HELD ON TUESDAY 27th September 2016


Present : Diana Hamilton, Andrea Hynes-Whalley, Elizabeth McKenzie, Helen Doig, Mac McCaskill, Colin Hay, David Cooper, .

Apologies: Jan Rea Michele Erskine, Sara Ramsay, Chris Cunningham.


1.Minutes from previous August 2016 meeting.

Patient awareness stand. Discussed later in meeting. See notes below.

Website traffic. Following the last meeting Diana sent out to the group some monitoring data from the IMG practice website. In the last 12 months 23515 visits were recorded on the website. This had a steady increment every month. August experienced 3025 visits to the website. Diana shared figures from the EMIS online booking service that also showed a steady increase of patients using the service to make, cancel and order repeat prescriptions. Raising awareness of the on-line booking system is working well. IMG has the second highest on-line booking patient users in Scotland.

2.Patient leaflets – Colin And Andrea

Dr Rahim created a patient leaflet for patients to use as a resource for self-referrals to other services within the community. PPG members worked with Dr Rahim with the final layout and presented the finished leaflet to the PPG. All agreed the leaflet was well presented and contained useful information. Diana confirmed that the GPs were also happy with the leaflet. It was agreed by all for the leaflet to be issued to patients and left in public areas, e.g. the Library, waiting room and pharmacies. Please see a copy attached to the minutes. A second leaflet with Parent and Child information is also being produced and will be reviewed at the October meeting.

3. PPG Awareness stand feedback – Mac, Elizabeth, Colin and Andrea

We ran an awareness morning on Tuesday 13th September 10am until noon at The Civic Centre, Inverkeithing. Four members of the team attended and represented the PPG. It was a quiet day at the Civic centre with few people entering the building. People that we did speak to were happy to discuss on-line registration with many already using the facility. Although attendance was poor it was decided within the group that we should continue with PPG awareness stands a few times a year to raise our profile and promote any health awareness campaigns at that time. Helen discussed with the group that the church holds a popular coffee morning on a Tuesday and suggested we choose a different morning in future.

4. Flu Clinics – All

The flu clinics will start on Saturday 8th October and 3 are scheduled to take place in all. (8th, 15th and 22nd October). PPG members have been displaying posters around the practice area promoting the flu clinics. It was discussed with the group if we would like to be present on the mornings to promote the new leaflets and run the alcohol units / donut cals display again this year. It was decided this worked well last year and the group will try to cover at least one of the surgeries during the flu clinics. Andrea will email the group to confirm coverage timetable. Diana will source alcohol unit conversion wheels for the days.

4. Practice update

Flu vaccines have already begun to be administrated. 137 patients have received them at time of the meeting. GPs are being encouraged to give vaccines to patients who fulfill the criteria when attending routine appointments. The practice goal is to administrate 5000 vaccines. Patients who are not in the at-risk group can pay for a flu vaccine at pharmacies for £8.

The practice is advertising to fill vacancies within the IMG. Recruitment will be ongoing until posts are filled. A new UCP has started with the practice.

For August

123 DNAs

31 cancelled appointments via text reminders.

4623 GP appointments

745 UCP appointments

858 HCA appointments

1751 nurse appointments.

5. AOB.

David noted that in the waiting room in Inverkeithing there is only one chair with arms. Some patients have difficulty rising up from chairs without arm support. Diana will look into this. It was also noted that the intercom at Inverkeithing was quiet and some patients were missing their names being called. Diana will check the intercom service and ensure staff talk clearly into the telephones when calling patients. Colin asked Diana about wheelchair access through the middle reception door at Inverkeithing. There is a bell that can be pressed and a member of reception staff will come and open the door for anyone struggling to get through.

Colin passed on his apologies for the next PPG meeting in October.

The meeting closed at 7.55p.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 25th October 2016, 6.30pm.

Dr Mary Lapraik, Dr John Lee, Dr David Garmany, Dr Susan Sheehan, Dr Lorna Donaldson, Dr David Somerville,

Dr Sally Roberts, Dr Lilin Zheng, Dr Gordon Reeks, Dr Wajid Rahim