Themeeting opened with the Dedication recited by the Chairman.

Members were asked to remember Derek Brownett and his family following Derek’s recent death.

There were 25 present and 19 apologies.

The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated electronically and hard copies were made available to those present not on e-mail.Acceptance was proposed by Maureen, seconded by Graeme and carried.

Matters arising, 1. There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s report. 1. There were 13 members at the Beach Arms on the 16th Jan. Pip represented the branch at the Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony at the War Memorial on 27th.

Secretary’s report. 1.Two letters have been received from Area HQ asking for donations for the band and for the tombola at Area Conference. Proposed by Jim, seconded by Steve and carried that £20 is sent for each.

Treasurer’s report.1. Lynngave her report. A copy is attached.

Welfare Officer’s report. 1. The electric scooter case is ongoing. The paperwork is nearing completion and then the case will be submitted. 2. The funeral of Derek Brownett will take place at the Basingstoke Crematorium on Friday 17th February at 11.0am.

Regional Rep’s report. Nothing to report.

RAFALO’s report. No RAFALO present.

ATC Report. F S Grinham said that a planned IntakeEvening had to be cancelled owing to bad weather. It is rescheduled for 28th February. The squadron is still doing well despite staffing problems.

Social Secretary’s report. Future events were discussed. The Social Diary is attached. 1. Annual Dinner. The menu was circulated. The cost is £21 per person. It was proposed by Maureen, seconded by Jim and carried that the cost for branch members is subsidised by £3 from the Social Fund. A copy of the menu is attached to these minutes.

Wings Appeal. Two dates for this year’s collection have been agreed:

Chineham Shopping Centre 21st to 26th August.

Sainsbury Hatch Warren9th September.

Owing to adjustments made at CHQ as a result of a donation of £512:50 from RAF Odiham and a street collection in Reading of £243:03 our final total for 2016 is £6,548:26.

Any other business. 1. Steve thanked those who had donated calculators. They have now been delivered to the school on Gan. He then reported that to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the RAF next year the Gan Veteran’s Association will be holding a reunion on Gan. Contact Steve for more details. 2. Doug said he has heard from a friend that as no-one is willing to take over the necessary committee posts it is likely the Clacton branch will close.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.05 hrs. The next meeting will be on Monday 6thMarch 2017. This will be the AGM followed by a monthly meeting.

Post meeting note. The raffle raised £49:00.