Soroptimist International of Benicia
Minutes of the Business Meeting
September 14, 2017
Round Table Pizza, 878 Southampton Road, Benicia, CA
The meeting was called to order at 07:00 pm by PresidentPat.
Several items were added to New Business on the agenda: the Bewitching Tea, the “S” Club report, the SCOOP report, and a Live Your Dream update. Induction of new member Sue Buller was moved to the final item of New Business, and the name Helen Flowers was removed since Helen Kennedy Lazar, the new member to be inducted, wasn’t present. Maria Teresa moved to accept the agenda as changed, Sheila seconded, and the group approved.
The minutes of the June Business Meeting were reviewed. Bonnie moved to adopt the minutes, Donna seconded, and the group voted yes to adopt, with no opposing votes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer’s Report - Kathy reviewed the current bank balances and expenditures. We have $22,601.75 in our checking account, $26,420.89 in our Shelter savings account, and $6,601.00 in the checking account for committed monies. The Report will be filed for audit.
The budget for 2017-2018 was amended and approved as follows:
- Lisa moved that Chamber dues be increased to $140. Donna seconded and the group approved with no opposing votes.
- Bonnie moved that Hams & Pies be increased to $600. Donna seconded and the group approved with no opposing votes.
- Bonnie moved that the District meeting amount be increased to $1,000. Kim seconded and the group approved with no opposing votes.
- There was discussion concerning whether or not to increase the Fellowship amount. Bonnie moved that the Fellowship amount remain at $500, Maria Teresa seconded, and the group approved with one opposing vote.
- Bonnie moved to accept the budget as amended, Sheila seconded, and the group approved with no opposing votes.
Officer Reports:
- Ways and Means –
(i)Nancy M. has developed a Time Line for SI-B events, which is attached to these minutes as Appendix B.
(ii)Bonnie reviewed a proposed document showing different levels and rewards that the club can offer to corporate sponsors on an annual basis. The plan is attached to these minutes.
(iii)Volunteers are needed for Sip with Soroptimists. Nancy M. stated that Farmer’s Market will have a table for SI-B, if any one would like to sell Raley’s raffle tickets. See item #3 under New Business.
(iv)Christina S. reviewed the Runway Fashion Show, reminding members that tickets to the event at available, and that raffle tickets are also available. Raffle prizes will include designer outfits and 26 baskets made by Dona. Main Street has some of the baskets on display. Penny was recognized for her efforts in gathering raffle prizes.
- Programs – Donna has arranged for Christopher Cassels of Solano County Health and social Services to speak on Sept. 28.
- Recruitment – Bobbi reported that a new member was recruited at the Waterfront Festival, and a former member will be returning to the club.
- Retention –Nothing new to report.
There was no Unfinished Business.
New Business:
- Bonnie encouraged all members to attend the District Meeting in Petaluma since SI-B is co-hosting. The club will pay the registration fee. Kim has raffle tickets for sale.
- Lisa reviewed the teams for the Raley’s raffle ticket sales. If a member can’t sell all their tickets, they are encouraged to let their team leader know.
- Sip with Soroptimists is coming!! Volunteers are needed for every committee, and you can contact event planners Monique Louvigny and Nancy Martinez to sign up.
- The Stand Against Domestic Violence will be October 11 from 6-6:30 pm at the corner of Military and First Street. Please wear purple. Members of the “S” Club will be making individual signs for us to carry. City Council will be making a proclamation at their meeting on October 3.
- Sandy reviewed the Human Trafficking forum sponsored by the Vallejo police department. The committee will be meeting the week of September 18 to brainstorm ideas about how SI-B can be involved.
- Kathy reported that the SI-B House of Hope has residents, including a victim of human trafficking.
- Patty G. will distribute a list of items needed for the House of Hope. Kathy is the only member who can interface directly with the House. Nancy L-P and Penny were recognized for the efforts in collecting donations.
- Donna is coordinating fun events for the club. Members are encouraged to let her know of any ideas they have for events that the members can participate in just for fun.
- Karen reported that the Bewitching Tea will be on October 29, with seatings at 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm. Reservations should be made directly on the Tea Room’s web page,
- Karen reported that the “S” Club has found a faculty advisor, and will begin meetings after the BHS Club Fair. The president from last year will serve again this year.
