Venue: Patricroft Bowling Club
Date & Time: 15 September 2010, 7.30 pm
Dave Greene (Chair/CWO/U14), Gary Pierce (Secretary/U17), Sue Pierce (Treasurer), Tom Rook (Development), Joanne Croft (Social), Elizabeth Rook (Social), Ian Green (U10), Kevin Handford (U12), , Steve Ely (U12), Carl Myles (U12), Steve Doyle (Minutes)
Ryan Hunt (U8), Dave Walton (U8), Liam Kenny (U9), Tom Wild (U7), Mike Oldroyd (U9), Anthony Corbishley (U11), Lee Chesters (U11),Dave Ferguson (U12), Tommy Collins (U12), Lee Playfair (U13), Steve Lockett (U13), Liam Dwyer (U16).
Nothing to report; Dave Greene passed over to Gary Pierce (GP) for Secretary’s Report.
GP stated that although the last meeting was only two weeks ago, 31/08/10, tonight’s meeting was called to get the Club back on track with monthly meetings, straight after League Meetings. They will be held on the Tuesday or Wednesday of the second week of the month. GP informed the meeting October’s meeting will be held on the 13 October 2010.
GP reminded the managers:
- Referees to be contacted and given 24 hours notice. He did say that there had been some problems on the Timperley site, but these have now been resolved.
- Do not forget to ring or E-mail results through to the leagues promptly. If the leagues are not informed, or informed late, the Club would incur fines and possibly loss of points.
- Please also inform GP of the teams’ results, win, lose or draw, before 6.00pm on Sundays to pass onto the Advertiser.
- Although relevant managers’ not present, GP made the point that the U8, U9, and U10 managers’ should get together and sort out the Samba Nets.
- Following Kick-Off times logged with the League: (Patricroft)
TeamTime Pitch
U1012.00 noon2
U712.00 noon1
Big Pitch
U11s10.00am, based on one home and one away
U12s11.00am, based on one home and one away
U14 2.00pm
U16/U17 2.00pm, Brookhouse
- GP asked managers to supply him with their full names, addresses, telephone numbers (home & mobile), and E-mail. He suggested they could use the format of the player registration forms.
Dave Greene informed the meeting that the League intend to punish Clubs if referees’ receive abuse from players, managers or parents during a match. There is a possibility that as well as fines etc. offending clubs’ will not be allocated referees’ for future matches.Dave also said that the latest recruits ie u7s/u8s managers and j croft (social)Elizabeth rook (social) had all completed the req crb paperwork.At this point it was suggested tommy rook should have an Fa crb done ASAP due to his contact with children during Monday training school dave said he would arrange this with tommy
State of Affairs:
Opening Balance£3,527.43
Receipts, Registrations £920.00
League Fees (£65.00)
Other Payments Due
League, Timperley (£400.00)
Pitch Fees(£1,800.00)(£2,265)
Closing Balance£2,182.43
New accounting sheets for subscriptions and registrations are up and running and can be viewed by all at the next and subsequent meetings.
Joanne Croft (JC) informed the meeting:
- Chestnut Lodge booked for Halloween Party, Saturday, 30 October 2010, starting at 6.00pm for the little ones, through to 11.00pm.
- DJ booked at a cost of £100.00. Tickets being printed; £5.00 for a family, £2.00 per adult and £1.00 per child.
- Tracey, Chestnut landlady will be providing hot dogs free of charge. Meeting decided to charge 50p per hot dog to raise funds for the Club and cost of evening.
- JC is planning traditional Halloween party games, raffles (prizes being sought from MUFC etc.), football cards.
- JC requested all managers come in fancy dress as the event is being advertised as a fancy dress party and prizes will be awarded (to the children!)
- The event will be advertised via Facebook, leaflets and posters.
Future Events being considered: Parkwyddn’s Got Talent, Price is Right, Family Fortunes and Race Nights.
Ian Green and GP suggested that we leave the next function till after Christmas and recommended a Race Night in February/March 2011 maybe at The Workers who have a bigger venue than The Chestnut.
JC is planning to have 2011 Calendars printed with each monthly page bearing a team photograph. These can be sold to parents.
Sue Pierce advised JC that prior to printing the calendars, all parents must give written consent to have their child’s photograph on the calendar and the names of the children must not be printed on the calendar.
JC informed managers that professional photographer, Charlene (known to the majority of the managers) will take photographs of teams for free.
JC stated over £500 has been raised via the MondaySoccerSchool some of which has been spent on kits.
JC queried with SP the likelihood of bag packing being given the go ahead at Morrisons-SP stated it is very unlikely.
Tom Rook is actively seeking funds for sponsorship and has recently visited B&Q.
A supplier of a kitchen for the changing room area is also being sought.
In respect of changing room keys, GP said we have three sets of keys and it was agreed to have another eight sets cut. TR to action.
Links with SalfordAcademy (SA)
TR stated that two of our young managers have just finished their Coaching Courses at SA and now currently carrying out coaching activities. With the blessing of the Club TR will seek to form a partnership with SA, in particular the two young managers. The club could gain by using SA’s extensive facilities whilst the newly qualified coaches use the Club’s younger players to extend their education. It would be extremely beneficial to both parties, particularly the Club using SA’s Astroturf and maybe the gym.
Kevin Handford covered the following
- Nearly all home kits acquired, U9 kit passed to Mike Oldroyd this evening and U7 just received.
- 40 Bibs emblazoned with Parkwyddn JFC have also been acquired for the SoccerSchool children, at a price of £2.00 each.
- Size 3 footballs’again for the SoccerSchool and younger teams, yet to be acquired.
- KH will contact the kit supplier to provide a yellow & black away shirt at a reasonable price. KH has in his a possession a Y & B shirt the supplier could use as a model. Home shorts can be used with the shirt to keep costs down.
- Managers Shirts have been ordered at a total cost of £323 to the club, and a sample was shown. It was initially agreed not to have Parkwyddn printed on the back. KH suggested we push to sell these shirts to parents and children at £15 and £12 respectively. This would be a good income stream for the Club.
- Managers Jackets can also be made available. Sample shown to the meeting. All agreed they were of good quality but were expensive. KH will get three different sizes within 2 weeks or for the next meeting for managers to view. It was not agreed who would pay for the garments,(£20.00 a piece), managers or Club total outlay would exceed £500 ,GP was asked to send a blanket text to all enquiring if individuals would buy there own .it will be decided at next meeting what the next step would be .KH said he would have size samples at next meeting
GP advised the Training equip ordered from Umbro over the ‘net had not yet arrived umbro had said they were snowed under with orders but items were in stock etc and awaiting processing. In hindsight maybe, should have sourced locally since this order was placedKH has been appointed kit/euip officer . SP will phone suppliers next week to hurry them up.
TR said he had been in touch with the Council/Contractors re: state of Patricroft pitches. He has been advised that the pitches will be overhauled in the close season, 2011/12. GP stated the pitches are bound to decline over this season judging by the amount of games to be played (see Secretary’s Report). TR emphasised that complaints must be made and recorded to attain a satisfactory service from the Council and their contractors.
DG said there are now new pegs available for the football nets.
Changing rooms keys as yet were only with TR,DG,KH they agreed to purchase and distribute copies to other managers who would need them.DG suggested leaving a set in equip container for time being.
KH has received information that St Patrick’s will be unavailable for the annual Club Tournament: building work. New venue to be located, discuss at next meeting.
Meeting closed 9.30pm.
Minutes by Steve Doyle