Thursday 20th November 2014 at 7.00 p.m.
1 Church Walk, Holmes Chapel
1. Attendance / Cllr D SavageCllr B Bath Stuart Gammon, Holmes Chapel
Cllr JA Clowes Partnership
Cllr PA Cotton
Cllr S Ranger
Cllr MJ Street
Mrs N L Clarke - Clerk of the Council
2. Apologies / RESOLVED (a14/15/31)to accept apologies from Cllr WA Ashworth
3. Declarations of Interest / RESOLVED (a14/15/32)Cllr B Bath declared a pecuniary interest in the Elm Drive Play Area project as his son-in-law had provided a quote for work.
4. Minutes / RESOLVED (a14/15/33) to approve the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 16th October 2014
5. Matters arising / The Clerk informed the committee that the Precinct parking fines had been cancelled and a more lenient approach will be taken by the contractors in future.
6. Planning Applications / None
7. Dane Meadow / Cllr Clowes reported on the following:
- Snagging- should be complete by 30th November 2014.
- Knutsford Road Sign – Cllr L Gilbertis pursuing the matter with CEC.
- Maintenance programme costs have been received - £870.00 per annum.
8. Bridge over River Dane / 1. Members noted the interim results of the pubic consultation via questionnaire. 93 questionnaires have been returned to Holmes Chapel Parish Council so far. The deadline for returns is 30th November 2014.
2. Hermitage Bridge - Cllr L Gilbert is working with CEC on repairs to the bridge.
9. Elm Drive Play Area and Youth Facilities. / RESOLVED (a14/15/35) to suspend standing orders to allow Stuart Gammon, HCP, to speak.
Stuart Gammon gave an update on progress. The project will be called ‘Elm Drive Play Area and Fitness Trail’. Public consultation is still taking place. A public display will be held at Hermitage School on play area facilities in December 2014.
Stuart explained funding avenues. Play area funding may not be available until summer 2015. Funding for the trim trail could be completed first.
RESOLVED (a14/15/36)
- to receive the report and thank Stuart for attending.
- to recommend £30k be put in the 2015/16 budget.
10. Footpath along River Croco from Selkirk to Arran Close / CEC officers have confirmed that tree work will be completed this winter and chippings will be left in the area for distribution. Clearance work takes place on a three year cycle, additional work can be charged to the Parish Council upon request. Parts of the footpath along the Croco used to be hardstanding but have gradually grown over. Spraying may bring some of them back into use. Graham Burgess, Ansa, is asking CEC if they have any plans of the area for the PC.
RESOLVED (a14/15/37)
- to recommend the PC take on the upgrade of the footpath as a project.
- that the Clerk and Cllr Clowes talk to CEC
- to consider including £10K in the 2015/16 budget
11.Health Services / Cllr P Cotton reported that she had contacted the Practice Manager to arrange a meeting.
12. Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School. / The committee noted the meeting held on 11 November 2014. A liaison group will be set up to receive regular information.
13. Police / Monthly reports are still in abeyance. The Clerk to contact the Police and Crime Commissioner about reports and also reports on CCTV monitoring.
14. Chairman’s and Clerk’s reports / None.
15 Part II Private and Confidential / RESOLVED (a14/15/38)
- In view of the private and confidential nature of the business the public and press be excluded from the meeting
16. AP Club / Cllr Savage gave an update on the bid for the AP Club.
The meeting closed at 8.25 pm.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 29h January 2015.Until approved they are draft minutes.
Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record: