and added to the constitution. For a quorum to exist two thirds of committee members must be present and greater than fifty percent of the vote to pass any motion.
It was proposed a twitter account was set up to promote the club to the wider triathlon community. Lady Faye McClelland expressed an interest in this Social Media role and will compliment the existing communications officer post which exists to run the email account and produce race reports for local press and generally keep the membership informed of all things TriTempo outwith social media. All other committee members will pass info to the Social Media Officer reference social, racing and results for condensing into 140 characters and posting. / DS
3.2 / Income
The bank account currently stands at £225.
The club has been sponsored by Executive Insurance to the sum of £400 and Sussex Police to the sum of £300.
Once these monies have been received the club account will stand at £925.
4.2 / Outgoings
Kevin Key has donated a gazebo to the club for use at events for club bags etc., thank you to Kevin for this, as it will help immensely. It was proposed a large club branded flag is also funded to compliment this.
Also proposed was a large digital stopwatch and white board to aid self timing and understanding of the Tuesday Run Set. This will require both the digital clock and a rain proof Perspex enclosure.
As it is getting darker for the evening run set it was proposed high visibility tabards are purchased possibly branded with the club and sponsor logos to aid safety on the prom.
A club rear zip trisuit is to be designed and manufactured and made available to club members at a discounted price. Three designs are to be produced including the club logo as well as those of the sponsors. These designs will then be voted on by all paid members to allow the winning design to be available for the beginning of the 2017 season. / KK
5.1 / Coaching
Due to the club currently having no qualified BTF Club Coaches it was proposed the current committee members who currently write the sets are given a small contribution to the cost of attending these courses. The club aim is to have at least 3 fully qualified coaches by the end of next season. Other committee members have also expressed an interest in specialist swim coach courses through ASA and specialist cycling coach courses through British Cycling. This will add to the value of coaching to the club members. / LMF, WM, LD, KK, JH, LFMc
5.2 / Due to the winter months looming the current club sets were discussed. Sea swims will be continued under the Swim co-ordinator Lee Dunstall for the hard core with pool swim club sessions on a Monday/Friday evening and Sunday pre-lunch/post ride session at the Sovereign Center as well as ad hoc non coached sessions for those availble.
Cycling coordinator Kevin Key will continue the Sunday sessions and look at a fortnightly Wednesday evening session at 6:30pm.
A turbo set will also be added on Monday evening. Depending on numbers this will take place in the Tempo run shop. Should demand be higher than that can cater to a hall will have to be hired. This will then be subject to a fee to cover the cost.
Run coordinators Wes Mechen and Lady Michaela Furlong will continue with the Tempo Tuesday run set although this has now relocated to the top prom rather than the Western Lawns due to the failing light. It was also requested a few weeks sets could be published in advance to allow members advance access and reduce explanation on the day. / LD
6.3 / Events
For 2017 it was proposed we promote certain races to ensure good turn out and continue to put the club on the map.
The first of these will be the Triathlon England South East Inter Club Senior Series. This consists of 5 events where the clubs best 3 of the 5 events will count. At each event the club will require at least 3 Men and 3 Women to count. At the end of the season the top three clubs in the league will attend the prize giving at the Triathlon England South East AGM/Dinner. The events do not have firm dates as yet but consist of the following:
East Grinstead pool sprint
Redhill pool sprint
Mid Sussex pool sprint (Burgess Hill)
Ocean Lake open water sprint (Kent)
Southwater Relays (open water super sprint)
The TriTempo Club Championships 2017 will take place at Ringmer Sprint Tri.
To ensure maximum exposure/interest a Team Manager will be appointed to encourage and coordinate attendance at the above events. This was done exceptionally well in 2016 for the clubs first Southwater Relays by Lady Michaela Furlong. Shane Barnes has also expressed an interest in this type of role and so will be approached.
The Beer Mile was deemed a great success in 2016 and it was proposed this be an ongoing club commitment. It was suggested this remained an interclub event and organisation remained split between TriTempo and Run Wednesdays. Danny Garbett will be approached to put the idea forward.
It was also put forward to have an xmas version called the mince pie mile in the future.
The Christmas dinner has been booked and meal choices will go out soon. A secret santa will also take place during the evening with a max present cost of £5. / SB
7 / AOB
In addition to the annual Xmas dinner it was proposed to have an end of season BBQ each year with prizegiving. Prizes will not necessarily be race performance related but also for enthusiasm and contributions to the club moral, wellbeing and organisation. / LMF
8 / Date of next meeting
The committee will meet again at a date to be confirmed in January 2017 to report progress on the above actions.
A club AGM will be held in March to present the current plans to the members and get feedback and ideas.
A further committee meeting will then take place in April to take forward members feedback. / DS