Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.


REEVE: David Turchyn

COUNCILLORS: Garry Gaetz (Ward 1)

Curtis Buley (Ward 2) John Miscavitch (Ward 3)

Michael Turchyn (Ward 4)

Maurice Yaremchuk (Ward 5)

Florence Campbell (Ward 6)

Jim Colbert (Ward 7)


Adoption of the Agenda

Res. 271 BE IT RESOLVED that the amended agenda be hereby adopted with additions.

Agenda Carried.

Reading & Confirmation of Minutes:

Regular Council Meeting minutes of August 28th and September 10th, 2013 – Refer to

Res. 272/13

Res. 272 Regular Council Meeting minutes of the August 28th, 2013 and September 10th, 2013

Minutes regular meeting minutes of Council be waived and adopted as written.


Hearing Delegation:

Res. 273 BE IT RESOLVED that Council now move into a public hearing.

Hearing Carried.

6:30 p.m. Variation Order hearing for Gusberti re: Secondary Suite

Res. 274 BE IT RESOLVED that Council now adjourn the public hearing and resume the regular

Adjourn meeting of council.

Hearing Carried.

Committee Reports:

Reeve Turchyn and Councillor Buley reported on attendance at Whitemouth Reynolds Planning District meeting September 16th, 2013 in Whitemouth

Council discussed the Economic Development Round Table held on September 17th, 2013

Res. 275 BE IT RESOLVED that an Economic Development Committee meeting be scheduled for

Econ. Dev October 17th, 2013 at 7 pm.

Committee Carried.


a.) By-law No. 7/13 Zoning By-law – 1st reading – Refer to Res. 276/13

b.) By-law No. 8/13 Organizational By-law – 1st & 2nd reading – Refer to Res. 277/13

Res. 276 BE IT RESOLVED that By-law No. 7/13, being a Zoning by-law, be hereby read a first time.

By-law 7/13 Carried.

Prior to calling the following question Reeve Turchyn requested a recorded vote

Res. 277 BE IT RESOLVED that By-law No. 8/13, being an Organizational by-law of Council, be hereby

By-law 8/13 read a first time. Defeated.

1st Reading FOR: M. Yaremchuk, F. Campbell, G. Gaetz, M. Turchyn

AGAINST: J. Miscavitch, D. Turchyn, C. Buley, J. Colbert

Unfinished Business:

a.)  2013 Year to date Road Maintenance costs – cc: Council

b.)  Public Works Reports – Refer to Res. 278/13

c.)  Moving of signs stored at Highways Yard to RM garage – PW Supervisor reported

d.)  Building Permit Report – no new permits

e.)  Ad Hoc & Main Market Road Issues – Reeve & CAO reported

f.)  Tender for Ward 3 public works – tenders due – Refer to Res. 279 & 280/13

g.)  Release tender for Ward 1 brushing – CAO to send out tender

h.)  Set date for Public Hearing for Zoning By-law – Refer to Res. 281/13

i.)  Gas Tax Criteria – invite Local Government to meeting

Unfinished Business continued:

j.)  Falcon West Estates Hydro design & Hwys drainage approval – abey for Water Stewardship approval

k.)  Drainage in Ste. Rita along Highway 15 – discuss at PW meeting

l.)  Road Reconstruction in Ste. Rita subdivision – discuss at PW meeting

m.)  Mowing/brushing in Richer East – leave to 2014

n.)  Solicitor review of Development Agreement – information not received

Res. 278 BE IT RESOLVED that a Public Works meeting be scheduled for October 7th, 2013 at 7pm.

PW mtg AND BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Works Supervisor be authorized to attend. Carried.

Res. 279 BE IT RESOLVED that the bids for the Molson area brushing and Pommer Road ditch

Open Tenders cleanout, be opened. Carried.

Res. 280 BE IT RESOLVED that Michael Huzel be hired at a bid of $4250.00 plus GST to brush a

Tender portion of Road 71N and to clean the west ditch along a portion of Pommer Road as described

Results in the tender. Carried.

Res. 281 BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Hearing for the Zoning By-law be scheduled for

Public Hearing November 19th, 2013 at 6:30 pm.

Zoning By-law AND BE IT RESOLVED that all Council and the CAO or ACAO be authorized to attend and all costs be approved. Carried.

General Business:

a.)  Hire Shredding company – Refer to Res. 282/13

b.)  Building Inspector Reciprocal Agreement - reply

c.)  Prairie By-law Enforcement agreement renewal – request renewal

d.)  RM of Ste. Anne Fire Protection Agreement – request renewal

e.)  Set date to host Joint Meeting with Piney – arrange meeting

f.)  Request for recycling rate increase for Rennie – Refer to Res. 283/13

g.)  Fire Protection:

1)  Incident Reports – FC 47 /13 – cc: council

2)  Wiring repair to Fire Hall generator building – Refer to Res. 284/13

3)  Gravel for vehicle practice site - abey

4)  Fire Dept. Barbeque – Council to attend on their own

5)  FF Agreement for return of equipment - amend

Res. 282 BE IT RESOLVED that the CAO be authorized to hire Shred-It International Inc. to attend the

Destroy municipal office to shred obsolete papers which may be destroyed per the timelines set out in

Papers Regulation 53/97 Retention and Disposition of Municipal Records. Carried.

