LeMoyne College
January 8, 2009
WELCOME: Kathy Flaherty
Chair, Kathy Flaherty, started the meeting at 10:20 by welcoming everyone and having introductions go around the room.
During the “Gathering” a movie from the 40th Anniversary Conference was playing. Thanks went out to Kathy’s daughter, Meg, who did this video and a 2nd one that will be used for advertisement and recruitment. Contact Irv or Diane Dixon for information.
· They had a conference call and the next meeting will be in February in Albany in connection with the Legislative Forum. Gina will send out a list-serve notice with information about the Forum.
· Holly suggested that more information on the talking points of the Forum be given beforehand so people attending can be prepared. The Government Relations Committee should be sending out information.
· The current balance is $4,103.58.
· The December meeting cost was $1051.38. We had to supplement a small amount of the luncheon.
STATE UPDATE: Dawn Langdon
· Students and FA Administrators will again see a series of 11111’s or 22222’s for the 2009-10 TAP until the state budget passes
· Schools must update the 2009-10 College Data Survey on the Web by March 31, 2009.
· February 8, 2009 at Fowler High School with no snow date because of the winter break. The school district is providing refreshments.
· Sonya passed out the flyer that went to the high schools.
· 70 people showed up last year and each family averaged about 20 minutes personal time so more volunteers are still needed.
· Sonya is doing a presentation for On-Point for College January 22 at Catholic Charities.
· The group applauded Sonya for the great job she is doing.
Eileen has scheduled an In-depth Day with 9WSYR (WIXT News Channel 9) on January 22nd from 5-6:30 to promote financial aid. There will be a call in at that time and she needs volunteers. Please contact her at .
She asked for topic suggestions and some of the responses were:
· New regulations for 2009-2010
· FAFSA Worksheet
· Feature a local family and their experiences
· “Beyond the FAFSA” – what happens after you file
· Comparing award letters
· Rapport with the Financial Aid Office
· Scams: FAFSA.ed.com, scholarships, seminars that cost $
· NYSFAAA recognition and what we do in the community: have the NYSFAAA banner in view; promote a positive picture of our members.
· Postponed until spring – maybe the end of May
· Sharon Halpin from Lemoyne will Chair. Let her or Kathy Flaherty know if you want to volunteer.
· We spent $2600 last year that included Breakfast and lunch.
· Annette will look into places and prices and report back at the next meeting.
Gina announced that Keith is leaving SU to pursue other interest. John View suggested we develop a Region 3 “Certificate of Appreciation”.
John V. asked everyone to go to the governor’s web site under Higher-Ed and review the new legislation for TAP.
After a short break the group viewed the Attorney General’s video being presented at local high school financial aid nights. Bill Cheetham and John View then led a discussion.
It was agreed that the video had some pertinent information but presented a negative side towards the financial aid community. Jackie and Gina will present concerns to the Exec Council.
The next meeting will be February 13, 2009 at Bryant and Stratton, North Campus.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Rooker
Regional Secretary
Members and guests present:
Ambrose Price II, Citizens Bank
Amy Connors, SU
Anne Barton, NSLP
Annette Broski, Mohawk Valley Community College
Darrin Rooker, NY Chiropractic College
Dawn Langdon, HESC
Bonnie Rooker, Cayuga Community College
Diane Dixon, NY Chiropractic College
Eileen Muhlig, USA Funds
Gina Soliz, Syracuse Law
Holly Zaglaniczny, Edamerica
Irv Bodofsky, Emeritus
Jackie Darquea, Cayuga Community College
John View, SUNY ESF
Katrina Delgrosso, Chase
Marion Twitchell, retired
Nancy Teodecki, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Pat Johnson, Hobart & William Smith
Sharon Halpin, LeMoyne College
Sheila Cooley, SUNY Oswego
Sonya Griggs SUNY Upstate
Stephanie Stock, Sallie Mae
Tami Gilbeaux, Edfund
William Cheetham, LeMoyne College