February 10, 2016

Present: Ken Howard, Betty Briggs, Stacey Gridley, Matt Bostelman, Elaine Livingston, Nancy Phetteplace, Dave Glover, Stacy Huyck

Open Floor: No requests at the time

1 to 1 Initiative:

The program will continue in 2016-17 for all students in grades 9-12. 9th grade students will not be allowed to take home the devices initially. The group also discussed the timeline for distribution and training at the beginning of the year. 11th and 12th will be trained through the first week, followed by the 10th and then 9th. Stacy Huyck will attend 8th grade orientation, set up a parent night before the end of school, and another parent night in August so that the majority of paperwork can be handled before the start of school.

Concerns regarding battery life and breakage were discussed. The Tech Team will be researching possible solutions but their will likely be an increase in the insurance due to the large number of claims. A variety of devices will be investigated for the 2017-18 school year that are more durable but still give the students the tools they need to develop 21st Century Learning Skills.

Stacey Gridley has created the 9th grade Life in a Digital World course in Schoology and asked the committee to review. She will continue to work on the other grade levels. Stacy and Stacey will meet with the ELA staff to develop an implementation plan for each grade level. Hopefully this will develop the necessary skills for students to become successful digital citizens.

To address previous concerns about parent involvement, tip sheets will be generated and shared with parents.

Comptroller’s Audits:

The district is currently undergoing 3 audits. The Comptroller’s Audit sometimes focuses on technology. It’s anticipated that the auditors will be here over the next several weeks. Currently, they are reviewing security and user rights to the district’s financial system.

2016-17 Technology Requests:

All requests for next year are for software. Elaine added a request that additional laptops be left in the classroom as backups to the 1 to 1 devices or provide additional chargers to be used in the classroom. If there are any extra 1 to 1 devices or laptops, the Tech Team will see if it is possible to have an extra in a classroom. There isn’t enough funding available to purchase extra laptops or chargers.

Tech Plan:

The district’s Technology Plan has been approved for 2015-2018 with required annual reviews. The existing goals were updated to encompass 3 main criteria; curriculum/training, communication/practices, and policies/financials. The group was asked to complete a worksheet by adding strategies that support the goals and initiatives. The feedback will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Around the Table:

Nancy Phetteplace asked if any additional students computers at the elementary level were being added next year, which there are not. There was then a recommendation to restructure the current sharing, which Stacey Gridley will review.

Tech Team: A new inventory system is being put into place that will track not only hardware, but software and data as well. The IPA will need to be finalized by the end of February and working on the details of the 1 to 1 program.