Broughton and Milton Keynes Parish Council

(Including Atterbury: Middleton: Oakgrove)

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held on

Monday 6th December 2010 in Milton Keynes Village Hall at 7.15pm

Present: Mr Alex Kidd; Mr Ian Mitchell; Mrs Jenny Brighton; Mr John Cropley; Mrs Kat Deacon; Mr Mark Aengenheister; Mrs Helen Ward (clerk), and 9 members of the public.

Alex welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies for Absence

Councillors consented to the absence of Mr Richard Peters & Mr Pete Simpson.

Unauthorised absence Mr Leslie Tallboy

Public Open Session

Comments on the consultation for the proposal for a multi use games area on the community reserve site by the Broughton fire station were raised by members of the public. Following discussion it was requested that a public meeting is arranged so that the working group can answer any questions from all members of the public who wish to attend.

To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st November 2010

The minutes were agreed by the Council and signed by Alex Kidd.

Colleen Lavery, Thames Valley Police inspector

Colleen introduced her role as the Neighbourhood Police Inspector for the South cluster of Milton Keynes. She introduced the ‘Have your say’ initiative which would be an opportunity for her to meet with parish and ward councillors on a monthly basis. This is a separate initiative to the neighbourhood action groups. In addition there are some task and finish groups, which are in early stages of development.

Kat invited Colleen to attend the new stake holder group with places for people.

Progress reports

a.  Walton Road pond

Still await news from Milton Keynes Council as to who holds the title deeds for the pond. The clerk reported that Ward Cllr Crooks had phoned to say that he is still committed to support the clearing of the pond from his ward councillor budget.

b.  Broughton Pavilion

Mark reported that the issues discussed in a meeting on 10th November with local residents and representatives from MK Council have been addressed. Changes to the interior layout, an entry and exit car park, further parking considerations are all being considered. It is hoped that residents will be informed of the changes in January with a view that the application will be considered at the development control committee in February.

The clerk reported that Ward Cllr Crooks had advised that there will be a remodelling of the Tanfield Lane/Milton Road junction, that there will be a reduced number of pitches and a new planning application will be considered at the January development control committee.

It was agreed that Mark contact Jill Dewick asking for a copy of the updated plans to be made available to the parish council as soon as possible. ACTION: Mark

c.  Broughton allotments

Alex, Kat and Helen met with Ian Weatherhead and Tim Marshall from the Homes and Communities Agency on 1st December. HCA are putting together a proposal with a commuted sum for the parish council to develop the allotments. The offer should be available for discussion at the meeting on 10th January 2011.

d.  Middleton open space land freehold

Alex, Jenny and Helen met with The Parks Trust and Ben Ruston from HCA on 22nd November. The plan is for the parish council to take over the freehold and the Parks Trust to lease from the parish council, both agreements to take effect simultaneously. HCA have agreed to pay our legal costs.

e.  Finch Close play area

MK Council have replaced some of the equipment and have laid additional safety surfacing to bring the area up to standard. Kat proposed that the fence is removed. It was agreed that the clerk contact the environmental services neighbourhood manager. ACTION: Clerk

f.  Tanfield Lane, granite blocks

John Bint has been promised a design proposal for consultation from MK Council.

6  Finance

a.  Report of income, expenditure, balances and reconciliation for November

Cheques issued following approval at the November Meeting– Treasurer’s Account
Chq No. / Amount / VAT / Total
1304 / £210.00 / £36.75 / £246.75 / A H Contracts, bin emptying October
1305 / £999.17 / £174.86 / £1,174.03 / Marcus Young Landscapes, landscape contract September plus removal of willow tree as quoted
1306 / £40.49 / £40.49 / Mrs H Ward, expenses October
1307 / £70.00 / £70.00 / Communicorp, Local Councils Update
1308 / £450.00 / £450.00 / MKV Toddler Group (re-issue of lost cheque 1302)
1309 / £676.57 / £676.57 / Mrs H Ward, salary November (cheque dated 25th November)
1311 / £90.00 / £15.76 / £105.76 / Local Councils Support Associates, training course x 2

