Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand Orthotics and Prosthetics Association held on Saturday 8 May 2010 at Bayview Wairakei Resort Taupo
Present: Michael Batters,Hiren Champaneri, Harry Dean, Neil Derbyshire, David Dolman, Blair Gardiner, Ashley du Toit, Sandra Farquhar, Brent Fisher, David Gurr, Cherry Holliday, Roger Odey, Philip Otto, Chris Pullar, Gary Seaman, Taryn Seaman, Arjun Sharma, Shiv Sheet, Francois Smuts, Richard Stevens, Paul Stopforth, Colin Storey, Alarna Tuck, Kerry Vickers, Paul Ward, Harry Wheoki
In Attendance:Don Searle, Carol Searle(SeaStarr Management)
The meeting opened at 9.00am with a Mihi led by Harry Wheoki
All information presented at the AGM will be posted on the member’s only section of the website.
Chris declared the meeting open and outlined how far we have come and how we need to work together to ensure that we have sound processes and practices in place.
Apologies:Ruth Taka, Bob Waldron, Adrian Berben, Mark Smith, Moss Henderson, Sara Sheehan, Mark Leonida, Stephen Hewitt, Prathiba Sheet, Andy Fisher, Angela Bayley, Denis Libline, Werner Sonnendecker, Casper Ozinga
It wasagreed that apologies were accepted
Moved: Chris Pullar/Seconded: Hiren Champaneri
Minutes of the last meeting:
Were accepted as a true and accurate record.
Moved: AlarnaTuck/Seconded: Harry Wheoki
Matters Arising: Nil
President’s Report: Opening Remarks to be considered as President’s Report
Secretary’s Report: Wastabled and accepted. (Attached as Appendix 1)
Moved:Alarna Tuck/Seconded: Blair Gardiner
Treasurer’s Report: Tabled on behalf of Sandra Farquhar and accepted. (attached as Appendix 2)
Suggested that invoices have a paid by due date in the future.
Receipts provided to date may not be accepted by organisations. If members need a receipt on official letterhead a paid copy on the invoice can be provided.
Moved:Sandra Farquhar/Seconded: David Dolman
Board of Certification Report: Was delivered by Colin. An interesting year, as a Committee, nothing has been done as the requirement of the team is to read case studies. Some debate over whether we have got it right and where we will go.
Some issues around getting points finalised and grand-parenting the old system. Hopefully will move forward and sort out confusion.
Certification Certificates have been sent out to all who had previously been Certified and was a financial member of the NZOPA. A newsletter was sent out in November advising members of the process that would be followed until the next stage of the Certification process had been adopted by the Executive.
Members were reminded of the discussion at the last AGM of the need to be flexible as we move from phase 1 toPhase 2.
Now need to work on developing standards for the three case studies that will be placed on the website.
Perhaps this next year we can begin to work on educating people on good examples to inform people on how they can improve before we move into the audit process.
Moved: Colin Story/Seconded: Ashley
Proxy votes held on behalf of:Pritpal Sidhu by Harry Dean
Election of Officers
President:Chris Pullar
Nominated: Harry Wheoki/Seconded:Sandra Farquhar
It was moved that nominations close all indicated their agreement by a show of hands.
Moved:Harry Wheoki/Seconded: Paul Stopforth
Vice President: Paul Stopforth
Nominated: Chris Pullar/Seconded:Harry Wheoki
The Executive Committee is as follows:
Secretary:Alarna Tuck
Nominated: David Gurr/Seconded:Hiren Champaneri
Treasurer:Sandra Farquhar
Nominated: Alarna Tuck/Seconded:Harry Wheoki
Education Officer: David Gurr
Nominated: Chris Pullar/Seconded:Hiren Champaneri
Committee Members:Taryn Seaman
Blair Gardiner
Nominated: Chris Pullar/Seconded:Sandra Farquhar
Board of Certification
Colin Storey remains a member as he has one further year of his term.
David Gurr is the Executive Representative as the Education Officer. Pritpal is not currently in the country so was standing down.
Hiren Champaneri was elected as the third NZOPA member of the Board of Certification.
Nominated: Chris Pullar/Seconded:Harry Wheoki
General Business
Letter presented by Auckland Orthotics Centre (Attached as Appendix 3) to be dealt in Board of Certification workshop.
Moved: David Gurr/Seconded:Shiv Sheet
- The need to encourage technicians to join was discussed. While Technicians can join now for a reduced fee of $150, there is not a great dealof interest or benefit for them in the work programme and processes. The BOC Work Group will include a potential process for Technicians into their work programme.
- It was noted that there is a need to change the Constitution if technicians are to have a vote in the future.
- Members asked to provide advice to the admin team on where they would like to have the AGM next year. Preference for a place that can be a maximum of one flight for individuals to attend.
- Entry into Certification should be a step system so that people can progress to Certification rather than have a closed process. Recognition that we are in a stage of change and working between two systems with the need to move to phase two.
