Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of
Clane Area Committee
held on Monday 24th March 2003 at 2.00 p.m.
in the Council Chamber, St. Mary’s, Naas, as adopted.
Members present: Councillors P. J. Sheridan (Chairman), M. Fitzpatrick ,
T. McEvoy, and J. Reilly.
Also present: Mr. A. C. Talbot, Meetings Administrator, and other officials.
The members noted that the area engineer was not in attendance and Mr. Talbot explained that due to this meeting not appearing on the calendar for the year,
Mr. O’Neill had scheduled another meeting for the same time, he had submitted a written report on relevant matters however.
The members resumed consideration of the agenda for the meeting of 11th March.
CL8/0303 – Councillors’ Questions
Councillor Tony McEvoy:
(a)Can the protective barrier on the Edenderry roadside at Derrymullen junction be shortened back so as to provide visibility for those who find the existing barrier too high.
The members had before them a written report from the area engineer stating that the preferred option here would be to raise the road to improve visibility. Councillor McEvoy felt that moving the barrier back slightly from the junction would suffice but Mr. Talbot said that the county engineer generally favours raising the road slightly to alleviate the problem. It was agreed to accept the area engineer’s recommendation. The members also requested that they be supplied with a copy of the various reports and Mr. Talbot undertook to do this.
(b)Is there any update on the initiative to provide pull-ins and shelters at the bus stops near the Garda Station in Clane.
The members had before them a report from Roads Design office stating that they had applied to the Dublin Transportation Office for funds to provide for these facilities here and at other locations on the R403. The members noted the report and looked forward to a successful outcome to these requests.
(c)Can anything be done to remedy the condition of the road at Grangeclare, Kilmeague, (leading from the Allenwood Road back to the canal) wherethe health boardbus/ambulance is now refusing to collect invalids.
Roads Administration have indicated that this appeared to be the invalid road to Kilmeague which was the subject of correspondence with the Department of Transport concerning taking in charge. However, Councillor McEvoy said that it was a different roadway and it was agreed to refer it back to the transportation directorate for further investigation. Councillor Reilly enquired if the Health Board is entitled to refuse to some vehicles down a particular stretch of road thus depriving people of a service. It was agreed to write to the Health Board seeking their policy on this subject.
CL9/0303 - Adjourned Motions
Councillor Tony McEvoy:
(a)“That the committee agrees to the urgency of incorporating effective flood
prevention measures in the construction of the roundabout on the Naas Road exit from Clane.”
Mr. Talbot read a report from Roads Design stating that an enhanced culvert will be incorporated as part of the works on the Clane Inner Relief Road. However, other land drainage requirements in the area have to be assessed as they may form part of the problem here. Councillor McEvoy disagreed that it was other parts of the area which were causing the problems. In recent floods the levels on either side of the culvert concerned differed and so he believed that it cannot handle the volumes flowing. Mr. Talbot had the situation further checked and confirmed before the meeting concluded, that the existing culvert is due to be replaced and that this should solve the problem here. Councillor McEvoy expressed satisfaction with this information.
(b)“That the committee agrees to the provision of 6 lights at Firmount Cross
together with the relocation of the speed limit signs.”
In relation to the lights, Una Murphy from the Clane Area office informed the meeting that if the members were in favour of the request, the area engineer would examine his budget to seek and identify a source of funding. If necessary he will come back to the committee to seek funding from discretionary grants. It was resolved on the proposal of Councillor McEvoy, seconded by Councillor Sheridan, that the six lights at this location be provided.
Mr. Talbot informed the meeting that Roads Design are compiling a list of road speed limit requests and will meet with the Gardaí soon to consider them. They hope to be in a position to meet the councillors, meeting as the Road Technical Committee within two or three months with their recommendations. The councillors felt that their request here was a straightforward case and it was resolved on the proposal of Councillor Sheridan, seconded by Councillor Reilly, that these speed limit signs would be relocated.
CL10/0303 - Current Motions
Councillor Jim Reilly:
(a)“That Kildare County Council would agree to place rumble strips or other suitable traffic calming measures on either side of the National School at Kilshanroe.”
Mr. Talbot read a report from Roads Design section confirming that this request had been added to the list of traffic calming requests to be considered this year. Councillor Reilly noted that the area is within a 30 m.p.h. speed zone but people drive too fast at the location. He asked that the Road Safety Officer visit to see what further can be done and this was agreed. Councillor Fitzpatrick said that a similar situation arose in Allenwood. A few years ago some work was carried out in the area and the footpaths were never completed. Accordingly, people have to stand on the roadway if they wish to cross. It was agreed to refer the matter to the area engineer for investigation.
(b)“That the Council would arrange a clean up of the footpath at Kilshanroe which runs from the church gates to Murphy’s Cross on the back road.”
The committee had before it a report from the area engineer stating that he was arranging to have the work carried out. Councillor Reilly expressed gratitude and hoped that the job could be done soon.
(c)“That a rainwater gully be sited on the roadway between Kilshanroe and
Johnstownbridge opposite Denis Beatty’s house which is prone to constant flooding in heavy rainfall.”
The members had before them a report from the area engineer indicating that the owner of the land on which the drain into which the gully would discharge was situated, had declined to clean it out when asked and would not allow the Council access to carry out the work. He would pipe the gully to the drain as requested and monitor it on a regular basis.
