Minutes of Armidale Local Food

Meeting held 23/8/08 3.00 pm Jane’s house

Present: Ray South, Jane Growns, Mel Danks, Viv Nano, Paul and Ned Kristiansen, Jo Leoni, Paul Reader

1)Name - We agreed to call ourselves ALF – Armidale Local Food

2)2020 Vision

  1. Do local Acacia species produce edible seeds?Action: Ray to ask Chris Nadolny/Rob Johnson
  2. Could we incorporate fish farming – aquaponics? Action: Mel will track down information on a small scale system developed in WA.
  3. There are quite a few old orchards still around, if not in use, that could be used to source heritage varieties of local-adapted fruit trees, e.g. at the Nursery in Kentucky. Keith Martin and Sue Wright at Stoneleigh Rd have put in a new orchard in the last 5 years using heritage apples.

3)Reportback on actions

  1. Perennial food garden. Ray spoke to Council and they were not keen to have such a planting at the Arboretum in case they get left with the maintenance. If we wanted it there, it would need to be included in the annual plan for the Arboretum and this would require the support of Councillors. They suggested alternative locations: vacant CrownLand (contact Lands Dept), the Armidale Tree Group, the sewage treatment facility, schools, the hospital, Challenge/Ascent Group. Other possibilities might be the TechnologyPark and UNE. There was some discussion about what type of perennial food plants we might plant. Due to ongoing maintenance issues, it might be best to stick to trees/ shrubs/vines, rather than including veggies. Action: Everyone to think of suitable plants.
  2. Food garden tour. Paul K suggested that we stick to gardens within Armidale town boundaries, to emphasise what can be grown in back yards, rather than larger properties. Suggestions for gardens: Karl and Sharon Holmes, Fitzgerald Ave (Action: Paul R to send their phone number to Paul K), Mahalath and Joc, Phil Pamment (TAFE Rural Skills Centre), Marty Branagan.
  3. Homegrown Harvest Festival. Action: Ray to ask Robyn Newberry if she would like to join ALF.


  1. The Stephanie Alexander Foundation (Melbourne) has now gone national and there is funding available for developing school food gardens.
  2. Community herb garden. We decided that, again due to ongoing maintenance issues, a community herb garden will not be pursued at the moment. It would be good to talk to Council about changing their planting policies after the upcoming elections.
  3. Jo L had drafted a letter/article/press release to the papers about ALF to make people aware of the support we can offer to people wanting to grow some of their own food, i.e. gardening courses, permaculture courses, advice over the phone. There was some discussion about whether offering free advice was a good idea, in case we were swamped with calls. Jo said she was happy to be the person people could ring.Action: Jo to keep working on the letter.
  4. Viv has heard of someone in Armidale offering plots to rent for people to grow veggies. Action: Viv to find out who it is.
  5. Another way to advertise ALF would be to have a display at the SLA market stall. Action: September market to have gardening info and plants there.
  6. Viv has spoken to John Davidson – he is happy to be involved with the group but will not come to meetings.
  7. ALF will need funds. Suggestions for raising funds: film night, garden tour, apply for Council small grants (applications due 26 Sep), sponsorship, trading transaction fee scheme (like Bellingen), part of the garden courses fee might be donated to ALF, get council to charge a sustainability levy. Action: Everyone to try to think of other ways of raising funds.

Next Meeting: 6th September at 3 pm at Ray’s (Jo– chair, Ray – minutes)