
Commission Chairman Ronald Winterton; Commissioner Ken Burdick, Commissioner Greg Todd, Deputy County Attorney Tyler Allred, Public Works Director Ben Henderson and Commission Assistant BobbiJo Casper taking minutes of the meeting.

Public Works Department Update

Director Henderson stated that the Road Department is doing patch work. They are working on Pole Line Road today and doing test portions with tack. They are also doing zipping projects. Right now, they are zipping in Myton north of Highway 40. Chairman Winterton stated that people are very grateful for the snowplowing and pot hole filling in Neola. Residents asked him to pass on a thank you to the Road Department.

Discussion Of A Proclamation Declaring May 21st-27th As National Public Works Week

Director Henderson stated that by declaring National Public Works Week, it will give them an opportunity to do some fun things in the community. They would like to organize a coloring contest in the Conamore, Duchesne, Tabiona, Altamont, and Myton Elementary Schools. They would also like to hold an equipment rodeo. They will approach local businesses for help with prizes and then have an appreciation luncheon.


Whereas, public works services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizens’ everyday lives; and

Whereas, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works operation of public works systems and programs such as, roads; and right of ways.

Whereas, the health, safety and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as their planning, design, and construction, are vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of public works officials; and

Whereas, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated personnel who staff public works departments is materially influenced by the people’s attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform,

Now, therefore, we the commissioners of Duchesne County,

Ron Winterton

Gregory Todd

Ken Burdick

Do hereby proclaim the week of May 21-27 as

“National Public Works Week”

In the county of Duchesne and I call upon all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the issues involved in providing our public works and to recognize the contributions which public works officials make every day to our health, safety, comfort, and quality of life.

Signed and sealed

Commissioner Todd motioned to adopt a proclamation declaring May 21st-27th As National Public Works Week in Duchesne County. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Discussion & Consideration Of A Bid For The Removal And Replacement Of A Bridge In Antelope Canyon

Director Henderson stated that last week we opened a bid to do the project. Using FEMA numbers to figure out how much it would cost for his department to do the project. He figures that it would cost $32,727.00 for the county to do it. It doesn’t include fuel or labor costs. It should only take a week to do it. They will have to put in a detour bridge even if they don’t do the project and hire out the asphalt portion. Apples to apples they might only be $5,000 different from the bid received. Commissioner Todd suggested having the private company do the project. Commissioner Todd motioned to award the bid to CKC. Commissioner Burdick abstained due to a conflict. Chairman Winterton seconded the motion. Both Commissioners Todd and Winterton voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Resolution No. 17-05, A Resolution To Lease, Purchase And/Or Finance Equipment From Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation And Enter Into A Lease-Purchase Agreement

Director Henderson stated that the commission approved the lease during a previous commission meeting, but Caterpillar requires a resolution so this is finalizing the paperwork needed. Commissioner Todd motioned to adopt Resolution No. 17-05. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Ratifying The Award Of The Water Hollow Dam Project

Director Henderson stated that we received a bid from Double C Trucking that has been reviewed in the amount of $121,000. Commissioner Burdick motioned to award the bid to Double C Trucking. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Discussion Of A Skid Steer

Emergency Management Director & Building & Grounds Supervisor Shane Jenkins joined the meeting at 9:42 A.M…

Supervisor Jenkins stated that they are in need of a skid steer for landscaping and to move pallets. The track one that’s at the event center is constantly being used according to Event Center Coordinator Ty Winterton. Chairman Winterton stated that the track one isn’t used that often so you should be able to share it. In emergencies you take precedence over that machine. Chairman Winterton suggested asking Procurement Officer Michaels Weldon to see how much a lease purchase would be. Director Lefler stated that it might be a possibility to tie this into match money for Wildland Interface; he will look into it.

Consideration Of By Laws For The Library Board

Library Director Daniel Mauchley joined the meeting at 9:52 A.M…

Director Mauchley stated that Attorney Allred has reviewed this and made suggested changes. The portions highlighted in yellow are his recommendations. Commissioner Todd motioned to adopt the By Laws for the Library Board as presented. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Tax Deferrals

Deputy Clerk Auditor Connie Sweat & Treasurer Stephen Potter joined the meeting at 10:02 A.M…

Treasurer Potter stated that Neil Rust has had unemployment issues, but he now has a job so he is asking for help with his remaining balance of $1460.00. He is requesting 6 months to have it paid off.

Treasurer Potter also stated that Darlene Cespooch owes $5,775.00 and she is trying to get a loan from the Ute Indian Tribe. She has made a payment of $1,600.

Treasurer Potter stated that Connie Nielsen is making payments and is asking for 6 more months to have it paid off.

Treasurer Potter stated that Gary Phelps owes $508.00. He is on disability and is also asking for a 6 month deferral.

Treasurer Potter stated that Phillip Berry owes $849.57 and he can have it paid by the May tax sale.

Commissioner Todd motioned to grant the six month deferrals as requested. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Treasurer Potter stated that Jerry Spencer has 6.73 acres that was rolled off of Greenbelt but has been put back on. He claims that he’s behind on his payments due to the roll off. He doesn’t have money or income, but he is doing whatever he can to save it. The amount owed is $717.98. He will talk to the Assessor’s Office about the roll off.

Treasurer Potter stated that Joyce Kirkham owes $3,758.75 and is making payments. She might be living there full time but it’s classified as secondary. He doesn’t have a good working number to contact her. Chairman Winterton stated that they can go by there and talk to her tomorrow.

Treasurer Potter stated that Kenneth Kent has a brother living in his cabin in North Fork. It’s classified as secondary and owes $463.20.

