QHS Sportsperson of the Week

Nominations and Winners

Week ending 15 April 2016

Sport / Name / Reason for nomination
Futsal – Blue / Jonna Barth / Excellent attacking in 1st half & goalkeeping in the 2nd.
Futsal - Green / Sophie Palmer / Confident play
Futsal - White / Sophie Morgan / Good attacking play
Futsal - Red
Volleyball – Jnr Red / Whole Team / a really positive attitude towards the game, and encouraged each other.
Volleyball Jnr Blue / TanaeAttrill / for great organisation on and off the court and positioning herself well for the ball.
Volleyball – Snr A / Tessi Freeman / great positive energy and enthusiasm on and off the court
Volleyball – Snr Red / Zoe Clarke / for serving and movement on the court.
Volleyball – Snr B / Ella Scott / Only player to come to the final practice 
Touch – Seniors / Tamika Cherrington / Good support play & keeping the game moving.
Touch – Juniors / Tiare Beale / Moving up & making touches and for acting upon her coach’s advice.

Team of the Week: The Rowing Squad This group of 7 girls exemplifies how we would like our teams to be. They have worked hard on improving their rowing all season, have been committed and reliable at early morning trainings on the harbour, have worked together as a team and have represented Queen’s superbly at all competitions, including the Maadi Cup last week.

This week’s winner:Ella Scott for her commitment and skills in both her Volleyball Blue team and her Futsal Blue team. In fact her double commitment showed when she turned up to her volleyball game on Monday wearing her futsal uniform!

Well done to all those who gave 100% at the Cross Country. Top House was RAE with 504 points, followed by Pickering, 493; Dawson 432 & Ballard 412. Dawson showed the most house spirit, which included their chant.There are several more cross country events coming up early next term so if you are interested in taking part in them, please speak to Ms Koni and keep listening to notices and reading the noticeboards. Cross Country certificates will be presented next term but congratulations now to Eva TeHiwi, Aqua Spiers & Holly Brodie who were the first 3 juniors to cross the line and to Ella Scott, Molly Stephenson & Judah Kelly who completed their 2.1km race in that order.

Congratulations to our touch, tennis, volleyball & futsal players who finished off their summer season this week with the same enthusiasm & commitment as they showed at the beginning of the season. Special mention must go to the 4 futsal teams which all finished on a high note. Green drew their junior Div 1 game, White won 3 nil, Senior Red won 5 nil and Senior Blue won the top grade, beating OGHS 3-2. We have a trophy and certificates for these players. All blue team players please come to the bottom of the steps.

Good luck to the footballers and the Senior A netballers who are playing against a visiting school from Sydney next Tuesday. If those girls still haven’t collected their notice from Ms Burden please do so at lunchtime.