Campus Location:Georgetown, StantonEffectiveDate:2018-52
CourseNumberand Title:ENV215OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations
Prerequisites:CHM 110
CourseHours andCredits:2 credits
2 lecture hours/week
1lab hours/week
CourseDescription:This courseprovides simulationand hands-onexercises as theyrelatetohazardous materials and hazardous waste.
Required Text(s):Obtain current information at or visit the bookstore. (Check your course schedule for the course number and section.)
Additional Materials:
Disclaimer:Upon successful completion, students areawarded the 40- hourOccupational Safetyand Health Administration (OSHA) certification.
1.Explain allfederal regulations dealingwith Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) hazardouswaste considerations, including29CodeofFederal Regulations(CFR)1910.120.(CCC1, 2, 4, 6; PGC EET 1)
2.Describethe various aspects of medical surveillances, monitoring, hazard controls,exposure routes, and exposuresymptoms.(CCC1,2, 5, 6; PGC EET 1)
3.Describethe chemical and physical natureofhazardous chemicals:their characteristics, reactions, and classificationsschemes. (CCC1, 2, 5, 6;PGC EET 1)
4.Statethe health hazards, conditions,symptoms,and monitoringrequirement situations involvingoxygen deficiency, coldand heat exposure, and biological hazards.
(CCC1, 2, 4, 5, 6; PGC EET 1)
5.Explain the major aspects of toxicology, includingtoxicity,lethal dose (LD50), immediatelydangerous tolifeorhealth (IDLH),permissibleexposurelimits(PEL), referenceexposurelevels (REL), thresholdlimitvalues (TLV), and acuteversustoxic effects. (CCC 1,2, 4, 5, 6;PGC EET 1, 2, 4, 5)
6.Identifyboth engineeringcontrols and safework practices used on hazardous waste sites, includingconfined spacesafetyprocedures. (CCC1, 2, 4, 5, 6; PGC EET 1, 2)
7.Statethe characteristics of themajor types of respiratoryprotective equipment andhow to correctlyuse and work inseveral levels of personal protectiveequipment (PPE).
(CCC1, 2, 5, 6; PGC EET1, 2)
8.Describethe main typesofhazardous waste emergencies,and list federal regulations concerningrequired procedures andworker responsibilities in the event ofan emergency. (CCC1, 2, 4, 5, 6; PGC EET 1)
9.Develop a fullsitesafetyplan forahazardous waste site. (CCC1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; PGC EET 1, 2)
See Core Curriculum Competencies and Program Graduate Competencies at the end of the syllabus. CCPOs are linked to every competency they develop.
Measurable PerformanceObjectives(MPOs):
Upon completion of thisclass, the student will:
- Explain allfederal regulations dealingwith Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) hazardouswaste considerations, including29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.120.
1.1Describethe role ofOSHA in protectingthe healthand safetyofworkers.
1.2CiteOSHA safetystandards applicable to work on hazardous waste sites.
1.3Statethe applicable provisions of 29 CFR 1910.120.
1.4Describethe rights and responsibilities of employers and employees involved in clean-up operations on hazardous waste sites.
- Describethe various aspects of medical surveillances, monitoring, hazard controls, exposure routes, and exposuresymptoms.
2.1Describethe importanceofmedical surveillancein safeguardingthe healthof hazardous waste workers.
2.2Explain the benefits to both employees and employers of fullcooperation in a program of medical surveillance.
2.3Describethe practical aspects behind legal requirements formedical surveillance underOSHAstandards.
2.4Citethe potential adverse effects of overexposureto chemicalscommonly encountered on hazardous waste sites.
2.5Describespecific medical monitoringprocedures andtestingprotocolsused in medical surveillance.
2.6Work effectivelywith experts inoccupationalmedicinetoset up a comprehensive program of medical surveillance designed to address site-specificneeds.
2.7Identify chemistryand chemicals in theworkplace.
2.8Citethe need for advanceplanningregardinghazard avoidance and correction.
2.9Statespecific hazards and how to identifythem.
2.10Describethe chemical and physiological basis forcertain hazards.
2.11Consider both engineeringand personal hazardcontrols.
2.12Statesymptoms of human illness resultingfrom hazards.
- Describethe chemical and physical natureofhazardous chemicals:their characteristics, reactions, and classificationsschemes.
3.1Describethe natureofatoms, molecules, ions, and compounds.
3.2Define andgive examples of acids andbases.
3.3Describe and applythe concept of pH.
3.4Explain the concept of chemical reactions.
3.5Explain atomic number,and usethe periodictable.
3.6Describethe natureoforganic chemical compounds.
3.7Listspecial hazards presented byheavymetals,strongoxidizingagents, and organic monomers.
3.8Applybasic chemistryknowledgeto safepracticesin workingwith chemicals.
3.9Reinforceabasic chemistryvocabulary.
3.10Explain the physical properties that best characterizedangerous substances.
3.11Classifydifferent types of chemical reactions, fires, and explosions.
3.12Listsome ofthe effects of fireon personnel.
3.13Describe rationale and general methodologybehind compatibilitystaging, fingerprinting,and bulkingoperations.
- Statethe health hazards, conditions,symptoms, and monitoringrequirement situations involvingoxygen deficiency, cold and heat exposure, and biological hazards.
4.1Statenormal and safelevels of oxygen in air.
4.2Recognizelocations whereoxygen maybe expected to be deficient.
4.3Citemonitoringand air replacingequipment usedin potentiallyhazardous locations.
