Football Board Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm.

Dr. Greg Kaiser (WCOA VP of Football) Presiding:

1)Varsity Crew List Updated

a.There are still 3 vacancies on the varsity crews. Each crew chief has been contacted and asked to submit their final choices.

b.After the August 7th meeting and the varsity schedule lottery, crews will be entered into Arbiter, so crews need to be finalized soon.

2)Contest Assignment List Reviewed & Updated

a.Every name was reviewed and discussed as to their current status, position and ranking.

b.Names in Arbiter, but not on the Contest Assignment List, were also reviewed to determine if they were flag football only officials, inactive officials, new, etc. All individuals who were deemed active officials were added to the Contest Assignment List.

c.Returning veteran officials from leave of absences and transfers were discussed and placed on the Contest Assignment List at locations that were appropriate based on available information.

3)Alternate Officials List Updated

  1. All officials on the Contest Assignment List rank 3 and higher who are not on a varsity crew are automatically placed on the Alternate Officials List.
  2. For umpires, wings and back judges the names are just listed in alphabetical order.
  3. For referees, the board discussed and set the rank order.

4)Process of Appealing Evaluations to the Grievance Committee

a.Grievance Committee Chairman Jerome Fordis working on revising the past appeals process. Officials will have to pull the clip from HUDL and submit it to the committee along with the justification of why points should be removed. He will submit the formal process at a future board meeting.

5)HUDL Film Sharing & Evaluation Update

a.Evaluation Committee Chairman Richard Birdsong has contacted the coaches and once again requested they submit their game films via HUDL for use in our evaluations program.

6)All Hillsborough County Public Schools Will Provide Their Own Chain Crews

a.Since new officials seem to have apathy towards working up and starting on the chains, Hillsborough County Public Schools has elected to provide their own chain crews for all schools rather than deal with having to find a different number of fill in chain crew members each week.

b.We will still provide chain crews to the private schools, and that will be challenging enough.

7)New Girls Flag Football In The Fall Will Have A Different Start Time On Monday

a.Monday games will start at 5:30pm since there is early release on those days and they don’t want the students just sitting around.

b.All other days, the games will start at 6pm.

8)Rookie, Referee & Back Judge Clinic Update

  1. Saturday, August 5th, 2017.
  2. Classroom sessions will be held at Hillsborough High School – 8am start.
  3. Scrimmages will follow with the TBYFL – Sites TBD.
  4. A Referee clinician is also TBD.

9)John Fiore Meeting with the Board

  1. Rather than changing the process for playoff crew selection, John suggested changing the formula.
  1. Utilize the internal WCOA rating system such that only those who are ranked a “1” on the Contest Assignment List would be eligible to officiate a state final.
  2. Since the FHSAA rules test is now a totally unreliable assessment of practical knowledge, have a proctored test administered to all officials who wish to be considered for playoff crews. The test would be straightforward with questions from the rules book, mechanics book and case book and would be drafted and proctored by the last crew who attended a state final. There would be a set of questions on rules, position specific mechanics, and penalty enforcement as well as an optional set of questions on deep wing mechanics for those interested in being considered as a deep wing.
  3. Use these new elements to decrease the weight of evaluations and meeting attendance.
  1. The playoff crew selection process is a work in progress. The board will consider these ideas.
  2. John had previously suggested using the last state final crew as the Recommendations Committee members since they have no ability to be the number one crew. The board has implemented that suggestion.
  3. Ideas for training were also suggested to the board.

Rodney Dickerson(WCOA President)Present

Dr. Greg Kaiser(WCOA Football Vice President)Present

Richard Birdsong(WCOA Board Member)Present

Harold Greenfield(WCOA Board Member)Present

Marty Palenik(WCOA Board Member)Present

Jerome Ford(WCOA Board Member)Present

Ken Calhoun(Varsity/JV Booking Commissioner)Present

Hank Weil(Youth Booking Commissioner)Present

The Next Board Meeting will be announced at a later date.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

WCOA Football Meeting MinutesPage 1Revision Date: 10/08/2018