
Introduce more students to Campus Life fun, get them excited about Campus Life in HD this year, and get students involved in bringing friends to the kickoff next week.

Thanks for joining us for Campus Life in HD. We are excited about this year and we are even more excited that you are a part of Campus Life. Tonight we will have a blast, hear from a few of your peers about Campus Life, and get ready for our big Kick Off next week.

Link Tag


·  Have two people be “it” to start

·  Both of these people try to tag others

·  When someone is tagged they link elbows with person who tagged them

·  Now either person can tag someone, and add them to their line

·  The two ends continue to tag people

·  When time is called (max 3 minutes) or when no one is left, see which line is longest

·  You could repeat if you have time

My name is…


·  Get in groups of 12-18 and sit in a circle.

·  1st person says their name and something they like (My name is Tom and I like Twinkies). They use first letter of their name to pick an item they like which starts with same first letter.

·  The 2nd person repeats the first person’s and adds theirs (His name is Tom and he likes Twinkies; my name is Brooke and I like boys).

·  Continue around the circle.

roLE play

We say “You can’t explain Campus Life – you have to experience it for yourself!” (Repeat a couple of times)

When you’re friends ask “What IS Campus Life,” simply use this line.

·  “You can’t explain Campus Life – you have to experience it for yourself!”

Let’s try that. Pick two students and set up a role play where one of them says the line (scenario – students standing in lunch line at school).

Then have three more pairs in slightly different scenarios repeat the line, and then add an additional line you provide:

·  I love it and you will too!

·  Dozens of students can’t be wrong – it must be fun!

·  If you try it and don’t like it I’ll buy you ice cream.
(Possible scenarios: playing video games, in bleachers at a game, walking in the hallways at school, in the bathroom)


You guys are pretty good at explaining how great Campus Life is, but let’s take a look at how other people are talking about this year’s Campus Life in HD!

Campus Life in HD Commercial

(This is a three-part wrap done by an upper classmen male student leader, an upper classmen female student leader, and the Club Director).

1st STUDENT OUTLINE – (personalize)

- Campus Life is a place I can be myself…

- The more involved you are, the more you’ll get from it

·  Share a favorite CL Big Monday moment

-  Meetings have helped me make good decisions about choices we all have to make.

·  Share about a moment during a club that has made a difference

2nd STUDENT OUTLINE (personalize)

- shares how Campus Life staff person was always there for them no matter what (a specific example or two).

- shares a story about a great trip experience with Campus Life


- I haven’t known a student who said “I wish I went to Campus Life less” but I’ve heard many say “I wish I had kept going…., or I wish I had started as a freshman.”

- Don’t just get by in high school. It is hard to beat the positive impact of getting totally involved with CAMPUS LIFE. You can’t join Campus Life. There are no dues, no membership requirements – you just come whenever you can. I hope you make Campus Life a regular part of your schedule.

- Everything we do - our meetings, events and trips will help you grow in all areas of life: physical, mental, spiritual and social.

- Be here next week for the official Kickoff … CL in HD!

THE CHALLENGE – next week’s kick off event is a class competition. So whichever class has the biggest increase in attendance from this week to next will win big points. So look around and try to invite as many of your classmates as possible for next week. (you may even let them get into their classes for a few minutes to brainstorm invitation ideas)

Have flyers and details to pass out for next weeks kick off.

Campus Life 2010-11 Curriculum : Campus Life in HD