Commissioner Todd motioned to grant the six month deferrals as requested. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Treasurer Potter stated that Brad Olson has 4 years owing in the amount of $4,272.65 and is asking for more time to pay due to medical reasons. This is a secondary cabin in Argyle Canyon. Chairman Winterton stated that if no efforts are made by the May tax sale then it will be sold.

Treasurer Potter was excused from the meeting at 10:30 A.M…

Consideration Of Vouchers

The commission reviewed vouchers #138516 through 138552 dated April 03, 2017 in the amount of one hundred twenty three thousand seven hundred ninety four dollars and forty cents ($123,794.40) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the vouchers as presented. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of A Business License For Coyote Ridge Apparel

Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the business license as presented by Deputy Clerk Sweat. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Resolution No. 17-04, A Resolution Amending Resolutions 09-17, 09-22, 11-02, 12-03, 13-01, And 15-01 Realigning The Boundaries Of Election Precincts Within Duchesne County

GIS Director Daniel Burk joined the meeting at 10:35 A.M…

Deputy Clerk Sweat stated that there was an annexation in Roosevelt City that included Stonegate Subdivision so we had to make them into a city precinct and amend and fix others.



09-17, 09-22, 11-02, 12-03, 13-01, AND 15-01



WHEREAS, Resolutions 09-17, 09-22, 11-02, 12-03, 13-01 and 15-01 were adopted to adjust the boundaries of certain voting precincts within Duchesne County; and

WHEREAS, the Roosevelt City Council has annexed certain properties, causing the boundaries of certain “precincts” be adjusted; and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the county to make these adjustments.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Board of Duchesne County Commissioners that:

A.  The BOUNDARIES of Duchesne County Election Precincts are being changed and re-aligned as follows:

1.  RO51:

Beginning at a point on the Duchesne County address grid, the same being 1000 South and Summerall Lane, the same being 1000 West; thence running South along said Summerall Lane to approximately 1220 South; thence running along Roosevelt City boundary line as it meanders Southwesterly to 1725 West; thence North along said 1725 West to 1500 South; thence running West along 1500 South to 2300 West; thence Northwesterly along the Hancock Cove Road / Roosevelt City boundary to 3000 West; thence South to 1500 South; thence West to 3400 West; thence South along said 3400 West to 1625 South; thence Westerly along said 1625 South to approximately 4050 West; thence South along 4050 West to 1750 South; thence running East along said 1750 South to 2750 West; thence South along 2750 West to 2000 South; thence running West along said 2000 South to 4000 West; thence South along 4000 West to 4500 South; thence running West along said 4500 South to 8000 West; thence North along 8000 West to 1000 South; thence East along 1000 South to point of beginning. As depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein.

2.  RO72:

Beginning at a point on the Duchesne County address grid, the same being 1000 South (800 South on the Roosevelt City address grid) and Summerall Lane (1000 West); thence running South along said Summerall Lane to approximately 1220 South; thence running along Roosevelt City boundary line as it meanders Southwesterly to 1725 West; thence North along said 1725 West to 1500 South; thence running West along 1500 South to 3400 West; thence South along said 3400 West to 1625 South; thence Westerly along said 1625 South to approximately 4050 West; thence South along 4050 West to 1750 South; thence running East along said 1750 South to 2750 West; thence South along 2750 West to 2000 South; thence East running along said 2000 South to approximately 2250 West; thence South along said 2250 West to the North right-of-way line of Highway 40; thence Northeasterly along said right-of-way to 2000 South; thence East along said 2000 South to approximately 1780 West; thence following Northeasterly along Roosevelt City boundary as it meanders to 1000 West; thence North along said 1000 West to South right-of-way of Highway 40; thence running Northeasterly along said right-of-way to 1000 South; thence East along said 1000 South to State Street; thence North along said State Street to 200 North on the Roosevelt City address grid; thence West following 200 North to 500 West; thence South along said 500 West to approximately 550 South; thence West along said 550 South to 500 West; thence South along said 550 West to 650 South; thence West along said 650 South to approximately 750 West; thence South along said 750 West to 1000 South; thence East along 1000 South to approximately 700 West; thence Southeasterly to 750 West; thence meandering Northwesterly along Moon Lake Electric’s property line to 1000 South; thence West along 1000 South to point of beginning. As depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein.

3.  RO81:

Beginning at a point on the Duchesne County address grid, the same being 1000 South and Summerall Lane, (1000 West); thence West along said 1000 South to 8000 West; thence North along 8000 West to South Cove Road, the same being 0 North; thence running East along South Cove Road to 7000 West; thence running North along said 7000 North to intersection with Bluebell Road; thence Easterly along said Bluebell Road to as it meanders to 3000 West; thence South along said 3000 West to South Cove Road, the same being 0 North; thence East along South Cove Road to approximately 1170 West; thence South along said 1170 West to 100 South; thence West along 100 South to Summerall Lane; thence running South along Summerall Lane as it meanders to approximately 550 South; thence running South along Summerall Lane, following the Roosevelt City boundary line, to point of beginning. Except for the area designated as RO92. As depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein.

4.  RO92:

Beginning at a point on the Duchesne County address grid, the same being 1000 South and Summerall Lane, thence running North along Summerall Lane, following the Roosevelt City boundary line, to approximately 550 South; thence East along said 550 South to 550 West; thence running South along said 550 West to 650 South; thence West along said 650 South to approximately 750 West; thence South along said 750 West to 1000 South; thence East along 1000 South to approximately 700 West; thence Southeasterly to 750 West; thence meandering Northwesterly along Moon Lake Electric’s property line to 1000 South; thence West along 1000 South to point of beginning.