Violent video games causebehaviorproblems
With theadvancement in technology, violent video gameshavebecomepopular with adults, childrenand teens. However, most of them entails on negativethemessuch as the killing of theopponentandviolence. In thiscase, manyviolent video gameshavebecomemorelifelike. Engaging in violent video game can lead to a criticalproblembecauseadults, teens andchildren can developbehaviorproblemssuch as antisocialbehavior, which may maketheplayer deviate from thereality (Science Daily, 2). Excessiveexposure of violent video gamealso makestheplayeraddict to it, thuspromotingmorebehaviorproblems. Most of the negative effects of video games are associated with emotional, andpsychologicalproblems,. Violent video games may alsodecreaseviolence by serving as an alternativeto flip androughplayand through giving a secureoutletforangryandbelligerentfeelings.
Technology is one of thegrowingconcerns in modernsociety. It is everywhereandaccessible to everyone, and its effectsare manipulated on thebehavior of the users. Video gaming is one of theknowledge that havebecome a concern in themodernsociety. According to a researchdone by a psychologist Craig Anderson,on theimpacts of violent video game on children, childrenwhospendmuch of their time say playing violent video game may be destroying their capability to concentrateandfocus on variousworks in schoolsandhome (Science Daily, 14). Thestudyillustratesthatchildrenwhoexcessivelyplayviolent video gamedevelopsattentionproblemsmore than thosewhoplayfor a shortertime. Also, from researchdone by Karen E. Dill, which assessedelementaryschoolchildrenusingreports from childrenandparents; about gamehabitsandreports from teachers on theissue of attentionproblems. Thestudy revealed that children who played violent video games were not attentive in class and had aggressive behavior.Moreover, theresultsshowedthatattentionsproblems worsened to howlongthechildspent on video games. It is clearthattheviolent video gamescausebehaviorproblemssuch as aggressivebehavior as a result of affectingtheattentionspan of children. This is becauseplayingviolent video gamesinducesindividualbrainchange to act in certainmanners. One is beset with informationalmost to thepoint of impregnation andit is not possibleforthemind to assimilate everything (Aboujaoude et al, 103). In addition, thebraintakesonlywhatitwants in a givensituation. Thismeansthatone can change his or her minds. Just like a computer, thebrain is alwaysprocessing data andhenceexposing one to violent video gamealterthe processing of themind. In themodernworld, personal interface with a computer is vitally given. From thetimechildrenenterschool,they are exposed to accesscomputers, whereby their primaryinterest is something that can make them feeljovial. In thiscase, theyengage in playing video games. Similarly, at home, child’s room is fairly an averagehomeandparentshavedisplaced their rolesandencouragechildren to play video games to make them happy without knowingtheriskthattheycreate to thechild. Thisfurthertheproblem of attentionandfail to improvehumanintelligencethusriskingmentalcapacity, which havebeenestablished by violent video game.(Science Daily, 15)
There is an extensivebeliefthattheviolent video gameeffectschild’s attentionspan. Forexample, about 42% of people in the United States come to an agreementthat in 2020, childrenwhoplayviolent video game will be distracted, lackintelligenceskills, andthirstonlyforpromptsatisfaction (John, 409). Furthermore, teachersbelievethattheviolent video game has extensivelyaffectedchild'sattentionspan. Also, highschoolteachersbelievethattheviolent video game is building a highly unfocused generation with a shortattentionspan. As a matter of fact, goodbrainsgrowstrongandextensive neural highway, which can immediatelyand efficiently allocatevariousaspects of thework to themosteffectualsystem. Thisefficiency is enhancedonly by activepractice in learningandthinkingthatfurthercreatesstrongernetworks. An increasingsuspicion among thebrain researchers showsthatexcessive playing of violent video gameeffectsthesetypes of networks, which in turn can inducethehabits of usingtheincorrectsystems of a differentkind oflearning. Acompleteattentionspancomes as a result of brains that are mature. Asthebraindevelops, thosewidespreadconnectionsalsogrowandcontrolandfocus of higher cortical level of function of attentionspan. Excessiveexposure to violent video game may enhancethegrowth of thebrainsystem, which scananddivertattention at theexpense of those that concentrateattention. Forexample, in homesand classrooms, children are seen with impulsivecharacters, lagging behind to foster a feeling of willingnessand to persevere through mental challenging workand with limitedimpulsivecontrol. Thisis seen with childrenexcessivelyplayviolent video games. (John, 429).
