Minutes of PPG meeting 23rd June 2016

In Attendance: Janet Newton (Chair) Richard Bornat, Vincent Sudbury, Nicholas Ingles, FrankClerkinRickiOstrov.

Caroline Eggleston- Practice Manager, April Williams- Operations Manager & Dr David Masters.

Apologies- Brenda Allan, Susanne Samson, Elizabeth Leverton, Monica BloxhamDebbie Lee-Chan

(1) Minutes and matters arising

Brenda Allan to be added to the attendees from the last meeting.

Communication to be sent via the QMP Forum email address & CE will forward to members. If members do not use/have access to email communication can be through telephone to either the practice or JN has agreed to give her mobile number.

AW to liaise with the telephone support manager to change the out of hour’s message to ensure patients are directed to 999 in a medical emergencies.

(2) Ground rules for meetings

JN has drafted a set of ground rules for the PPG to agree on which were distributed via email prior to the meeting.

Key points decided are: Working together and supporting each other to meet the objectives of the group & we will communicate respectfully and honestly and value all views, this includes email communications.

Request was to rewording of point 2 regarding the PPG not being a forum for individual complaints but to discuss general concerns e.g Telephone message.

Agreed these ground rules are for the meetings and how the PPG will work together.

Action  Critical friend & community links to be incorporated into these rules & JN will circulate.

(3)Telephone messaging and online access

Dr Ellerby has recorded a new telephone message today.

Online access is now promoted by clinical staff advising patients to view their blood results online, NHS England have recently made changes to the online access service and patients will soon be able to view their problem list.

Guidance from NHS England advises practices to hide sensitive information such as Mental Health problems, sexually transmitted infections & terminations of pregnancies.

The practice are unsure how to take this forward as should information be blocked from patients seeing it, the practice would like support from the PPG to gauge patient views regarding how they would feel seeing certain problems or procedure on their medical records.
Action AW to forward the NHS England Guidance to PPG

VS ,RO will look and consider on line access information and feedback to next meeting

item to be added to the next meeting’s agenda.

(3) New NAPP Guidance

NAPP has produced new guidance; the practice has not received the new hardcopy. AW to chase.

JN has provided examples of NAPP guidelines.

Members who are interested will read the new guidance and pick out some goals andfeedback onthose that they feel the PPG might like to set.

(4) Planning PPG activities

Since the last PPG meeting members have met up to discuss some future PPG activity ideas.

Ideas have included working with Groundworks Haringey Neighbourhood Connect project which is a project to help with social isolation(commissioned by CCG and Haringey )or an event at the practice with stalls.

The practice has upcoming Saturday Flu days in October.

Action: PPG to look into stalls & workshops on these dates & plan for a theme of ‘Keep healthy this winter’

(5) Linking with other practice PPGs

JN has attempted to contact practices in the area to see what how other PPGs operate and what is successful without much luck.

Idea would be to speak with practice such as Bromley by Bow or James Wigg who have very successful PPGs & community links.

(6) AOB

Drinking water in waiting room: When the building opened a water dispenser was available however due to health & safety this was removed, the receptionists keep a fresh jug of water behind reception to give out to patients. AW to circulate this information.

Car parking issues: Car park is often full and noted that some members of the public use it for facilities in the area, this will be raised with the landlord but it’s a difficult situation as a possibility may be that the car park will be made into pay & display.

Bus Stop: Bus stop on opposite side of the road has no shelter or seats, previous enquiries have not helped and no resolution as the width of the pavement is too small. PPG to contact local MP.

AOB to be added to next agenda.

Next Meeting: Thursday 1st September.