Res. 283 WHEREAS Council has a Muncipal Tendering and Procurement Policy;

Rennie THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Request for Quotation for the regular pick up of

Recycling Rennie Recycling be sent to local recycling contractors; posted in Rennie area businesses and

Tender posted on the Rennie Recycling shed. Carried.

Res. 284 BE IT RESOLVED that Full Power Electric be hired to repair the conduit to the Fire Hall

FH Conduit generator building at a cost of $875.00.

Repair Carried.


a.)  August Financial Statement - Abeyed

b.)  Estimated costs to December 31st, 2013 – per Councillor Buley request

c.)  Payment of Accounts – cc: Council – Refer to Res. 285/13

Res. 285 WHEREAS the accounts for The Rural Municipality of Reynolds for the period ending

Accounts September 30th, 2013 have been examined and found to be in order;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that cheques numbered 15296 to 15333 in the

amount of $42,491.97 be approved for payment. Carried.



Brokenhead PD Zoning Amendment File: P2

K. Martin Proposed Hydro line location Refer to Res. 286 &


Rennie CC Request for VLT Grants Refer to Res. 288/13

Reynolds Agric. Request for VLT Grants Refer to Res. 289/13


Communications continued:

Reynolds EMO LERCG June 18th, 2013 Minutes File: E8

AMM - Member Advisory re: Bill 33 File: A11

- Bill 33 Amalgamation amendments File: A11

- Registration for AMM Annual Refer to Res. 290/13


- Presenters at AMM Convention File: A11

D. Ames Email to Highways re: condition of File: H6

Bridge on PR 308

Min. Local Govt. Grant for Ste. Rita subd road File: Ste. Rita Grant

Res. 286 BE IT RESOLVED that Reeve Turchyn and Councillor Colbert meet with Kevin Martin, MB

Surveyor Hydro and Philip Stevens at the east end of Road Plan 31557 to discuss the survey error

Error and possible solutions. Carried.

Res. 287 WHEREAS an error was made during the surveying of Road Plan 31557 and the road is

Plan 31557 physically located 10 feet within the GWWD right-of-way;

Solicitor THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this issue be forwarded to the municipal solicitor for advice. Carried.

Res. 288 WHEREAS Rennie Community Club has submitted their 2012 Revenue and Expenditures

Rennie and requested funding for 2013 under Council’s VLT Grant Policy No.4;

Community THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approves a VLT Grant in the amount

Club VLT $3,000.00 to Rennie Community Club for club operating expenses and $250.00 for

Grant maintenance of the skating rink;

AND BE IT RESOLVED that a cheque will be processed at the next occurring meeting after receipt of the VLT Grant from the Province of Manitoba. Carried.

Res. 289 WHEREAS Reynolds Agricultural Society has submitted their 2012 Revenue and

Reynolds Expenditures and requested funding for 2013 under Council’s VLT Grant Policy No. 4;

Agri.Society THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council approves a VLT Grant in the amount of

VLT Grant $3,000.00 to the Reynolds Agricultural Society for operating expenses and $500.00 for maintenance of the gym;

AND BE IT RESOLVED that a cheque will be processed at the next occurring meeting after receipt of the VLT Grant from the Province of Manitoba. Carried.

Res. 290 WHEREAS the annual AMM Convention will be held in Brandon on November 25th to 28th,

AMM 2013;

Convention THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Reeve Turchyn, Councillor Turchyn and the CAO or

Registration ACAO be hereby authorized to attend;

AND BE IT RESOLVED that all expenses be hereby approved. Carried.

Agenda Additions:

a.)  Liquor License for Hadashville Store – Refer to Res. 291/13

b.)  Complaint about East Braintree Recycling Shed - cc: Council

c.)  MIT re: access to NE 31-5-9E off PR 210 – research with MIT

d.)  Dave Young information on developing Reynolds Ponds - reply

e.)  AMM News Bulletin September 24, 2013 – cc: Council

f.)  Tour of Pommer Rd. – Reeve reported

g.)  Replace East Braintree Bulletin Board – Councillor to get estimates

Res. 291 WHEREAS Saindon’s Country Store in Hadashville has been sold;

Liquor AND WHEREAS Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries has requested a resolution of support;

Store THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council supports the continuation of off sale liquor in the

Sales village of Hadashville. Carried.


Res. 292 BE IT RESOLVED that this meeting of Council does now adjourn, the time being 10:04 p.m.

Adjourn Carried.


Reeve David Turchyn Trudy Turchyn Chief Administrative Officer (Subject to errors & omissions)

Note: All councillors present voted in favour of resolutions unless shown otherwise.