- The SCOOP report for August is attached as Appendix A. Penny is collecting donations for the closet.
- The Live Your Dream committee is looking for applicants. Please send your suggestions to Debbie or Lisa.
- Sue Buller was inducted into the club.
There was no Pinkie Award given.
Maria Teresa reported that the Ice Cream Cart made over $500 at the Fourth of July event, and over $400 at Relay for Life.
After the pledge, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Submitted by
Joyce Reinhart, Secretary
Appendix A
Report of the Soroptimist Closet of Opportunity (SCOOP)
Usage as of May 31, 2017
From Kristin Kamm
Hello Benicia Soroptimists!
Hope this finds you well! We are so grateful for the Scoop Closet! Families are able to get through a rough patch; moms are able to get through the week! The closet is truly a God-send for many! Supplies are running low on a couple of items; Paper towels, bleach spray/Tilex, woman’s shaving cream, hand soap (pump type), size 6 diapers, and woman’s deodorant.
Here at the FRC, we are gearing up for the busy season! We will have a couple of Parent Project classes in the next few months, we are beginning to plan our Winter Pajama Drive, and are looking at possibly an Adopt-A-Family program for the Winter holidays.
We are also doing some outreach! We attended the Robert Semple Back to School BBQ on Aug 25th to talk to folks about the FRC. It was well-attended and a great time was had by all! The Fire Department Open House is coming up in October and the Mom's Group Education Fair in January. In addition to that, we will also try to coordinate a workshop at the State Funded Preschool on childhood nutrition and we are discussing ways to meet with the Parent/Teacher groups at the various elementary schools to educate them on the FRC.
Well, that’s all for now. Again, we so appreciate all that Benicia Soroptimists do! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
August 2017 Scoop Numbers
Returning families 13 (household totals of 14 adults/ 35 children)
New families 2 (household totals of 3 adults/5 children)
The above clients utilized the closet to take 121 items in total.
Thank you again Soroptimists for all you do!
Appendix B
Time Line for SIB Events
Raley’s Raffle- September-November 11th
Goal: $10,000
Chair: Lisa McVeigh
All members should try and sell tickets, hang up posters
Social Media: All
Farmers Market- September 21st & 28th 4-7
Sell Raffle Tickets & Runway Tickets 2 1 ½ hour shifts with 2 members each shift
Runway Fashion Show- September 29th & 30th
Raffle Goal: $4,000 with 100% of proceeds going towards the Safe House
Chair: Nancy Martinez
September 29th Q & A with designers
Nancy, Helaine & Bobbi to work selling raffle tickets
Raffle Prizes: Penny Stell & Nancy Martinez
September 30th Runway Fashion Show
Check in: Heather, Nancy &
Selling Raffle tickets to the check in line: Pat Butler
Selling Raffle tickets throughout the night: S Club, we have requested 5 members
All members should try to sell raffle tickets & fashion show tickets and go to the fashion show if possible
Social Media: All
Farmers Market- October 19th & 26th 4-7
Selling Raffle tickets & Sip Tickets 2 1 ½ hour shifts with 2 members each shift
Stand Against Domestic Violence-Wednesday October 11th 6pm-6:15?
Should we stand same night as Homecoming Parade or pick another Wednesday?
We need to check the parade route if we do it the same night as Homecoming.
We could use another banner & maybe raise existing one onto poles
Press Release: Nancy Martinez
Social Media: All
Proclamation: Heather McLaughlin
All should try and attend, it’s only 15-20 minutes out of your day
Bewitching Tea- October 29th, 3 seating’s: 11am, 1pm & 3pm
Goal: Sellout Maximum of 35 tickets sold per seating
Chairs Heather McLaughlin, Kerry Carney & Karen Hubbard
Proceeds to benefit Safequest
Sip with Soroptimist- November 11th 7pm-10pm
Goal: $10,000
Chair: Nancy Martinez Co-Chair Monique Louvigny
Needed: committee members
We need 100% participation, join a committee, sell tickets or work the night of event
Every member needs to talk this up, post on your social media and forward posters/postcards to friends, family & business associates
More to come
September 26, 2018Page 1 of 7