NB Plus standing monthly payment of £33 + VAT to Market Town for website hosting

Income received during November
£808.51 / Pavilion quarterly rent and insurance
£82.15 / Allotment rent
£50.00 / Allotment deposits
£2.11 / Bank interest (Oct & Nov)
Reconciliation – Treasurer’s Account
Bank Statement - 23 Nov 10 / £42,626.92
£782.33 / Cheques issued, not yet cleared
£0 / Payments received, not yet on statement
£41,844.59 / Balance after above
1 April 10 / £2,709.68 / Opening balance
£59,099.54 / Cash book receipts Apr - Nov 10
£19,965.03 / Cash book expenditure Apr - Nov 10
30 Nov 10 / £41,844.19 / Closing Balance
Invoices expected shortly
30-day Account – 6263475
Bank Statement – 9 Nov 10 / £31,498.15
1 April 10 / £31,489.64 / Opening Balance
£8.51 / Interest received Apr - Nov 10
30 Nov 10 / £31,498.15 / Closing Balance *

* Includes Pavilion Fund balance of £2,662.57

b.  Budget 2011-12 and precept financing arrangements

MK Council have advised that the deadline for advising the precept for 2011-12 is 1st February 2011 therefore the precept must be agreed by the council at the January meeting. It was agreed that the draft budget will be circulated to all councillors after the working group have met on 16th December to enable councillors to consider the proposal before the meeting. ACTION: Working Party

c.  Cheques authorised at the meeting

Treasurer Account
Net / VAT / Total / Payee
£262.50 / £45.94 / £308.44 / A H Contracts, bin emptying November
£489.17 / £85.61 / £574.78 / Marcus Young Landscapes, landscape contract October & bulb planting
£247.50 / £43.31 / £290.81 / AskCon UK Ltd, village garden contractor
£101.61 / £101.61 / Mrs H Ward, expenses November £54.02, stationery £34.60, paddock £12.99
£985.00 / £985.00 / Laser Printing Solutions, newsletter printing
£312.00 / £312.00 / Bespoke media, newsletter delivery
£25.00 / £25.00 / Mrs H Smith, allotment deposit refund
£65.00 / £11.38 / £76.38 / Allder Group, emergency attendance to board door and make safe
£3,818.00 / £668.15 / £4,486.15 / MK Council, garages
£66.00 / £66.00 / Bespoke media, letter delivery
£676.57 / £676.57 / Mrs H Ward, salary November (cheque dated 20th December)

d.  Insurance claim

The Pavilion was broken into in the early hours of 25th November. The intruders smashed one of the doors to gain entry and damaged one of the bar shutters. Mick has advised that the cost of the emergency attendance to secure the door was £65 plus VAT and this has been invoiced (see above). The charge to supply and fit replacement glass to the door is £235 plus VAT. It is not yet known how much the shutter will cost to repair, Mick estimates about £200. The policy excess is £250.

e.  Insurance renewal

The insurance policy is due for renewal on 14th January 2011. A new schedule has been received; all items have been indexed linked by 3%. The annual premium is £3,245.22. There is an option to reduce the premium by taking a 3 year agreement at a cost for this year £3,082.96.

It was agreed to consider this at the January parish council meeting once the costs of the break in are known due to the loss of 5% no claims discount.

f.  Purchase of replacement notice board

Greenbarnes have quoted £570.37 plus VAT for an identical board to the one in MK Village. It was agreed to proceed with replacing the existing board in London Road, Broughton with a new one. Mr John Neale has offered to erect the board. ACTION: Clerk

7  Website

An email had been received on 9th November from Refined Line, a company specialising in creating bespoke websites for small and medium sized organisations. Mark, Kat and Pete (who had expressed an interest at the previous meeting) were nominated as the working group. Clerk to forward the email to the working party.

8  Paddock

The clerk reported that the paddock tenant has absconded owing £325.00. A replacement lock and chain had been purchased to secure the paddock. The tenancy was offered to the first person on the waiting list; an agreement was drawn up and commenced on 1st December.

