Minutes of the 85th Arkansas FFA State Convention
Convention registration opened Tuesday, June 5, 2012, at 1:00 p.m. That afternoon, three of the State Leadership Career Development Events were held in the Marion D. Fletcher Leadership Center and the Jack Justus Education Center: Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Parliamentary Procedure, and Prepared Public Speaking.
Following dinner, all members who wanted to provide talent during convention performed in a talent review.
Registration re-opened Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Marion D. Fletcher Leadership Center. The Creed Leadership Career Development Event was held at 9am in the Justus Education Center. At 10am, the Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDE was held in the Justus Education Center. Also at 10am, The State Convention Career Show was opened in the Chapter House. At 10am as well the Audit Committee Met in the Marion D. Fletcher Center.
The 85th Arkansas FFA State Convention was officially called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Arkansas FFA State President, Victoria Maloch, in the MDF Leadership Center. Approximately 980 members, advisors, and guests were registered for the opening session. Following the posting of the colors, the invocation was given by 2010-11 State Secretary, AndrewHawthorne; followed by the dedication of convention to Dr. Freddie Scott; Dwight Armstrong Ph.D., National FFA-C.E.O. brought greetings to the convention participants. This was followed by National Chapter Awards; State Officer Candidate introductions. The ten state officer candidates were given an opportunity to introduce themselves to the delegation. State FFA Secretary Ethan Thomas gave his retiring Address.
Victoria Maloch called for a ten minute recess.
The session reconvened as State President Victoria Maloch opened the first delegate business session. Ethan Thomas, Arkansas FFA State Secretary, announced that the minutes for the 83rd State FFA Convention had been posted at prior to convention. A motion was made to accept the minutes of the 84th State Convention as posted on the website, made by Mandy Jones of the Centerpoint FFA Chapter, seconded by Emily Thomas of the Centerpoint FFA chapter.
Mr. Fletcher presented the Arkansas FFA Association report.
The Chairman of the Nominating Committee, presented the nominating committee report. The nominating committee recommended the following individuals for state FFA office:
President- Ashton Dawson of Bentonville
Secretary- John Brian Kirksey of Centerpoint
Reporter- Amie Wilcox of Waldron
NW Vice Pres.- Dausen Duncan
Eastern Vice Pres.- Vicki Gallaher
Sounthern Vice Pres.- Lucas Head
The session was adjourned by Victoria Maloch at 3:55 p.m.
Following the session, a forum was held to meet the state officer candidates.
Second Session
The second session of the 84nd Arkansas FFA State Convention was called to order by State President VictoriaMaloch at 6:30 p.m. There were over 1000 members, advisors and guests registered for the second session. Heather turned the session over to NW District Vice President, John Coffey.
Results of the State Prepared and Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDEs, along with the results of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies CDE, the Creed Speaking CDE, and the Parliamentary Procedure CDE were announced. .
Mr. John Jones, AVATA President, gave the AVATA Report and presented the AVATA scholarships.
Members were able to watch a 2011 National Convention Review, then hear an inspiring message from National FFA Vice President, Seth Pratt.
Those chapters who volunteered their time and effort in the Arkansas FFA Ag in Action Center during the 2011 Arkansas State Fair were recognized.
After the 2012 state CDE Results and recognition and we recognized the Agriscience fair winner.Emily Hawkins, State , then gave his retiring address.
The session was returned to and adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Third Session
The third session of the 85th Arkansas FFA State Convention was called to order by President Victoria Maloch at 9:30 am, Thursday, June 7, 2012. There were over 1,100 members, advisors and guests registered for the third session.
Amanda Baconpresented her State Winning Prepared Speech.The session was ended with John Coffey’s retiring address.
The session was returned to State VictoriaMaloch and was adjourned at 11:40am.
Fourth Session
The fourth session of the 85th Arkansas FFA State Convention was called to order by President Victoria Maloch at 1:00 pm. There were over 1,100 members, advisors and guests registered for the fourth session. The session was turned over toState Reporter, Brittany Richert.
Honorary State FFA Degrees were presented.Remarks were given by 1956-57 National FFA President - John Haid. The state officer team recognized their advisors with a video presentation, and the Affiliated chapters were recognized.
Finally, Clayton Harlan, Eastern District State Vice President, gave his retiring address.
Brittany then handed the session back over the State President Victoria Maloch for the 2nd Business Session. During a 10 minutes recess, the official seating and roll call of the delegates for state elections took place.
The business session was called back to order by FFA State President Victoria Maloch.
The first order of business was the report of the audit committee. The audit committee chairmanreported that all money was accounted for and the Arkansas FFA Association is financially sound. A motion was made and seconded to accept the audit committee report as read. The report was accepted by the delegation by unanimous consent.
The Nominating Committee chair made a motion to accept the nominating report as read, not to vote on offices. With an implied second, the delegate body voted yes to accept the slate as read.
Finally, the election of the 2012-13Arkansas FFA State Officer Team was held.
