HSB 4U CCA: Proposal
The bullet points below outline all the requirements of these phases of the assignment.
1. Topic:
Identify the topic (focus question) you have chosen.
2. Background Research:
Take properly formatted notes from at least 3sources, including newspapers and reliable websites (see CRAAP).
Notes should include basic information about the topic and some hard data/statistics.
The purpose of the background information is help you arrive at a hypothesis. If your information is too general or too limited you won’t be able to write a hypothesis later.
3. Brief Paragraph on Equality/Inequality, Justice/Injustice, Exploitation, Deviance and/or Social Change:
Write a brief explanation of how your topic relates to social change andat least one of equality/inequality, justice/injustice, deviance or exploitation. Length: one paragraph about half a page in length that shows how your evidence relates to each of these themes. Use one example (piece of data) for each of the two themes you choose. See blog for sample.
Steps 1 to 3 are due on: ______
4. Key Concepts and Definitions:
A) List and define at least 5 key terms you will need to understand in order to write your CCA essayon your chosen topic. They do not necessarily have to come from the textbook. Please cite sources (embedded citations for key concepts from the textbook, full citation format for definitions from elsewhere).
B) List and define at least 3 key concepts related to Anthropology, Psychology or Sociology that relate to your topic. For example, if your topic relates to Sociology, you might define social institution. These should include theories and/or schools of thought. Cite as directed above.
5. Additional Research:
A) Take notes from a minimum of 2 additional articles, or websites.Include data.
B) Highlight information/statistics in different colours that correspond to your sub-topics. Please make a legend to indicate which sub-topic each colour represents.
C) Go back and highlight the sub-topics in your original 3 sources of notes from Part 1.
6. List Sources for Future Research:All should be Canadian and recent.Do not include sources from which you have already taken notes. The purpose is to look ahead and plan the sources you will use to research each of your sub-topics in more depth.Indicate which sub-topic each source will relate to.
2-3 magazine or newspaper articles
2-3 websites (must be reliable [use CRAAP sheet], scholarly, such as a specific page on Statistics Canada, or see the Sources of Data page on blog)
1 scholarly source (peer-reviewed articles in scholarly journals) - optional
7. Attempted Hypothesis:
Write a tentative hypothesis statement. See hypothesis sheet in CCA package for more information about how to write one. Please check it with the teacher (in class or via email) before you hand it in for marks.
Steps 4 to 7 are due on: ______
Name: ______
HSB 4U CCA: Rubricfor Proposal
Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1 /MARK
PART 1: STEPS 1-3Research Process:
-Relevant background research (properly formatted notes from appropriate Canadian sources beyond the textbook; articles only. Give basic info and some hard data related to the topic)
-Brief paragraph (clearly and concisely explains how topic is related to equality /inequality, justice/ injustice, exploitation, deviance, social change, with some data from research) / Applies all of the research steps with a high degree of effectiveness:
- proposal provides a solid, detailed start and clear direction for future research / Applies most of the research steps with considerable effectiveness:
- proposal has a few minor errors but shows good promise for future research / Applies some of the research steps with moderate effectiveness:
- proposal contains errors and may be missing important components, putting future research at risk / Applies few of the research steps with limited effectiveness:
- proposal gives a shaky start, and lacks a clear direction for future research; lacks major components
Immediate action must be taken to get on the right path
Research Process:
-Clearly defined key concepts (appropriate choices, at least 5, plus 3 related to APS theories/schools of thought, all with proper citations)
-Clear hypothesis (meets the criteria in handout and is written in the required format)
-Additional Background research (articles are relevant, info is highlighted, some sub-topics are indicated with colours; previous notes are highlighted for sub-topics)
-List of sources (provides a clear path for future research of sub-topics and is properly formatted) / Applies all of the research steps with a high degree of effectiveness:
- proposal provides a solid start and clear direction for future research
- incorporates feedback from steps 1-3. Builds on the previous steps. / Applies most of the research steps with considerable effectiveness:
- proposal has a few minor errors but shows good promise for future research / Applies some of the research steps with moderate effectiveness:
- proposal contains errors and may be missing important components, putting future research at risk / Applies few of the research steps with limited effectiveness:
- proposal gives a shaky start, and lacks a clear direction for future research; lacks major components
Immediate action must be taken to geton the right path
SCORE / 4++ (100%) 4+ (95%), 4 (88%), 4- (82%), 3+ (78%), 3 (75%), 3- (72%), 2+ (68%), 2 (65%), 2- (62%), 1+ (58%), 1 (55%), 1- (52%), Below 1 (0 - 49%)
Note: Below level 1 does not meet the expectations of this assignment.
Average of Parts 1 and 2 =