
e mail:

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Leverington Parish Council held in the

LeveringtonPrimaryAcademy, Church Road on 6th May 2014.

Present: Councillors B.Baker, B.Beales, J.Downes, Mrs. M.Lenton, A.Ransome, A.Sutton,

Mrs. S.Tooke, Mrs. G.Williams. PCSO D.Russ. Clerk B.Boyce

  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

1.1 Mrs. S.Tooke was proposed as Chairman by A.Sutton and seconded by Mrs.

M.Lenton. There were no other nominations. Mrs. S.Tooke accepted the


1.2Mrs. M.Lenton was proposed as Vice Chairman by B.Baker and seconded by Mrs. G.Williams. There were no other nominations. Mrs. M.Lenton accepted the position.

  1. Welcome by the Chairman and receive apologies

The Chairman welcomed councillors and received apologies from Mrs. A.Shippey.

  1. Police report.

The PCSO reported that changes will be made shortly in the structure of policing.

The following points were discussed:

3.1Dowgate Road.

The problem of lorries during the night was discussed with the PCSO who commented that they are not breaking any rules as there is no vehicle or weight restriction. The ‘SATNAV system gives drivers short cuts and this does not help the situation.

The Highways authority has been contacted but no reply received.

3.2Gorefield Road.

Cars Parking along Gorefield Road are making it difficult for tractors and machinery to navigate past them. They are not breaking the law unless they are parking opposite one another on each side of the road.

3.3 Troughton Way.

School time parking is an issue and at one time an unattended car was parked

over the entrance/exit to Troughton. It is understood that the school has a key to the

Glebe so that cars have off road parking but it isn’t always used.

  1. To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 29th April 2014.

The minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

  1. Matters arising not included on the agenda.


  1. Committees, Working parties, representatives.

6.1Agreed Committees of the Council. .

Chairman / Member / Member / Member / Outside Org. / Co-opted
Development Applications / J.Downes / S.Tooke / M.Lenton / A.Sutton
Play ground/
Foal Ground / B.Beales / S.Tooke / A.Ransome / B.Baker / S.Davey
Cemetery / S.Tooke / J.Downes / B.Baker / M.Lenton

Non members may be appointed to a committee but have no vote.. It was agreed that for exceptional developmentsand for any major project involving finances, the full Council will be informed. All rules and laws including the Code of Conduct and Financial Regulations apply to a Committee. Agendas need to be sent out by the clerk as for a full council meeting and minutes taken by the clerk.

6.2 AgreedWorking Parties.

Allotments / A.Sutton / J.Downes / A.Shippey / R.Taylor
Village sign, mems / G.Williams / S.Shippey
Highways & associated items / J.Downes / A.Ransome

6.3 Agreed Council representatives.

North Area Forum (police) / A.Sutton
Feofees Charity / M.Lenton
Frnds of Lev Ch. / M.Lenton
Village Hall / B.Baker/

7 Parish Assembly items.

The items were discussed with the PCSO and included in the Police report, item 3, other than the development application which is shown in item 8.1 and gives the council observations.

8. Development.

8.1 Applications

F/YR14/0297/F / 577 / Wearing / Land E of Lancewood, 32 Dowgate Rd / 3 x 4-bed, 1 x 5-bed att. 2 garages & I det. 2 garage for Lancewood
Council comment: / This proposed build is a departure from the development plan in force and will affect the conservation area in Leverington. It will also affect the setting of a listed building. The proposed access on a road with numerous bends must be referred to CCC Highways. The council notes that mature trees would be removed going against the conservation of trees in Leverington. Parishioners are upset by the deliberate disturbance and removal of nesting birds by artificial means i.e. thunder flashes:

8.2 Decisions.

F/YR14/0175F / 572 / Chaplin / 43 The Chase / single storey rear ext. to dwelling GRANTED

8.3 Other

F/YR14/0155/RM / 571 / Baines / Plot 2 & 15, 55 The Chase / Erection of 2 x 3 storey, 4 bed dwellings with attached garage.

9. Parish matters.

9.1Quote forTree survey at the Foal Ground.

Referred to the Committee of the Council (Play areas).

9.2Notice board(s)

It was agreed to go ahead with the purchase of a parish notice board, a cemetery notice board and a direction board for the new cemetery.

9.3 Cemetery Open Day.

Councillors will be available to show people around the new cemetery on Saturday,

28th June between 2.00 and 4.00pm. This will be inserted in the Leverington Letter.

  1. Fraser Dawbarns.

The Chairman and Vice Chairman presented papers for their signature regarding the

land sale. There were no objections.

  1. Close of Meeting.

The next full council meeting is on 17th June 2014 at the school for 7.00pm.