Final Report Due: ______(30 Days after End of Grant Term)

Organization Name:
Project Name:
Grant Identification #: / Grant Amount:
Project Start & End Dates: / Date of Report:
Contact Name: / Contact e-mail & phone:


Grants and investments made by Community Benefit Programs support Kaiser Permanente’s mission to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. To understand the results of your work, convey the impact of our Community Benefit Programs portfolio, and to ensure that budget and other grant expectations are met, we require grantees to submit narrative and expenditure final reports.


  • Please complete the templates provided in this document.
  • All documents must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or Excel format.
  • Please use font size 10 point or larger.
  • Please number all pages.

Where to Submit

All documents should be sent electronically , with a copy to your grant manager.

Please write “subject”as follows: “Final Report for [Organization and Grant ID number]”.


Please contact your grant manager if you have any questions. You can also send general inquiries to or call (510) 625-6370.


Using the Work Plan submitted with your proposal, please complete the following information. You may add additional columns, rows or tables, as needed.

Objective / Activities: Indicate status as completed, planned, or modified.
Also include dates. / Outcome(s): Include number of people reached and impact the activities made / Comments
Objective / Activities - Indicate status of each activity: completed, planned, or modified. Include dates. / Outcome(s): Include number of people reached and impact the activities made / Comments


Please respond to the following questions.

  1. How was your project successful? (please consider impact on the population served, your organization, the health field, leveraged funds, etc.)
  1. Please share one or more story or quote that illustrates how this project has made a difference in the lives of the people your program serves. We always appreciate stories or quotes with a client's real name, but if they have not given their explicit permission for you to share their story, please use a pseudonym. The following are some guiding questions for your story:

Who is the story about?

What sets the story in motion?

What obstacle did they face?

What happened?

What was the resolution?

How did the grant make this possible?

  1. What did you learn from the implementation of this grant?
  1. What challenges were encountered? Were the challenges overcome? If so how? If not, were your objectives and activities modified as a result of the challenges? What, if anything, would you do differently in the future?
  1. What aspects of this project will be sustained beyond this grant? Please specify how you will continue or build upon the work supported by this grant.


Expenditure Report

Using the Expenditure Report Template below, please insert your most recently approved budget and complete the following information for each line item.

  • Expenses to date
  • Any Unspent balance

Budget Narrative

Please include a budget narrative describing how funds were spent.

Unspent Funds

If there is an unspent balance remaining for your grant, please contact your grants manager to discuss the situation. To inform the discussion,please include with your final expenditure the following documentation:

  • A brief explanation of why there are unspent funds.
  • A small workplan, including timeline and thoughts, for how those funds will be spent.
  • Proposed budget and budget narrative for how the funds will be spent to carry out the workplan.