Zone : / M/s. ELCOT Ltd., (SEZ), Coimbatore.Date & Time : / 23.12.2009 at 3.30 P.M.
Venue : / O/o The Development Commissioner, IT-ITES (SEZs), Software Technology Parks of India, No. 5, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113.
The Unit Approval Committee for ELCOT Ltd., has been constituted vide Govt. of India Gazette Notification dated 26.07.07.
The Committee met on 23.12.09 at 3.30 P.M. in the O/o The Development Commissioner, IT-ITES (SEZs), Chennai
The Chairman welcomed all the members.
The Performance report of all the IT/ITES zones was placed the UAC by the DC and the committee deliberated on the same.
Agenda item No. 1.1
M/s. Tidel Park Coimbatore Ltd., a SEZ Co - developer in the ELCOT SEZ in Coimbatore, have requested approval for procurement of duty free materials like addressable fire alarm system, public address system, access control system, CCTV system, integrated building management system, UPS, Cables etc for their authorized operations, vide their letter no. TPCL/SEZ/2009, dt. 30.11.09 was put up to the committee. After deliberations, the committee decided to approve the procurement of capital goods for their authorized operations.
Agenda item No. 1.2
M/s. Tidel Park Coimbatore Ltd., a SEZ Co – developer in the ELCOT SEZ in Coimbatore, have requested approval for procurement of duty free materials like fire protection system work for their authorized operations, vide their letter no. TPCL/SEZ/2009, dt. 08.12.09 was put up to the committee. After deliberations, the committee decided to approve the procurement of capital goods for their authorized operations.
Agenda item No. 1.3
M/s. Tidel Park Coimbatore Ltd., a SEZ Co - developer in the ELCOT SEZ in Coimbatore, have requested approval for procurement of duty free materials for sewage treatment plant for their authorized operations, vide their letter no. TPCL/SEZ/2009, dt. 10.12.09 was put up to the committee. After deliberations, the committee decided to approve the procurement of capital goods for their authorized operations.
Agenda item No. 1.4 (supplementary)
M/s. Tidel Park Coimbatore Ltd., a SEZ Co - developer in the ELCOT SEZ in Coimbatore, have requested approval for procurement of duty free materials for electric motor driven fire pump, electric motor, diesel engine driven fire pump etc., for their authorized operations, vide their letter no. TPCL/SEZ/2009, dt. 22.12.09 was put up to the committee. After deliberations, the committee decided to approve the procurement of capital goods for their authorized operations.
Agenda item No. 1.5 (supplementary)
M/s. Tidel Park Coimbatore Ltd., a SEZ Co - developer in the ELCOT SEZ in Coimbatore, have requested approval for procurement of duty free materials for plumbing items, stainless steel sink, sink cock etc., for their authorized operations, vide their letter no. TPCL/SEZ/2009, dt. 22.12.09 was put up to the committee. After deliberations, the committee decided to approve the procurement of capital goods for their authorized operations.
Agenda item No. 1.6 (supplementary)
M/s. Tidel Park Coimbatore Ltd., a SEZ Co - developer in the ELCOT SEZ in Coimbatore, have requested approval for procurement of duty free materials like Aluminium, anodizing, cleats, Hot dip galvnised Bractkets, anchors etc., for their authorized operations, vide their letter no. TPCL/SEZ/2009, dt. 21.12.09 was put up to the committee. After deliberations, the committee decided to approve the procurement of capital goods for their authorized operations.
With this, the meeting was concluded.
DC – SEZ (IT / ITES) & Chairperson
for Unit Approval Committee.
Zone : / M/s. Coimbatore Hi-tech Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.,Date & Time : / 23.12.2009 at 3.30 P.M.
Venue : / O/o The Development Commissioner, IT-ITES (SEZs), Software Technology Parks of India, No. 5, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113.
The Unit Approval Committee for Coimbatore Hi-tech Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., has been constituted vide Govt. of India Gazette Notification dated 26.07.07.
The Committee met on 23.11.09 at 3.30 P.M. in the O/ob The Development Commissioner, IT-ITES (SEZs), Chennai
The Chairman welcomed all the members.
The Performance report of all the IT/ITES zones was placed the UAC by the DC and the committee deliberated on the same.
Agenda item No. 2.1
M/s. CBay Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd, a SEZ unit in the CHIL SEZ, have requested approval vide letter dt. 09.11.09 for the list of specified services to be carried out for their authorized operations as per notification no.9/2009 dated 3/3/2009. The same was put up to the committee. After deliberations, the committee decided to approve the list of specified services, with a condition that the approval of the UAC does not imply exemption from payment of service tax. The instructions as per notification no.9/2009 dated 3/3/2009, 15/2009 dated 20/05/2009 and Circular no.114/08/2009-ST dated 20/05/2009 is to be followed.
Agenda item No. 1.3
M/s. Robert Bosch Engineering & Business Solutions Ltd., a SEZ unit approved in the CHIL SEZ, has requested approval for procurement of duty free HSD for their authorized operations, vide their letter no. PUR/LOG-Cob/SEZ/09-10/0056, dt. 25.11.09 was put up to the committee. After deliberations, the committee decided to approve the procurement of capital goods for their authorized operations.
With this, the meeting was concluded.
DC – SEZ (IT / ITES) & Chairperson
for Unit Approval Committee.
List of Participants were present the 13th UAC Meeting of Coimbatore held on 23.12.09 at Chennai
1. Shri. J. Parthasarathy, Development Commissioner, SEZ (IT/ITES).
2. Shri. Ashutosh Chandra, Commissioner of Income tax-I, Coimbatore.
3. Shri. P. Muthusamy, Addl. Commissioner of Customs, Coimbatore.
4. Shri. R. Natarajan, Under Secretary to Govt., Industries Dept.
5. Smt. Archana Patnaik, Director, Industries Guidance Bureau, Chennai.
6. Mr. V. Ramasamy, Asst. Manager, Finance & Accounts - Special Invitee for M/s. Cbay Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.
7. Shri. R. Venugopal, General Manager – Special Invitee for M/s. Robert Bosch Engineering & Business Solutions Ltd., Coimbatore.
8. Shri. L. Rajendran, General Manager – Special Invitee for M/s. ELCOT Ltd.,
9. Shri. V. Balasubramani, - Special Invitee for M/s. Tidel Park Coimbatore Ltd., Coimbatore.