Road and parking verge assessments

The road assessments carried out by MK Council in September had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. After discussion about whether they reflected the true situation, Alex proposed that a meeting is set up with Paul Harrison from MK Council to consider the sites assessed, and to discuss realistic options to improve traffic and parking in the area. ACTION: Clerk

10  Planning Applications

Planning applications November

Ref No / Date valid / Description / Comments
10/02201/FUL / 01-Nov / Proposed two storey front extension and first storey side extension at 28 Wrens Park, Middleton / No further action
10/02289/LBC / 02-Nov / Listed building consent for internal alterations and extension to form entrance hall/cloakroom at Southside Farm House, Milton Keynes Village / No further action
10/02305/FUL / 04-Nov / Erection of double garage with workshop area including dormer windows and storage space at first floor at Lambourne House, Willen Road, Milton Keynes Village / No further action
10/02002/FUL / 11-Nov / Installation of up and over garage door to existing car port at 66 Watercress Way, Broughton / No further action
10/02388/MKPCNM / 12-Nov / Non-material amendments to 08/00583/MKPC to change from block paving to blacktop at northern A5130 tie-in, moving of on-street parking bays and reduction in length of central median at Land To The East of Brooklands Newport Road, Broughton / No further action
10/02396/MKPCNM / 12-Nov / Non-material amendments to 09/00860/MKPCR to House Types A and AD to change front door canopy style and move back Plots 140-145 by 0.5m to allow adjustment to footpath at Land At Brooklands, To North East of A5130 And North West of Brooklands Farm Eastern Expansion Area / No further action
10/02363/FUL / 15-Nov / Erection of a front entrance porch at 2 Great Pasture, Milton Keynes Village / No further action
10/02378/MKPCN / 15-Nov / Discharge of conditions 7, 8, 10 and 11 relating to application 10/01405/MKPC for the erection of dwelling with temporary A1 (retail) use for a period of 3 years at Phase 1 Brooklands / No further action
10/02451/MKPCNM / 17-Nov / Non material amendments to 07/02006/MKPCR to change canopy details and add chimney to Plots 5, 10, 18 and 21 at Broughton Gate Parcel J / No further action
10/02081/FUL / 19-Nov / Erection of single storey rear extension at 32 Swanwick Lane, Broughton / No further action
10/02467/MKPCNM / 23-Nov / Non-material amendment to 07/00744/MKPCR to remove railings and raise height of balcony wall to house type R440 and S440 at Broughton Gate Parcels H1 & H2 / No further action
Permission Granted / Decision Date
10/01628/ADV / 27-Aug-10 / Advert application for 12 free standing illuminated flag signs, 2 illuminated double sided pylon signs, 1 free standing illuminated sign, 6 freestanding signs, 5 illuminated fascia signs, 1 illuminated letter sign at Former Matthews Office Furniture Ltd, Northfield / 20-Oct-10
10/01215/FUL / 31-Aug-10 / Erection of two storey side extension single, single storey side extension and front porch at Manor Cottage, London Road, Broughton / 22-Oct-10
10/01744/TPO / 23-Sep-10 / Notification of intention to fell a TPO beech tree and fell a weeping ash at Home Farm, Broughton Road, MK Village / 28-Oct-10
10/01841/FUL / 09-Sep-10 / Single storey rear and side extension and insertion of windows to both side elevations at 2 Simms Croft, Middleton / 04-Nov-10
10/02193/TCA / 25-Oct-10 / Notification of intention to fell a weeping Ash at Home Farm, Broughton Road, MK Village / 22-Nov-10
Permission Refused / Decision Date
10/01760/FUL / 31-Aug-10 / Change of use from storage and distribution to offices and light industry (use class B1) at Sigma House, Northfield Drive, Northfield / 25-Oct-10
10/00957/FUL / 23-Sep-10 / Insertion of garage door in carport at 58 Watercress Way, Broughton - APPEAL DISMISSED BY PLANNING INSPECTORATE / 22-Oct-10
10/00615/FUL / 08-Oct-10 / Addition of electric roller garage door to carport at 41 Watercress Way, Broughton - APPEAL DISMISSED BY PLANNING INSPECTORATE / 26-Nov-10

11  Reports on meetings attended

a.  Neighbourhood Action Group.

Richard attended the meeting on 10th November. The minutes had been received and circulated.

b.  Housing Services Forum

John attended the meeting on 2nd December. There are new rules for social housing and a change in policy on HIMO’s. MK Council are asking for a judicial review.

12  Forthcoming events / meetings