Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the WPA
Held on Saturday 15th March 2014 at Plymouth College of Art
There were 38 members present at the meeting including 10 committee members
1. Doreen introduced the committee and their roles within the association
2. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Adrian Bates, Liz Chalis, Tim Gee and Eric Saxby
3. Minutes of the previous AGM
The proposal to accept the Minutes of the AGM 2013 was made by Tony Smither, seconded by Christina Peters and accepted by the meeting. The Chair then signed the minutes.
4. Matters arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising.
5. Annual Report from the Chair
Doreen welcomed members to the 2014 Annual General Meeting.
She warned that subscription rates would have to go up in 2015. Postal rates are going up again and fuel costs have increased since last year so that we must now consider increasing our subscription rates 2014. We should be thinking about discontinuing the concessionary rates for those over 60, as we are now the only association that still retains them. It is possibly not very fair in the existing economic climate to expect other members to subsidise the over 60’s
In November Jeanne stepped down from the heading the Activities team after organising a year of interesting demonstrations, workshop visits, the social firing weekend and social lunch. Doreen thanked Jeanne for an excellent programme of events. John Watson had now taken on the job of team leader and was organising some more activities for the coming year.
There were three opportunities this year for members to exhibit their work. The Potters Market on Exeter Quay took place in fine weather on Regatta day. The WPA had a double stand at the Contemporary Craft Fair with 20 members exhibiting. Sales were not very good which was to be expected given the economic climate. The third opportunity was the WPA Anniversary Exhibition.
Adrian had edited the newsletter for a year and had made a number of changes. It had now been in full colour for some time and had decreased in cost in spite of being 24 pages.
Lorraine took over the website when Elise stepped down and had widened the scope and interest of the website by adding additional sub headings to the Archive on previous Potters Markets and Social firings.
She reported that our biggest event of the year was our 20th Anniversary Exhibition held at Petroc’s Goodwin Gallery, which took 4 committee members most of the year to organise. Taz Pollard and Nicola Crocker organised the Petroc end whilst John Watson dealt with the Association involvement. Doreen set up the exhibition with the help of John, Tony and Nicola. Lorraine Gilroy researched our history so that Adrian Bates could design an amazing time line of events covering the past 20 years. Karen and Jeanne provided the wine and nibbles. Elizabeth Smith, the original founder member of the association was invited to open the exhibition, which everyone agreed was a huge success. She thanked everyone who had worked so hard to make it a success.
She mentioned that the WPA had had an amazing offer of an exhibition at Glastonbury Abbey, which we would have had to turn down if Paul Stubbs had not offered to organise it.
Last year she observed that we needed more committee members so that no one was over burdened. Sally Marshall had taken on the job of membership Secretary but we were still without a Minutes Secretary and Publicity officer. She thanked the committee for their hard work and indicated that the committee would appreciate members’ views and suggestions for the future of the association.
6. Treasurer Report
Norma thanked Tim Gee and Eric Saxby for auditing the accounts.The treasurer referred the members to the copy of the 2013 accounts, which had been issued to all. Norma pointed out that the deficit for the year was £1312.61. She pointed out that there were two one off events, the stand at Cockington Court Ceramic festival costing £238.40 and the Anniversary Exhibition at Barnstaple costing £551.72 and that without these the deficit would be £522.49. The Anniversary exhibition had been a very successful and worthwhile event, but costs could possibly be reduced for a similar event in the future.
Norma informed members that newsletter costs have increased, mainly due to rising postage costs, but also through going to full colour.
It was hoped to make economies this year. AGM information had been given in the newsletter and by email, to avoid the cost of posting to everyone individually. The committee had decided to produce the Handbook & Directory every 18 months, instead of annually.
Members were informed that the total assets were £6427.70, which still left a surplus of £1427.70 over the agreed minimum reserve of £5000.
The treasurer expressed her concern over the proposed increase of £10 in fees for concessionary members.
Approval of the accounts was proposed by Rod Pike and seconded by Peter Stride.The accounts were approved by the membership.
7. Membership Secretary Report
At the end of 2013 we had 296 members – including the committee, a decrease of 5 when compared to the end of 2012.
As at 6th March 2014 our membership is 267, down 7 on this time last year. However, anyone who hadn’t confirmed their renewal either way has had a reminder sent with the most recent newsletter and I am expecting there to be a few late renewals still to come in.
The Handbook and Directory will now be updated and distributed every 18 months so you will receive a copy late summer.