Councillor Emmet Stagg:
(d)“That the Council draw up a plan to improve pedestrian safety in Clane
Village with the following included in same:
(i)Large raised speed cushions at the junction of Main Street/Ballinagappagh Road/Kilcock Road/Dublin Road;
(ii)Large raised speed cushions at the junction of Main Street/Millicent Road/Prosperous Road;
(iii)Proper road marking along Main Street;
(iv)Examination of provision of pedestrian controlled traffic lights at Manzor’s and Murphy’s;
and further, that funding for same be provided from the Traffic Calming Budget or Development Levies.”
Roads Design section and the area engineer had submitted written reports on the various sections of this motion and it was decided by the members to issue copies of these to Councillor Stagg. They also asked to be circulated with copies of the same reports.
Councillor Michael Fitzpatrick:
(e) “That this Council undertake immediately steps to provide additional safety
measures at Tiermoghan Primary School and Scoil Dara Kilcock.”
Roads Design section in a written report informed the members that both these locations had been added to the list of traffic calming measures to be considered this year. Una Murphy, Road Safety Officer, informed the meeting that there are speed limit signs in the vicinity of Tiermoghan School with the numbers being typical for a rural area. Parking bays and road markings had been provided and she will keep in contact with the school to see if anything further can be done.
In relation to Scoil Dara costings are being put together for the provision of flashing lights. When the area engineer in the position to commence, the school will be contacted concerning the promised contribution to this work. She expects this to happen within the next few weeks. The members asked that the work be carried out as soon as possible in order to safeguard the school children and parents at these locations.
(e)“That public roads in the village of Coill Dubh be widened and parking bays
provided at appropriate locations. A proposal for this work be presented to the
March Area Meeting and the works undertaken over a period of the next few
The members had before them a report from Roads Design stating that due to lack of resources they are not in a position to prepare a scheme for the foreseeable future. The councillors rejected this report. Councillor Fitzpatrick said that he had been looking for this work to be done since he joined the council. The local community had achieved a huge amount through combined effort and we should be assisting them. Councillor Reilly agreed, he said that when these houses were built very few families would have had a car, but now most do with some having a number between parents and children. This has an impact on the parking situation in the village. If no extra parking bays were provided, people would start using the green areas and this would be a shame.
It was resolved on the proposal of Councillor Fitzpatrick, seconded by Councillor Reilly, that a survey be carried out in Coill Dubh to see where parking bays can be provided.
Community and Enterprise Directorate
CL11/0303 – Councillors’ Questions
Councillor Michael Fitzpatrick:
Seeking up-date on developments in relation to Blackwood feeder canal/Peatland World.
The committee had before them a report from Mary Foley, Administrative Officer, informing them that a submission had been made to Intereg to finance a feasibility study and to employ a person to carry out any initiatives which may be suggested. A decision is awaited and the members will be informed of progress. It was agreed to circulate a copy of the report to the members.
CL12/0303 - Adjourned Motion
Councillor Fitzpatrick:
“That this committee fully discuss the situation at Peatland World, Lullymore.”
The members had before them a report from Mary Foley stating that the County Manager had recently received a detailed submission on this subject. He wishes to arrange a meeting with the members of the area committee to discuss this submission and the members agreed to this course of action.
Corporate and Cultural Affairs Directorate
CL13/0303 – Receipt of Delegation from
Kildare Sports Partnership Limited
The members noted that this delegation had been received at the meeting of 11th March.
CL14/0303 – Councillors’ Questions
Councillor P. J. Sheridan:
(a)What is now the position with regard to the Bawnogues, Kilcock, in view of
the Soccer Club’s request to have the pitches pitches there?
The situation at the Bawnogues had been discussed with the delegation from Kilcock Community Council at the meeting of the 11th March. Mr. Talbot informed the members that he had nothing further to report since that time but he hoped that there may have been progress by the time of the next meeting.
Councillor Michael Fitzpatrick:
(b)Update on development of the Square, Kilcock – provision of new permanent
library and the demolition of the derelict buildings.
The members noted that this had been discussed under planning matters at the meeting of 9th March. Mr. Talbot stated that there was nothing further to report since that meeting but that he hopes to have something in time for the next meeting.
CL15/0303 - Other Business
Councillor Fitzpatrick informed the meeting that the European Canoe Polo Championships take place in Kilcock in August and he enquired if there were any schemes under which the council could assist. Mr. Talbot replied that the council’s grants to sports are geared more towards local clubs and this would seem more a case for perhaps a government department. However, he undertook to check out the situation.
Councillor McEvoy enquired if the area committee had to hold an A.G.M. to elect the chairman at its next meeting as he understood the Local Government Act 2001 requires it. Mr. Talbot said that to the best of his knowledge the specification in the act for the provision of an A.G.M. in May or June each year referred only to the full council and not the area committees. He would however, check the situation more fully and inform the members.
Councillor Sheridan produced correspondence he had received concerning issues in Curryhills Park; Scoil an Linbh Iosa and Clonwood Heights. He has agreed to refer the letters to iCerv for distribution and reply from the various sections.
Councillor Sheridan enquired considering the production of the town plans for Prosperous. Despite promises they had still not been produced. Town plans for areas like Johnstownbridge and Ballagh Cross had also been promised. He sought that a definite date for this work be given and adhered to.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Draft Minutes of the Adjourned Clane Area Committee Meeting
Held on Monday 24th March 2003 at 2.00 p.m.
in the Council Chamber, St. Mary’s, Naas.