a) Vacant


a) Terri Helfand

b) Vacant


a)  Marie Boyd, present

b)  Toks Oduwole


a)  Susan Herman, present

b)  Heather MacDonald, present


a)  Sean Connelly

b) Stephen Calebotta, present


a)  Mary Jane Ross, present

b)  Robert Rundquist, present


a)  Joann Eisberg, present

b)  Rod Elsdon, present


a)  Robert Carlton, present

b)  Vince Nobile, present


a)  Kip Prebble, present

b) Vacant


John Fay, Negotiator


1. PRESIDENT: Bret McMurran (652-6268), present

Social & Behavioral Sciences

2. VICE PRESIDENT: Marylee Requa, present

Social & Behavioral Sciences

3. SECRETARY: Paula Snyder, present

Social & Behavioral Sciences

4. TREASURER: Will Carrick, present

College & Student Services

5. GRIEVANCE CHAIR: Jonathan Ausubel (652-6937), present

Language Arts

6. PAC CHAIR: Vacant


President Bret McMurran called the Rep Council meeting to order today at 12:32pm. The agenda was approved.


The Minutes for the Rep Council meeting held on April 28, 2008 were distributed via email and read before the meeting. It was moved and seconded that the Minutes of April 28, 2008 be approved as amended. The motion was passed unanimously.


A. Phones in Classrooms: cannot dial 911

Problems related to the phone system discussed. The phone is dialing when it is initially lifted from the cradle. This issue will be brought up at President’s Council. Suggested that the phones should connect to other services such as Audio Visual in case there are technical problems in the classroom.

B. Chaffey Budget and Reserve

·  For the 2007-2008 actual budget the College earned a $62,168 surplus.

·  The 2007-2008 adopted budget stated that we would have a $2.8 million deficit.

·  The reserve now stands at $14.5 million (about 18.12% of the expected expenditures for 2008-2009.

·  The 2008-2009 adopted budget (passed in Aug.) shows a deficit of $3.6 million.

Concerns raised regarding the amount that the District was off on their calculation. The College usually does better than was initially stated by the District. The College appears to be doing quite well financially.

C. Adjunct instructors are now allowed to teach 67% of a full time load.

This is effective as of January 2009. In SBS these instructors can go up to three classes comfortably.

D. Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) and


Previously we’ve been told that the College cannot reveal student issues such as potential for violence. However, it has been suggested that this is not the case. This is a health and safety issue for employees of the College. This is a policy within the Contract. Approximate wording in the Contract, “The District will inform us to the extent of the law . . .” If a student has a potential for violence . . . need to set up a procedure whereby employees can, in fact, be informed of this health and safety issue. The procedure must be consistent with the law and clearly spell out what can and cannot be revealed to employees. It appears that the student has no obligation to reveal this when enrolling at the College.

A few members describe incidences on campus regarding safety. In some cases students have self-reported psychiatric difficulties (e.g., to an instructor or other unit on campus). Expressed that the Council needs to become aware of this law as well as where these records are kept on campus (i.e., a student’s potential for violence).

Suggested that the Health and Safety Committee work on this issue and then report back to the Council.

Motion carried to appoint a Council member to Health and Safety Committee who will report on this (Mary Jane Ross). This item will remain on the agenda.

E. iTunes Task Force

A few members describe this . . . some universities pod cast

lectures, but student attendance has declined as a result. At

Chaffey, this tool is intended to have instructors create assignments

that involve video clips, etc. to be hosted on the Apple server. All

of the equipment has not been received yet. We do not have

adequate staff in the library to deal with this either. There also is

a concern regarding copyright infringement. The intent was to

supplement classes rather than replacing class attendance.

Does this affect working conditions? Some believe that it is does

not affect working conditions. As long as it is optional, it should

be fine . . . and viewed as another way to serve students.

Instructors should not have to be taped against their permission.

Students may even need training in how to go out into the

community and record community members.

Might be problematic as far as monitoring students on library

Computers libraries (e.g., visiting sites such as YouTube, which

now be a part of coursework rather than extraneous)

Discussion tabled.