It was suggested by Michael Walford that we could try to forge links with colleges to help recruit new members. It was pointed out that PCA already had a group membership and membership forms had been distributed to all the student at Petroc on the ceramics course.
8. Activities Officer and Potters Market Organiser Report
Jeanne was no longer able to head up activities after having completed three years. John Watson had been heading up the team since October 2013 for which Jeanne was very grateful. She asked for the support of the membership in endorsing this role as John was a superb organiser and had been a great support over the last year.
Other alterations to the Activities team mean that Joanne Richards would be discontinuing because of ill health, she had helped a great deal and Jeanne thanked her for all of her work for WPA. Joanne was an original member and organised activities at the beginning. The committee wished her well and hoped that she would continue to prompt us with new ideas.
Karen Edwards would continue on the team and Jo Ponting would continue to care for our catering and storage of equipment in her Barn. A new addition to the team was Marion Beresford, who had volunteered to become part of the team and would be helping to organise next year’s Social firing. Thanks were given to Karen, Jo and Marion.
Jeanne hoped to remain on the team as another gopher and trust that will would acceptable to all.
Review of this Year’s events:
In January WPA Social meal was held at Broomhill Sculpture Park, where despite snow 33 members enjoyed a very good lunch with convivial company.
16th March The Annual Demonstration PCA byTaja,
Taja gave us an interesting talk about his life in pottery, and demonstrated his building stretched slabs using Royal Porcelain clay.
19th April Woodbury Village Hall: Jeanne Gimblett
An afternoon Talk and slide show by Gabriele Koch. Well subscribed, this was an enjoyable journey through the life and pottery of Gabriele. She brought pieces to display and described her new black and white work using two clays. This was a very enjoyable afternoon.
25th May Jennie Hale: Joanne Richards.
Members visited Jenny’s at Longham Pottery, Coryton nr Okehampton. She demonstrated painting her pieces with stags and hares and talked about her childhood and long interest in watercolor painting and wild life. Members were free to enjoy her wonderful garden set in the woods in the middle of a quiet valley.
18th June David Winkley, Studio Visit: Karen Edwards
The visit to David Winkley's studio in June gave a fascinating and informative insight into his production of domestic tableware, with many members taking the opportunity to add to their own collections of studio pots.
July 13th Kat Jenkins Potters Market.
It was good weather and there were 24 stalls. Many people were there primarily to see the Regatta. The average taking on sales was low (under £100). Feed- back forms have been sent to stall holders to ascertain what they liked and what could be improved. Improvements in advertising were identified.However,the response was very positive with all but one person planning to take a stall this year. Thanks were givento Kat, not least for finding a firm who would deliver and collect the tables
July 17th Visit to Carole Vincent’s Studio in Boscastle; Jeanne Gimblett
The sun shone for a small group of members who visited the studio and sculpture garden of well-known sculptor Carole Vincent. Carole talked about her use of coloured concrete and demonstrated mould making.
Social firing Day 13th August: John Watson
Social Firing day at Rosie Edmondston-Low’s studio house and grounds near Tiverton. Twenty-nine members took part of whom six were demonstrators/firers. Nearly 200 pots were glazed and fired with some spectacular results. This was followed by an excellent shared meal. Evaluation showed that members particularly appreciated the time to work together and share ideas and expertise. WPA activities team would like to thank Rosie for all her kindness in sharing her studio and home with them. Thanks also toClaire Murray, Jeanne Gimblett, Elaine Hughes, Sue Rouillard, Mike Cowton and John Watson. Plans are well in hand for this year’s event, which the team hopes to make even better, and this will be advertised in the May/June Newsletter.
September 8th: Karen Edwards
Jitka Palmer used her hand built vessels as canvases for storytelling through lively colour and drawing. As part of her demonstration day at Cossington Village Hall near Bridgewater, she also speedily modelled a portrait head of one of the audience.
October 7-24th : Threeweek Anniversary Exhibition.
Held at Goodwin Gallery, Petroc, Barnstaple. Thanks to all who worked hard and especially Doreen our Chair and John Watson, also to the College for use of the exhibition room.
November 10th Film show; Jeanne Gimblett
Held at Belstone village hall. Near Okehampton
Members were able to watch videos of potters in China, India and a very beautiful one made by Norwegian Potter Anne Mette. A shared lunch and hot soup complimented the day with surprise Ice creams provided by Mike Walford.