4.4Recognizethe weather conditions underwhich heat and cold stress can occur.
4.5Cite contributingfactorsto heat and coldstress.
4.6Statehow to monitor conditions and workers subject to heat and cold stress.
4.7Statesymptoms,prevention,and treatmentoftemperaturestress response.
4.8Statebiohazards that maybepresent on a site and how to recognizethem.
4.9Statewhat responses to biohazard recognition willreduceorprevent exposureto them.
- Explain the major aspects of toxicology, includingtoxicity,lethal dose (LD50), immediatelydangerous tolifeorhealth (IDLH),permissibleexposurelimits(PEL), referenceexposurelevels (REL), thresholdlimitvalues (TLV), and acuteversus toxic effects.
5.1Associatetoxic substances withpoisons.
5.2Describefactorsaffecting toxicity.
5.3Explain the concept ofLD50and the relationship ofLD50teststo other tests.
5.4Explain the conceptexposure =dosex time.
5.5Explain how exposure to morethan one chemicalcan haveseveral outcomes.
5.6Describetoxicsubstances,such as carcinogens, mutagens, and/or teratogens, that havedelayedeffects.
5.7Distinguishbetween acute and chroniceffects of exposureto toxic substances.
5.8Identifythe threemain routes ofentryoftoxic substances into the body.
5.9Describethe concepts of IDLH, PEL, RELand TLV.
5.10Statethe significanceofmaterials safetydatasheets (MSDS) and the right to examinethem.
- Identifybothengineeringcontrolsandsafeworkpracticesusedonhazardouswastesites, includingconfined spacesafetyprocedures.
6.2Describethe reasons for engineeringcontrols.
6.3Identifyengineeringcontrols that areusedon hazardous waste sites, andexplain why they are used.
6.4Identify causes of unsafeacts and conditions.
6.5Describe and safelycarryout a confined spaces operation.
6.6Demonstrate safedrum handling.
- Statethe characteristics of themajor types of respiratoryprotective equipment and howto correctlyuseand work inseveral levels of personal protective equipment (PPE).
7.1Statethe reasonsfor air monitoring.
7.2Describethe principles of operation and useofthe followingair monitoring devices: oxygen meter, combustiblegas meter, flameionization detector(FID), ultraviolet (UV)photoionization meter (PIM), and direct readingcolorimetric indicator tubes.
7.3Statethe limitationsof each instrument.
7.4Statehow to safelyuse the equipment in ahazardous waste setting.
7.5Identifythevarious typesof atmosphericdevices.
7.6Statewhyand wherethesedevices areworn on hazardous wastesites.
7.7Statetheairborne contaminants thedevices collect.
7.8Statethe distinguishingcharacteristics ofthe majortypes of respiratoryprotective equipment.
7.9Statethe selection considerations, advantages anddisadvantages of thedifferent types of respirators.
7.10Describethe importanceof respirator facepiece-to-face fit,and state methods of fit testing.
7.11Identifythe complexities involved in chemicalprotective clothing(CPC)selection.
7.12Describethe importanceofusingproperlyselected CPC.
7.13Cite available types of protective clothingand accessories.
7.14RecognizetheEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)levels of protection forPPE ensemble and cite various requirements forsafeuseofPPE.
7.15Describethe importanceofthe components of asamplingplan that will help ensurethat the plan is fullyimplemented, thus ensuringworker safety.
- Describethe main typesofhazardous waste emergencies and list federal regulations concerningrequired procedures andworker responsibilities in the event ofan emergency.
8.1Listfederal regulationsconcerningrequired procedures andworkers’responsibilities in the event of an emergency.
8.2Describethe main typesof emergencies, thehazards theypose, and what workers can do to combat them.
8.3Explain the government regulationsapplicable to the transport of hazardous wastes.
8.4Describe the meaning of labels and placards.
8.5Explain the meaningandpurposes ofmanifests.
8.6Statethe goalsandcomponents of adecontaminationplan.
8.7Differentiate between physical and chemical decontamination methodsand appropriate usesofeach.
8.8Describeprocedures fordecontaminatingpersonnel,clothing, tools, and vehicles.
9.Developa fullsitesafetyplan forahazardous waste site.
9.1Develop a sitesafetyplan forahazardous waste site.
Evaluation Criteria/Policies:
Students must demonstrate proficiency on all CCPOs at a minimal 75 percent level to successfully complete the course. The grade will be determined using the DTCC grading system:
92 / – / 100 / = / A83 / – / 91 / = / B
75 / – / 82 / = / C
0 / – / 74 / = / F
Students should refer to the Student Handbook ( for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.
Core Curriculum Competencies (CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop):
- Apply clear and effective communication skills.
- Use critical thinking to solve problems.
- Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
- Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
- Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
- Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.
ProgramGraduateCompetencies(PGCs are the competencies every graduate will develop specific to his or her major):
- Apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and applicable tools of the discipline to engineering activities, including but not limited to site development, hydraulics and hydrology, grading, water and wastewater treatment, pollution prevention and treatment, and sustainable design.
- Conduct standardized field and laboratory testing.
- Demonstrate a commitment to quality, timeliness, professional development, and continuous improvement.
- Use graphic techniques and productivity software to produce technical documents.
- Explain the major aspects of the normal ecology of the planet and risks associated with polluting the environment.
- Apply current federal, state and local environmental and safety regulations.
Disabilities Support Statement
The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with your campus Disabilities Support Counselor if you feel that you may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability. A listing of campus Disabilities Support Counselors and contact information can be found at or visit the campus Advising Center.