Watchingvisualimages on thescreenstimulatesthebrain orienting feedback. This is from thefactthathumanbeings are programmed to look at therapidchanges in thevisualfield,hencethecolorful, fastimages on video game are hardforthelowbrainsystem to deny. Thus, theearlier a humanbeinggets a passive video gaming practice, themorepossibilityattentionspan will not usuallydevelop. Humanbeing can be entrained to keepplayingviolent video games. Thequickerspeed of images through video gaming, themorepossibilityhumanbeing will continueto engage in andthe more possibilitytheplayer'sattentionspan will be shudderedaround. Thespeed of the video gameimagesdeterminestheplayerdurationattentionspan, hence, since imageschangerapidly, sodoesplayerattention, which in turndeterminestheattentionspan of thechild to attend in individualactivity. (John, 415).
Astheplayer of violent video gameattempt to concentrate on thementalchallenge, theystop their activityandfocus on thescreen. Acontinuouschain of interruptions disengages theplayerinnerspeech during thedevelopment of self-directed experience. Sustainedandfocusingattentionbecomedisjointedandeventuallyvanish. Theplayerdoesno longer construct an internal, personalmeaning through theprocess of thinking, hencecapturingtheattention through theexternalappearance. Theinternalmechanismiftheattentionspandecreases as theplayerbecomestheviewer. Theeffect of violent video game on theplayer’s attentionspan has severerepercussion. In addition, criticsclaimthatplayingviolent video gamesdeadenstheparticipants to real-life violenceand is accountableforhighrates of bullying. Forexample, in 2007, over 30% of highschoolstudentsreportedbeingbullied at school. (John, 420).
Violence, which is portrayed by violent video game has a significantnegativeeffect on theplayer. This has createdconcern about theeffect of violent video gamebecauseit is not limited to a particularmedia. Manydefinitionshavebeengiven to violent video game, butall of them end up to one issue, that is, theillustrationportrayals of act of objective belligerence by one humanpersonality against another. Thus, violence may lead to socialproblems of aggressiveness. This is because, peoplelearn from experienceandotherpeople’s behavior, which can be gained through playing violent video game. As a personplay video games, heorsheobservesotherbehaviorsandimitate their actions, which results in growth of cognitive scripts. Continueexperience to expressively activating violent video gamedevelopunsuitablesocialbehaviors through emotion's interruptions. Thisincreasesnegativeemotionalaction stimuli.(Knapp, 20).
Violent video gameeffectsallplayersuniformly. Some of theriskfactorsassociated with violent video game are; maternalpsychologicaldistress, lowmaternaleducationandmaritaldiscord. Violent video gameeffects are alsoinclined by thedevelopment of errandthat a playerdevelops with time. Excessiveexposure of violent video gameshows a relativesignificantrisk to thehealthstatus of theplayer. Researchshowsthattheviolent video gamecontributes to desensitization to violenceaggressivebehavior, fear of beingharmedandnightmares (Knapp, 25). Violence is not new to thehumanrace,it is an increasingproblem in thecontemporarysociety. This is because of theaccessibility of explosivesandfirearms. This has caused a seriousconsequence of violentbehavior. Some of thecauses of humanbeingviolence are; Poverty, Childabuse, exposure to communityanddomesticviolence, Family psychopathology and Substanceabuses.(Knapp, 26)
In conclusion, video games have detrimental effects. They have a severe repercussion on the player’s attention span. Most people are adversely affected by what they view or practice. In this case, the practice of playing violent video games entails th player to develop aggression and replicate to the competitor. Therefore, based on the above facts, I agree with the statement that the violent video game cause behavior problems.
Aboujaoude, Elias, and Lorrin M. Koran. Impulse control disorders. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Print.
Finds, Study. "Video Game Play Contribute to Kid's Attention Problems." Science Daily 100706161759.July 7 (2010): 2. Print.
John, Sherry. L. "The Effects of Video Games on Agression: A Meta-Analysis." Human Communication Research 3.7 (2001): 409-431. Print.
Knapp, Herschel Edmond. Desensitization aftereffects of playing violent videogames. New York: New American Library, 2001. Print.