Each candidate was given two minutes to speak to the delegation. After the speeches, the candidates were escorted outside and President Victoria Malochcalled for a vote. The votes were counted by Advisory Council members and checked with State Advisor Marion Fletcher.
Running for president: Ashton Dawson-Bentonville as the nom com slate.
John Brian Kirksey-Centerpoint nominated by Pake Sutton-Centerpoint
Jarrett Turner-Ozark nominated by Luke Van Bebber-Har-Ber
Dausen Duncan-Southside Bee Branch nominated by Jacob Hudson-Lake Hamilton
Amie Wilcox-Waldron nominated by Cheyenne Anderson-Mena
Lensey Watson-Decatur nominated by Courtney Funk
Runoff between Ashton Dawson and Dausen Duncan
The 2012-2013 State President is Dausen Duncan of Southside Bee Branch
Running for Secretary: John Brian Kirksey-Centerpoint as the Nom Com slate
Ashton Dawson-Bentonville nominated by Mitchell Owen-Bentonville
Amie Wilcox-Waldron nominated by Haylee Russaw-Greenbrier
Lensey Watson-Decatur nominated by Chelsea Powell
Runoff between John Brian Kirksey and Ashton Dawson
The 2012-2013 State Secretary is John Brian Kirksey of Centerpoint
Running for Reporter: Amie Wilcox as the Nom Com Slate
James Rose-Alpena nominated by Carlie Pruitt-Bergman
Jarrett Turner-Ozark nominated by Forrest Stricklin-Blevins
Ashton Dawson-Bentonville nominated by Mitchell Own-Bentonville
Justin Oglesby-Bismarck nominated by Mark Macafee-Lake Hamilton
Cameron Imler-Ashdown nominated by Lane Powell-Mena
Lensey Watson-Decatur nominated by Laci Berrer-Decatur
Madi Murphey-Crossett nominated by Jordan Naman
Runoff between Amie Wilcox and Cameron Imler
The 2012-2013 State Reporter is Amie Wilcox of Waldron
Running for Northwest District Vice President: James Rose nominated by Carlie Pruitt-Bergman
Ashton Dawson-Bentonville nominated by Mitchell Owen-Bentonville
Lensey Watson-Decatur nominated by Samantha Gobell-Decatur
Jarrett Turner-Ozark nominated by Wes Henry-Elkins
The 2012-2013 Northwest District Vice President is Jarrett Turner
Running for Southern District Vice President: Lucas Head as the nom com slate
Ashley Roden-Smackover nominated by Ashley Wilson-Smackover
Justin Oglesby-Bismarck nominated by Max Greek-Bismarck
Madi Murphey-Crossett nominated by Jordan Imer
Cameron Imler-Ashdown nominated by John Solley-Arkansas High
Lane Cox-Crossett nominated by Mercedes Parrish
The 2012-2013 Southern District Vice President is Lucas Head
Running for Eastern District Vice President: Vicki Gallager as nom com slate
C.J. Miller-Norfork nominated by Lindsey Teegarden-Norfork
The 2012-2013 Eastern District Vice President is Vicki Gallaher
Following the elections, the session was adjourned.
Fifth Session
The fifth session of the 85thArkansas FFA Convention was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by State FFA President Victoria Maloch. There were over 1,100 members, advisors and guests registered for the session. The session was turned over to Eastern District State Vice-President Clayton Harlan.
Arkansas FFA Sponsors were recognized, followed by the recognition of Past State Officers.
State Representative Bruce Maloch, Chair of the Arkansas FFA Foundation, addressed the convention attendees, and provided the Arkansas FFA Foundation report.
Next, the Foundation Plus Chapters were announced, followed by Terressa Curtis, AR FFA Alumni President who gave the Alumni Report. This was followed by the recognition of the Arkansas FFA Scholarship Recipients. The State Officers then thanked their parents. They recognized their parents with a video and presented them with plaques.
Brittany Richert, State Reporter, presented her retiring address. The 2012 Stars Over Arkansas were announced and a Key Note address was given by Mr. Lee Silber.
The session was adjourned by Victoria Maloch at 8:55 p.m..
Sixth Session
The sixth and final session of the 85th Arkansas FFA State Convention was called to order by State President Victoria Maloch at 9:00 a.m. Friday, June 8, 2012. There were over 1,100 members, advisors, and guests registered for the session. The session was chaired by FFA State Secretary Ethan Thomas.
The talent performers were recognized, followed by the FFA for FFS and Arkansas Green Industry Associates Certification participants.
Victoria Maloch, State FFA President, gave her retiring address.
State FFA Degreewere presented.Following the State Degree Ceremony, The Courtesy Corps members were recognized, and the Arkansas FFA Year in Review video was shown.
Finally, the newly elected 2012-13 Arkansas FFA State Officer Team was installed into their respective offices by the retiring state officer team. The session and convention were adjourned by newly elected President Dausen Duncan at 11:20 a.m.