2015 Student Pre-Survey

  1. First and Last Initials: ______
  1. Age: ______
  1. Gender: 

☐Male (boy)☐Female (girl) ☐Other ______

  1. Where are you now?

☐My hospital room

☐Hospital classroom on 2nd floor

☐Hospital classroom on 7th floor

☐NC Botanical garden


  1. Think about how you felt after you woke up today. What were you doing? I have a few descriptions of how you may have felt for you to choose from. Did you feel…

(check all that apply)

Interested ☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Happy☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Calm☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Proud☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Sad☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Bored☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Worried ☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Ashamed☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Our program works with kids here at the hospital using science and discovery. We want to ask you now what you think about science.

6. When you hear “science” do you think you want to do it?  ☐ No ☐A little ☐A lot

  1. Think about your science class at school. Do you like it ? ☐ No ☐A little ☐A lot
  1. Think about being outside. Do you like exploring and being outside? ☐ No ☐A little ☐A lot
  1. Think about things you do with your hands. Do you like to build things, create things, or use your hands to make things? ☐ No ☐A little ☐A lot

Thank you!

2015 Student Post-Survey

  1. First and Last Initials: ______2. Age: ______
  1. Gender: ☐Male (boy) ☐Female (girl) ☐Other ______
  1. Have you participated in science activities with Wonder Connection’s before?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ I’m Not Sure

  1. Explain what activity you did today with the WonderSphere


  1. Was it fun? ☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot
  1. How else did you feel doing this activity. Did you feel… (check all that apply)

Interested ☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Happy☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Calm☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Proud☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Sad☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Bored☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Worried ☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Ashamed☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot


Please turn over the paper to continue

Our program works with kids at the hospital using science and discovery. We want to ask you now what you think about science.

  1. Now, when you hear “science” do you think you want to do it? ☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot
  1. Did you think of being outside or nature during this activity? ☐ No ☐ A little ☐ A lot
  1. Describe what you learned about science today.

Answer: ______


  1. We are also wondering about your future. Imagine yourself as a grown-up. What do you see yourself doing?


Thanks so much!

If you are 11 years old or older please answer the next 2 questions

11. Think about a good friend or sibling. If he/she were sick and in your situation, what do you think would help him or her feel better?



12. Think of that friend or sibling again. What parts of Wonder Connection would he/she like?


Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our program!


Location? (check one)

☐My hospital room

☐Hospital classroom on 2nd floor

☐Hospital classroom on 7th floor

☐NC Botanical Garden

☐Other:______Length of activity/program:

☐0-30 minutes

☐31-60 minutes

☐61-90 minutes

☐>90 minutes

Parent Survey 2015

  1. Child’s Initials: ______
  1. Your child participated in a hands-on activity with Wonder Connection. Take a minute to think about that activity. Did Wonder Connection stimulate you child’s interest in science? (circle)

Yes No


  1. How did your child feel doing this activity?

(check all that apply)

Interested ☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Happy☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Calm☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Proud☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Sad☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Bored☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Worried ☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Ashamed☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot


Please turn over the paper to continue

  1. What about you? Did your child’s participation with Wonder Connection allow you to experience any of the following emotions?

(check all that apply)

Joy☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Gratitude☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Serenity☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Interest☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Hope☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Pride☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Amusement☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Inspiration☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Awe☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot

Love☐ Not at all ☐ A little ☐ A lot


5. Think about a good friend. If your good friend’s child were sick and in your situation, what parts of Wonder Connection would your friend’s child like?


6. Think of that friend again. As a caregiver for a child with an illness, what parts of Wonder Connection would your friend like?


7. We’re trying to build awareness about the North Carolina Botanical Garden. We have found that not enough people know about it. Had you heard of the North Carolina Botanical Garden before your family participated in a Wonder Connection activity (either today or previously)? (circle) Yes No Not Sure Comment:______

Thank you so much for your time to help us improve our program.

8. If you would like to receive monthly e-newsletters from Wonder Connection, please enter your email address below. If not, please leave blank.
