Present:Councillor G. ReamsChairman

Councillor P.BurtonVice Chairman

Councillors J.Cooper, J. Deane, D.May

G.Royce, S. Ashton

C. RylottBorough Councillor

A.AustinCounty Councillor.

Two members of the Public

Apologies:Cllr. E.King, S.Elwood, J.Edwards.

Lincs. Police.

6/17 To receive nominations, for and to appoint a Chairman.

It was proposed by Councillor G. Reams and seconded by Councillor G.Royce, that Cllr.

P. Burton be nominated as Chairman, there being no other nominations Cllr. Burton was duly elected as Chairman, Cllr Burton then signed his Acceptance of Office.

7/17 To receive nominations, for and to appoint a Vice Chairman.

It was proposed by Councillor D. May, and seconded by Councillor G. Reams that Councillor S.Ashton be nominated as Vice Chairman. There being no other nominations Councillor Stuart Ashton was duly elected Vice Chairman. Cllr.Ashton then signed his Acceptance of Office.

Councillor P. Burton then thanked Councillor Reams for his work as Chairman over the last 26 years.

8/17 Receipt of Declaration of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests or dispensation in relation to Members’ pecuniary interests.

There were no declarations of interest declared.

9/17 The Chairman duly closed the Meeting to go into Public Forum.

Mr. Tim Sharp spoke on the proposed Middlegate Road Development voicing the objections of the residents of Frampton. The Chairman replied that the Parish Council had unanimously objected and there was nothing else they could do, and as Council we have no where else to go. The Power now lies with the residents.

Cllr. Rylott reported that a new submission of the Plans is to be issued, and will be discussed in August, and that the residents should look at the environment and other issues that the residents have, and advised that they only have one speaker.

Cllr. Austin reported that the residents are in a strong position but must back up with factural information which has to be up to date, and to report what the issues are.

She informed Mr. Sharp that the residents will have their own table at the hearing and it will be in their hands.

The Clerk had received an e mail from PC Martin Appleby regarding the latest crime in the Village. There were three items.

Deliberate ignition of straw bales on Hall Lane Frampton, no persons seen and unfortunately undetected.

Arrest and seizure of car for no motor insurance on Millfield Lane Frampton.

Shed burglary on London Road Frampton – shed broken into between 20.30 hrs and 22.00 hrs – on 13th May 2017, lawn mowers fishing tackle and electrical tools taken. Nothing seen or heard, nothing forensic at scene, no further enquiries possible.

The Chairman then re-opened the Meeting.

10/17 Notes of the Meeting, held on the 6th April 2017 (previously circulated) to be

Approved as Minutes.

These were duly signed as a true copy.

11/17 Matters arising.

The Chairman reported that he had sent a letter to Mr. Andy Wharf regarding the poor workmanship of the Pot Holes that were repaired in Fen Road. He had taken 10 photographs and forwarded them onto Mr. Wharf but he had received no reply.

However he did point out that the Pot Holes that had been repaired in Bannisters Lane were a lot better.

Cllr. Austin will query if she had received a response from Andy Wharf regarding the complaint and report back.

12/17 Correspondence.

Letter received from Churches Together in all Lincolnshire. With an invitation to attend a Conference at Bishop Grossteste University Lincoln on Saturday 17th June 2017 at 9.30 a.m.

To discuss the possibility of 100,000 new homes to be built in Lincolnshire over the next few years.

Letter from Anglia Water regarding the local flooding scheme for Middlegate Road, which is due to start June 2017 and completion in September 2019.

13/17 Planning Applications


Erection of a single storey extension at Glenn House, Ralphs Lane, Frampton PE20 1RQ

No objections.


Outline application for residential development at Cherry Tree Lodge, Swineshead Road, Frampton Holme.

Unanimous objections due to being in open country side and it is overpowered by the Concrete works having dust and fall out. It is also outside

the building line.

Development off Fen Road Frampton.

Letter from Borough Council regarding the above development and the suggestions for a new name.

It was proposed that the name be either Bowman Court, or Archery Field, after the previous owners of the field having the Boston Bowman Club situated there.

14/17 Environment of the Parish

Cllr. Cooper reported on Hall Lane, where Lentons Trees have been chopped down, there is still windfall damage there.

Cllr. Deane reported that one of the Lighton Avenue name boards needs replacing after it had gone missing when the Gas Board had replaced pipes. Clerk to report to Nigel Hall of the Boston Borough Council.

Cllr. Ashton reported on Fly Tipping on a property in Hall Lane, which had been dumped in a residents drive. The resident had rung Cllr. Ashton who immediately followed the lady and took her rubbish back.

Cllr May and Cllr. Royce reported that the 40mph signs alonghurch Green Lane and Frampton Lane have still not been erected. Clerk to report again.

Cllr Royce reported on the Long Grass at road junctions. The Chairman suggested that councillors inspect their verges and report back at the next Meeting to ascertain which parts of the village need cutting. Due to the Council now only doing two cuts per year.

Cllr. Rylott reported on a new web site that has been launched to try and sell Tourism in the town. This will advertise items such things as Framfest, Boston in Bloom, Mayflower 20/20 and East Midlands in Bloom ceremony. As well as other events happening in the town. The web site Is

15/17 Financial Matters.

The Chairman duly signed the Annual Governance Statement for 2016/17

16/17 Accounting Statements for 2016/17

The Chairman duly signed the Accounting statements.

The Chairman also signed the Annual Parish Council Accounts.

15/17 Any Other Business that the Chairman considers urgent.

Cllr. Cooper requested a donation towards Framfest to be held on the 24th June 2017.

Under the Local Government Act of 1972.

This was proposed by Cllr. D. May and seconded by Cllr.S.Ashton, it was unanimously agreed to provide Portaloos again. Clerk to institigate.

16/17 Date, Time and Venue of net Meeting.

Thursday June 15th at 7 30 p.m. at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre, Frampton