Oaklands Surgery

Minutes of Patient Participation Group Meeting

Held on 29th January 2015

Present: Chris Clark (chair)

June Reber

Irene Tearle

Joan Davis

Teresa Springett

Janine Andrews (PM)

Sue Warren (Minutes)

1.  Apologies

Apologies have been received from Jane Greenfield and Caroline Tebbutt.

2 Minutes of Last Meeting


a.  Action Points Arising from Last meeting

Wheelchairs - CCPCC

JA updated the group regarding the wheelchair situation for patients at the CCPCC. It was reported in the last minutes that the wheelchairs were no longer maintained by NHS Property Services, however, they had now been serviced by another Practice located in the building and Oaklands have been given permission to use the wheelchair for Oaklands patients if needed.


Patient Group members had given very positive feedback for the new salaried GP at Oaklands, Dr Mistry.

3 Telephone Appointments/Triaging

JA reported that the new telephone system been ordered and she was hoping for installation end of February 2015. She was unsure at present whether the surgery would need to change the main number coming into the surgery. JA explained the new automated system whereby there is a facility that allows patients to book and cancel appointments or order prescriptions over the phone, without the need to engage with receptionists. The Practice has a Zero Tolerance policy for abusive patients, and the telephone system allows for recording of calls which will be useful if the Practice has to defend its actions against violent and aggressive patients.

JA was trialling an alternative appointment system. The Practice was removing the majority of emergency on the day ‘red’ slots, this should make it easier for patients to book in advance for their appointments. A few slots remained as red emergency slots which would be available for patients with critical criteria.

Triaging of appointments was also in the process of being set up. The triaging would be conducted by GPs and should help with the appointment waiting times, which at present is 5 days for routine appointments. JA will keep the PG informed of progress. Action JA

4 Patient Participation Group Action Plan 2015

SW asked for input from the PG members present as to any improvements needed within the surgery for 2015/16. CC suggested trying to encourage more patients to become PG members that are representative of the Practice population. The practice already advertises the Patient Group on its website, notice board and practice leaflet but will seek additional resources for advertising to try and attract new members. PG members will think about further action plans and suggestions would be welcome at next meeting. SW to draft action plan for next PG meeting – Appendix 2

5 Staffing

Dr Rai had reduced his working week to 3 days. Dr Prasad and Dr Mujahid each worked 4 days per week, Dr Mistry 3 days per week and Dr Cyrus worked 1 full day plus 2 half days.

Nurse Julie had left the practice to take up a position in a surgery in Southend. All present wished her well in her new job. The practice had recruited a new Nurse Prescriber who starts in early February.

6 Comments/Feedback from Friends and Family Test

The Practice had received minimal feedback from patients through the Friends and Family Test. JA will monitor the FFT over the coming months and comments will be discussed at future Patient Group meetings. The practice has to report the feedback to NHS England on a monthly basis and as of end January the practice had received 8 replies. The FFT allows patients to leave comments on the main reason for selecting their statement and SW passed the feedback to PG members for their perusal. PG members noted that there was negative feedback on the telephones and gaining an appointment however, positive feedback had been received on receptionists and GPs.


a.  Reception Seating Arrangements

JA asked the PG for comments on the new seating arrangements in reception. PG members agreed that this was a good idea. The new seating arrangement had patients talking to one another, and the arrangements also deferred patient contact away from receptionists allowing for more patient confidentiality.

8 Date of next Meeting

Thursday 14th May 2015 at 12.30pm


Appendix 1

Action Plan arising from Local Patient Participation Survey 2014

Problem / Solution / Person responsible / Review / Agreed/Discussion PPG / Completed/Ongoing
Trouble with the telephone system / The practice is actively trying to improve the telephone system. If improvements cannot be made by the current provider then the Practice will seek an alternative solution. / Practice Manager / Review in 3 months / 6th March 2014 / Ongoing (Oct 2014)
Booking an appointment with a doctor or nurse on the day / More appointments need to be made available. Practice is seeking to recruit GP and Practice Nurse. As from 1st February 2014 the Practice has a Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Prescriber insitu who will see patients in the emergency on the day clinic. Make available more appointments on-line. / Practice Manager / Review in 3 months / 6th March 2014 / Completed (Oct 2014)
A proportion of patients did not know that the Practice had a Patient Group. / To ensure that the Patient Group is advertised more in the waiting area, Jayex Board, Patient Leaflet etc, website, NHS Choices, mailshot etc. / Practice Manager / Review in 3 months / 6th March 2014 / Ongoing (Oct 2014)
NHS Choices and Practice website. / The practice will continue to advertise NHS choices and Practice website through different media ways, including Practice Leaflet, Notice Board, Jayex Board, mailshot. / Practice Manager / Review in 3 months / 6th March 2014 / Ongoing (Oct 2014)

Appendix 2

Draft Action Plan 2015

Problem / Solution / Person responsible / Review / Agreed/Discussion PPG / Completed/Ongoing
There had been a reduction in Patient Group representation. Try to encourage patients who are more representative of the practice population to become members of the PG. / ·  To advertise further in reception
·  To encourage GPs to ask patients whether they would like to become PG members. / JA/SW / May 2015