IB-HL1: Literature (for 11th grade)
Mr. James Dundon

The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
IB English Language and Literature is a two-year, college preparatory program. There are four areas to be evaluated. During the first semester of11th grade, students prepare for and are evaluated on Part four—School Based Work. Every student will present on an original interpretation from one of three different genres (short fiction, poetry, novel); and during the second semester students prepare for and are evaluated on Part 1—World Literature. Every student will compose a paper of 1,200 – 1,500 words in length about the cultural and contextual influences surrounding one of the works.
Course Goals/Learning Objectives /
  • To encourage students to recognize the importance of the contexts in which texts are written and received
  • To help students achieve, through the study of literary works, an appreciation of the different perspectives of people from other cultures and the way this impacts the construction of meaning.
  • To help students write literary, critical analysis which takes account of context, either explicitly or implicitly.
  • To foster lifelong learners by encouraging critical thinking skills such as Evaluation, Synthesis, Analysis,Application, Comprehension, Knowledge.

Prerequisites/Technology Use / This course is for college-bound students in 11th grade who wish to prepare for IB exams.
Students should purchase or download the books on the syllabus so they can write in the margins. All essays will be word-processed.
No cell phones allowed.
Laptops and kindles are welcome.
Required Textbooks/Equipment / Students will need two notebooks for this class. One should be a composition notebook that will be kept for two years.
Books to purchase, check out of the library or download:
First Semester Texts for the IB Individual Oral Presentation:
  1. Short fiction by female writers (stories provided)
  2. Selected Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks
  3. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Second Semester Texts for the World Literature Paper assessment:
Order the following texts as soon as possible. We encourage you to purchase fromMagers & Quinn Booksellers, 3038 Hennepin Ave. South, 612-822-4611
  1. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie
  2. Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  3. Miramar by Naguib Mahfouz
Please order all books immediately. All other materials will be provided by the teacher.
Classroom Procedures/Policies /
  • Students with excused absences can make up all work within three days.
  • Late daily work will not be accepted.
  • Major Essays and Projects can be turned in late but will only receive a maximum grade of 70% and will receive no written feedback.
  • The first formal essay can be re-written for a higher grade (up to 93%). Subsequent essays may not be re-written, but students can meet with me before or after school prior to the due date to receive guidance.
  • There are several presentations required by IB. Students are expected to keep presentation dates once they are assigned. Missing a presentation date creates scheduling conflicts and could hinder the integrity of the IB assessment. Students are expected to forego field trips or family vacations if they are signed up to present. Make-up possibilities are at the discretion of the teacher.
  • Students who do not have the books on the required days will not be able to make up work missed. Due dates for purchasing individual books are posted on the board behind my desk. They sometimes change.

Assessments / For Part One of the Curriculum, students will be assessed on Five aspects. For each of three texts Written in Translation (WIT), students will present a group oral presentation assigned by the teacher, write a reflective statement for all orals observed, complete an in-class essay in response to a prompt, write a 1st draft of a literary analysis of one work studied, and complete a final draft which will be externally assessed by IB evaluators in Cardiff, Wales.
For Part Four of the IB Curriculum, Students will prepare an Individual Oral Presentation(IOP) on any of three texts in that category. They will write an IOP proposal first. Presentations will be 10-15 minutes in length and will be assessed on understanding of content, effectiveness of the presentation, and use of language.
Throughout the year, students will write in-class commentary exams, formal literary analyses, and do brief presentations to help prepare them for the major assessments.
A variety of writing and vocabulary instruction will be taught at least once per month for up to a week at a time.
Student Code of Conduct / All students are expected to adhere to the Southwest High School and Minneapolis District Citywide Discipline Policy, designed to promote a safe and respectful learning environment. For more information about your rights and responsibilities consult your Southwest Student/Parent Handbook
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism/Consequences / It is expected that members of this class will observe strict policies of academic honesty and will be respectful of each other. Any instances in which cheating, including plagiarism and unauthorized use of copyrighted materials, computer accounts, or someone else’s work is determined, will be referred to Student Services and will be investigated to its full extent.
Consider providing a definition of plagiarism and examples if desired or referring students to page 10 of the Southwest Handbook