Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held in the Sports Pavilion, Chearsley Road on
3rd October, 2016 at 19.30
PRESENT: - Cllr R Willis (Chair), B Smith, T Chapman, J Asher, S Butler, C Cozens, A Camden and J Frew
Cllr M Hawkett. G Stevens (Parish Clerk) T Bullock (Preservation Society) and J Goddard (Press)
6 Members of the public
Mr Davis the applicant for 18 Chilton Road addressed the committee in respect of the proposed dwellings and plans. He advised that he had spoken to the neighbours to advise them of the design and site plans.
Mr A Price who was a strong objector to previous applications advised that he noted that the plans were more sympathetic to the neighbours concerns and he and wife had no objections.
Mr T Bullock for the Preservation Society advised that they would prefer the old building not be demolished but as it is not listed or a building of note they accepted this. They were pleased to note that the gable end was acceptable and the retention of the wall.
All present
· The minutes of the meeting held on 5th September, 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
· Grass and Verge Maintenance. It is important to follow up maintenance to ensure the village is clean and neat in all aspects to comply with our contract with BCC (Devolved Services) The Clerk has prepared and circulated to Councillors a draft report format for their use covering the important issues to be supervised and reported on. He requested that Councillors submit their report every second month of the year starting October 2016.
· Gladmans Appeal representation. It was noted that having heard from Mr Cullan and Mr Hamnent, the Parish had offered to contribute to the professional representing the group to defend against the appeal. The Clerk advised that he had no communications from the group. The Clerk will follow this up.
· Section 106 financial contribution. The Clerk advised that he was being pushed to submit projects to use the 106 funds from Gladmans (if they are successful in their appeal) £215K.
· In addition, Madges (if agreed by AVDC) another £115K. We must now advise AVDC of a project/s that it will be used for.
· It is a substantial sum of money. Some Councillors wanted a cycle track/s and some really want to assist the Village Association. Neither of these is acceptable as sport and leisure under AVDC terms.
· He further advised that Councillors have been sent the letter stating what qualifies. He had suggested:
- Adding to the pavilion to improve the facility and create more space for the youth club, also used by older residents to have some teas and entertainment.
- Possibly an office for the Clerk,
- Build a small changing room for junior footballers and cricketers.
- A further suggestion is to build a community centre for various uses.
The Parish Council decided that we should advise AVDC for the drafting of the Sect 106 agreements that we will use the funds broadly stated for “Improvements to the Sports Recreation Ground and /or the Sports Pavilion located at the Junction of Chearsley Road and Bicester Road, Long Crendon, HP 18 9 BS.”.
· Mr. Coney. The request from Mr Dave Coney to purchase two large blue and two large waste wheelie bins to enable the waste he clears to be stored on the recreation ground and be removed with the normal collections by AVDC waste department. Approved The clerk will arrange the purchase from AVDC waste department.
· Madge’s Farm. The Clerk advised that he could not establish the final terms on the agreement with the developers regarding the play area, section 106 contributions and the possible surgery site/building.
· Harroell Security/vandalism and waste. It was noted that Council had discussed this matter but no final decision was reached. The Clerk requested permission to investigate the possibility of installing top quality CCTV. Such CCTV should assist in identifying the culprits. The police with good quality photos will be able to take all necessary actions. It was noted that this will be very costly but the Clerk will seek grants when the feasibility study has been completed.
Action List
The list was considered and the following comments were made.
Fitness Equipment. Delivery is available however we want the trees, behind the proposed site, removed before the installation
Motor vehicle Activated Sign. The Clerk will arrange for blue tooth technology for the sign to enable the downloading of the statistics.
85/16 The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 19th September were noted.
The following planning application was considered.
16/03356/APP / 18 Chilton rd. - Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of two dwellings. Council considered the input from those concerned and after some questions to Mr Davis the application was passed with no objection.16/03334/APP / Barn at Notley Farm. Construction of new porch to entrance of tithe barn. No objection.
Cllr Hawkwett was requested to assist with getting some details of Wainwrights and Madges Farm in respect progress and the 106 agreements. He was also asked to establish the reason for the delay in the Gladmans inquiry.
The cheques drawn for September totalling £4725.49 were approved for payment and the bank balances were noted.
The Audited Annual Return was presented and noted.
88/16 REPORTS.
· LCNPSG. Cllr Willis presented the report dated 3rd October to the Council. The full report is attached as an addendum to the minutes.
Speed Cameras. Cllr Asher advised that at the L A F meeting it was noted that the Thames Valley Police have a new type of speed camera (Sentinel cost £2k) to be used by villages to monitor and record speed through the village. Cllr Frew undertook to explore this further with P C S O S. Jones
The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.40
Signed...... Date......
88/16 Long Crendon Neighbourhood Plan Update 3rd October 2016.
Existing Planning Applications
We are still waiting on AVDC for the outcome of the planning application for Wainwrights where Rectory Homes have re-applied, reducing the number of houses from 21 to 19. The new planning officer’s name is Simon Dunn Lewin.
We are informed by Mike Denman of AVDC that Madge’s has been passed by AVDC. Points around the Section 106 contribution for this site are still to be confirmed. Section 106 covers the contribution that the developer has to make for additional sporting and leisure facilities for the village.
The appeal for the Gladman site at the top of Chilton Road was due to commence on Tuesday 4th October. AVDC informed us last week that it had been postponed for reasons beyond their control.
Draft Neighbourhood Plan
The first draft of the LCNP will be presented to the Parish Council on Monday 3rd October.
After any feedback or amendments this will be presented to the village residents on:
2nd November at 7.30pm at the Village Primary school in Chilton Road.
Please ensure that you put this important date in your diaries and inform as many of your friends as possible
The next Meeting of the Steering Group will take place w/c 10th October to finalise the content for the residents meeting on 2nd November.
R Willis
Chairman Parish Council