Dog Breed Project

Directions: Pick a breed of dog and create a presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.), including the required information listed below. You will then present this to the class, so we can all learn about the variety of dog breeds available!

Required Information:

·  Name of Breed

·  Group

·  Breed History (Place of origin, original use)

·  Breed Characteristics (General appearance, temperament)

·  Grooming Requirements

·  Training Requirements (Easy to train? Or stubborn?)

·  Health Concerns (Common ailments/diseases, unique feeding requirements)

·  Who would this breed be best for? (Anyone, family, very active individual, etc.)

·  Breed Spotlight (Are there famous examples of the breed?)

·  1 -2 Interesting Facts

·  MINIMUM of 5 pictures

·  Post your finished product to our EDMODO class page!

A: 100-93 / B: 92-85 / C: 84-77 / D: 76 and below
Organization / Presentation is organized, clear and easy to follow. / Project is somewhat in order, clear and organized. / Project is a little clear and organized / Nothing is organized
Information / All information is included and in great detail / All information is included, but not detailed / Some of the information is included / Information is incomplete
Creativity / Project is very creative / Project is somewhat creative / Project is a little creative / Project is not creative
Use of Class time / Used all class time wisely and did not require redirection / Used most of class time wisely and required minimum redirection / Used some of class time wisely, but required redirection / Did not use class time wisely and required constant redirection
Completed on time (max grade) / On time (100%) / 1 day late (90%) / 2 days late (80%) / 3 days late (70%)
Presentation / Clearly practiced and well spoken / Somewhat practiced and well spoken / Presentation completed / Not completed, practiced or well spoken