9. Newsletter Editor Report
Adrian reported that the newsletter was thriving.
Recent changes in the proof-checking process had made significant improvements, and the number of errors is now down to a minimum.
Adrian was pleased with the number and diversity of articles coming in and there are signs that the wider membership is beginning to send in articles and photos for inclusion - a very welcome trend. Of course new contributions and suggestions continued to be welcomed.
Adrian has received quite a few favourable comments over the past months and, with the recent editorial improvements, he now feels that the newsletter is a good reflection of a vibrant and active association.
10. Advertising Officer Report
Advertising in the Newsletter continued to do well, despite the general financial situation. It was decided to simplify the varying advertising formats by doing away with both full-page and 1/8-page ad sizes as they were no longer deemed appropriate. In addition, our advertising prices, which have remained the same for some years, it was felt that it was high time they were marginally increased whilst still keeping the prices very low. So far, this has not affected the uptake. Whilst the income figure on the Accounts sheet for 2013 appears lower than for 2012, this is simply down to differing invoice dates over the year. In conclusion, another good year.
11. Website Officer Report
The Westcountry Potters Association website now has 82 Members with Gallery Pages, plus another two pending, which should take us to 84 in our online Gallery. This is an important marketing tool for WPA ceramicists and potters, with prospective visitors viewing the website regularly for show dates, potters and pot purchases. Many Members display their website details and email address on their Gallery too, so that they can be contacted directly.
The WPA Gallery showcases the work of both hobbyist and professional potters.It continues to be regularly updated with new entrants and all Members are encouraged to emailLorrainewith 6 recent JPEG images, including one of themselves at work if preferred, together with a brief profile and contact details. If you do not have access to a computer, you can maybe ask a friend or family member to take photos of your work to send these in electronically on your behalf, along with your artist’s statement.
In 2013, the WPA online Archive (in the News and Events section) was expanded to include Previous Potters’ Markets and Previous Social Firings. These would be developed to give some background to the social events of firing and selling work in public spaces, which the WPA had been doing for many years. Similarly the Newsletter section (Under News and Events) had been worked on considerably to archive the history of the Association’s newsletters as our primary means of communication since 1993. This task is ongoing; at present we had over 60 of the 127 past and present newsletters available on the website to explore. Thanks to Doreen Gardner and Tony Smither of Orchard Pottery for loaning their Newsletter collection to enable this process to be undertaken.
In the ‘About Us’ section of the website, visitors could scroll down to check the previous year’sAGMMinutes, plus click on the three links at the bottom of the web page to chart the sequence of WPA events over more than twenty years.
During 2014, it is hoped that all of these Archive sections will be completely updated, so that the legacy of demonstrations, firings, social events and newsletters can be accessible to all who look on the website.
The WPA has a Facebook page, Westcountry Potters Association. Events are listed there as well as on the website. All members are able to post messages on the page.
Lorrainewarmly welcomed any feedback or suggestions, on any aspect of the WPA website.
12. Membership Fees
Looking at membership subscription fees, from 2015 it is proposed to raise the standard membership fee to £27 (£25 Standing order) from £25 (£22).
This is required to meet the rising costs of postage and printing of the newsletter.
The current concessionary rate will be abolished as this is no longer viable and only just covers the cost per head rate of producing the newsletter.
It is proposed to introduce a student rate of £15 (with no standing order option) available to full-time students studying on further education and higher education courses. This is to attract and hopefully retain new members.
For a comparison
Midland Potters £25 no concessions
Northern Potters £25 (£22 standing order), £10 students
Kent Potters £22, £15 students
North Wales £27, £17 students
South Wales ‘less than £30 a year
It was suggested that members could apply for a discretionary rate should they not be able to afford the new rate due to personal hardship. In this instance, members could contact the Membership Secretary. The idea of an on-line only publication subscription fee was discussed. This idea would be put to the Newsletter editor to look into.
Proposed by Elaine Hughes and seconded by Michael Walford:
That the concessionary rate is discontinued.
Offer a student rate of £15 per year with no standing order option.
That the rates should be increased to £27 or £25 if paying by standing order.
34 voted For: 4 Against
The motion would be carried forward and new rates to start in January 2015
13. Election of Officers
The Secretary, Nicola Crocker, outlined the posts available on the Committee, specifying which officers were willing to stand again at the end of their terms of office, and she invited nominations from the floor. Nominations were received from Lucia Yonge as committee member.