F. Other items


IV. Officers' Reports

A. Treasurer/Membership: Will Carrick

Report distributed (e.g., membership list recorded by Schools, financial report

B. Chief Negotiator: Jonathan Ausubel

Town halls will be scheduled toward the end of October regarding

Coordination (issues for department members rather than the


C. Grievance Officer: Jonathan Ausubel

Brief report . . . many issues continuing at this time. A meeting to be scheduled with the District regarding grievance avoidance.

V. Committee Reports

A. Calendar Committee: Doug Duno and Rod Elsdon

Nothing to report

B.PAC: vacant

Nothing to report

C. Health and Safety Committee: vacant (first meeting Wed. September 10 from 2:30-4:00)

Position filled at the current meeting (Mary Jane Ross).

D.Distance Education Committee: Bret McMurran

E. Curriculum Committee: vacant

Motion passed to accept a member as curriculum representative (Joann Eisberg).

F. Evaluations Procedures Committee: Bob Carlton and Bret McMurran

Forms will be worked on and then sent to negotiators for final approval. Suggested that the language in these forms should be consistent with what is in the contract . . . discussion ensues. The issue will have to be brought up with the Evaluations Procedures Committee.

G Medical Benefits Task Force: Chris Flores and Bob Carlton

Changes with Kaiser Permanente have occurred. Nothing further to report.

H. Labor, Management Committee: Marylee Requa, Jonathan Ausubel and Bret McMurran

SLOs Best Practice for Adjunct

·  E-mail distributed regarding this issue

Chino Card Entry System (Best Practice)

·  Instructors expected to swipe in and swipe out of the classroom even if the next instructor was present. Concerns regarding monitoring of instructor activity and liability regarding security.

Professional Service Responsibilities

·  Question regarding serving as a representative of the union on a specific committee. Is this considered fulfillment of Professional Service (18.2.3). Will have to be negotiated.

Faculty Absence Reporting

·  Relates to Monday through Thursday service. If you are absent on Thursday, but don’t return until Monday, Friday should not count as a part of your absence. Need to develop a best practice regarding how employees are informed of how this policy works.

Contract Forms from Task Force

·  Most forms are fine. Nothing further to report.

Personal Necessity Leave ("personal business day")

·  Permissible to use for graduation or wedding of a child? There is an attempt to broaden the definition of what “personal necessity” is. The College can ask for documentation to verify. The current policy encourages employees to disguise the truth (e.g., don’t ask, don’t tell).

·  Contract states the event must be “serious in nature.”

VI. Old Business

A. PAC chair nominee

Will solicit a new chair.

B. Grievance Committee: Change in the By-laws

Previously, the committee would be created as a result of a specific

issue. This is now a standing committee (President of CCFA and two grievance officers) and is reflected in suggested changes in the by-laws. A vote will be taken at the next meeting.

VII. New Business

A. Proposed MOU to amend: 18.7.1 Temporary (part-time) faculty

shall neither be scheduled nor work more than a .60 equated load per term.

Agreed that this issue will be passed on to the negotiators.

B. Non-instructional Work Week

Question regarding if additional work, such as committee service or attending department meetings must be outside of the 32 hour work week (make sure this is correct). Committees and meeting attendance should be a part of the employee’s 32 hours per week. Concern that this interpretation would dissuade employees from participating on committees. Perhaps this will be a non-issue this academic year.

VIII.Floor Items:

·  Faculty member who has been hired by a grant and now would like to work as an adjunct. Should grant be counted as a part of the adjunct work load? Told that the faculty would be denied an assignment because it would be over the load limit for adjunct. Need to assess the funding category of the grant. Tabled for further discussion.

·  Accreditation issue . . . Must SLOs be a part of the faculty evaluation? There is a statement in the Accreditation materials to the effect that faculty will be evaluated according to their “. . . effectiveness in helping students achieve their SLOs . . . .” There is a discrepancy regarding the accreditation agency’s ability to mandate an evaluation standard. Tabled for further discussion.

IX. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 1:53 p.m.