The meeting closed at 10.45
Appendix 1
The last year has been a year of consolidation for the Association. Resources have been directed at improving accessibility and use of the website and building membership.
There are at least three requests each week nationally and internationally from people seeking employment and training opportunities through the Association. The requests are generated by people learning about the NZOPA through our website.
As at the end of the 2009/2010 financial year we had 48 financial members. Currently, we have 43 financial members. Three of those who have not yet renewed their membership live overseas. The increasing membership is an indication that members are receiving value for their membership fee. Value that we hope will continue to grow.
We have been steadily re-building the NZOPA into an association that is supporting professional development and service delivery within New Zealand. As well as increasing the number of financial members, attendance at our AGM has also increased from 16 at the meeting held in the Formosa in 2007 to 26 today.
This year it is intended that we do not lose the enthusiasm and energy that results from us all getting together, debating, discussing and sharing ideas at the AGM. A programme of work will be developed that will provide the opportunity for every member of the NZOPA to participate in building resources that will benefit us all.
We will get out of this organisation what we put into it so I encourage you to all contribute actively so that next year we can extend the services to the membership even further.
Alarna Tuck
Appendix 2
Financial Report for Year 2009 - 2010
Financial Summary
The balance of the NZOPA Account as at 31st March 2010 was $19212.06.
This balance is made up of NZOPA $16561.56 and Board of Certification $2650.50.
The NZOPA started the year with $14200.40 and finished with $16561.56, while the BOC started with $6736.69 and finished with $2650.50. Much of the expenditure for the BOC account was for the set up and administration of the new Case Study reporting process required for Certification. Overall a deficit of $1725.03.
The matter of Income Tax of $790.92 paid last financial year has been refunded with interest which resulted in $852.26 being deposited. During the year the Association employed Macrell Ltd Charted Accountants to liase with the IRD and Charities Commission in regard to tax matters relating to the organisation and the submission of returns. A fee of $267.19 was paid in April for this service.
Membership Summary
The membership of the NZOPA has increased from 41 last year to 48 as at the end of March 2010.Membership Certificates have been produced for financial members of the 2010 / 2011 year. Membership has doubled in the past two years.
The Web Site appears to be gaining interest from international persons, but receiving payment of their subscriptions is slow, if at all. This matter is being monitored by the Executive.
New Zealand Orthotics and Prosthetics Association
Statement of Financial performance for year ending 31 March 2010
2009 2010
$ Income $
7885.00 Subscriptions received 15585.00
0.00 IRD Tax refund 852.26
207.11 Interest – Cheque Account 263.90
6630.00 AGM 2740.00
4360.80 AGM Sponsorship 5400.00
450.00 Dunedin Training 0.00
6700.00 BOC Account 0.00
36.69 BOC Interest 0.00
0.00 BOC Accounting Fee 568.13
0.00 BOC Operating Costs 2669.93
0.00 BOC Subscription 100.00
26269.60 Total Income 28179.22
10262.45 AGM Expenses: Wellington 0.00
1100.00 Hamilton 5920.20
0.00 Wairakei 1750.00
0.00 Accountant 1125.00
1.50 Bank Charges 0.00
1864.00 Education Seminar Dunedin 0.00
80.77 Tax RWT 69.41
15025.51 SeaStarr Administration 13484.25
0.00 President Honoraria 0.00
0.00 Secretary Honoraria 0.00
0.00 Treasurer Honoraria 0.00
200.08 Stationery 198.58
568.13 BOC Audit of 2007/2008 Accounts 0.00
600.00 Executive Expenses 1933.67
200.00 Courier 0.00
402.56 Website 936.95
0.00 Refund of Subs to H. Wheoki 300.00
0.00 BOC Audit fee 568.13
0.00 BOC Refund of Subscriptions 200.00
0.00 BOC Administration 1153.13
0.00 BOC Case study editing 1603.13
0.00 BOC Web Site establishment 562.50
0.00 BOC Post and Stationery 99.30
30305.00 Total Expenses 29904.25
(4035.40) Surplus / (Deficit) for Year (1725.03)
Statement of Financial Position for 2009-2010 Year
2009 2010
$ $
Members Equity
24972.49 Opening Balance 20937.09
(4035.40) Surplus / (Deficit) (1725.03)
20937.09 19212.06
Represented by Current Assets
20937.09 ANZ Cheque Account NZOPA 16561.56
BOC 2650.50
20937.09 Working Capital 19212.06
New Zealand Orthotics and Prosthetics Association
Board of Certification Financial Performance for the 2009/ 2010 Year.
Opening Balance $6736.69
Subscription Fee $100.00 = $6836.69
Refund to NZOPA of audit fee 568.13
Refund of Subscriptions 200.00
Administration 1153.13
Case Study editing 1603.13
Web site set up 562.50
Post and Stationery 99.30 4186.19