CSP18Technology SummaryE590118ZE590119ZE590130Z
The following Enhancements for 590 Nutrient Management utilization of nutrient use efficiency strategies or technologies. The table below provides guidance for selecting strategies/technologies consistent with the criteria of each enhancement.
E590118ZImproving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses to surface water
E590119ZImproving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risk of nutrient losses to groundwater
E590130ZImproving nutrient uptake efficiency and reducing risks to air quality – emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG)
E590118ZE590119Z / E590130Z
X / X / Use Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer (EEF) products with 1 or more nutrient applications / Nitrogen or phosphorous EEF productsrecommended by state Land GrantUniversity (LGU) and concurred with by NRCS on all treatment acres tosupply at least 50% of the pre‐emergent and early post emergent LGUrecommended nitrogen or phosphorous requirements for the crop(s) grown.
X / X / Use in‐season soil nitrate sampling. / Use pre‐sidedress soil nitrate test (PSNT) to determine the need and/oramount of additional nitrogen to be applied during sidedress/topdress Napplication. Conduct a PSNT on a selected crop (e.g. corn) to test if additionalN fertilizer is needed.
In-season soil nitrate sampling, include results (including reference strips), and adjustments in nutrient management based on results
X / X / Use in‐season plant tissue sampling and analysis as a complement to soil testing. / Follow local LGU and/or laboratory guidelines for interpretations of theresults and appropriate adjustments in the application of N and othernutrients.
In-season plant tissue sampling and analysis as a complement to soil testing, include type of test used (stalk, leaf, chlorophyll, infrared, or other), results (including reference strips), and adjustments in nutrient management based on results
X / X / Split nutrient applications. / Apply no more than 50% of total crop nitrogen needs within 30 days prior toplanting (or in the case of hay or pasture after green up of dormant grasses).Apply the remaining nitrogen after crop emergence (or green up).
Post emergent nitrogen may be reduced based on crop scouting, in‐seasonsoil sampling/analysis, or plant tissue sampling/analysis.
X / X / Time nutrient application timing to match nutrient uptake timing. / Apply nutrients no more than 30 days prior to planting date of annual crops.
X / X / Nutrient application placement below soil surface. / Fertilizer is injected orincorporated at time of application.Nutrient application placement below soil surface, include information of the method of injection or incorporation and depth.
X / X / Use of nitrification inhibitors to delay the nitrification process, by eliminating the bacteria Nitrosomonasin the area where ammonium is to be present. / Materials must be defined by the Association of American Plant FoodControl Officials (AAPFCO) and be accepted for use by the Statefertilizer control official, or similar authority, with responsibility forverification of product guarantees, ingredients (by AAPFCO definition)and label claims.
Application timing, method, N source, soil texture, and tillage regimeare all factors that should be evaluated to determine wherenitrification inhibitors should be used. Before buying an inhibitormake sure scientific evidence backs up all claims. Producers and/orconsultants should be wary of any product that does not have solidscientific data demonstrating that the inhibitor activity matches theadvertised benefit.
X / X / Use of urease inhibitors to temporarily reduce the activity of the urease enzyme and slow the rate at which urea is hydrolyzed. / Materials must be defined by the Association of American Plant FoodControl Officials (AAPFCO) and be accepted for use by the Statefertilizer control official, or similar authority, with responsibility forverification of product guarantees, ingredients (by AAPFCO definition)and label claims.
Application timing, method, N source, soil texture, and tillage regimeare all factors that should be evaluated to determine where ureaseinhibitors should be used. Before buying an inhibitor make surescientific evidence backs up all claims. Producers and/or consultantsshould be wary of any product that does not have solid scientific datademonstrating that the inhibitor activity matches the advertisedbenefit.
February 2018