August 14, 2017

Dear CCS Parents:

As we make preparations for another school year, I would like to make you aware of our Cafeteria Management phase of Renweb.

Student ID’s will be distributed the first week of school. This ID has a barcode which will be scanned upon entering the cafeteria. Once scanned, that day’s lunch charge will post to your student account. Therefore, if a student orders a lunch, then goes home sick or is absent that day, no charge will be created. Parents can either order student(s) lunch online, or homeroom teachers will be able to place your students order. In situations where internet is not available, cash or check payments may still be sent to school with your student. Those payments will be applied to the student(s) account in our office.

We do recommend at least a $20.00 per student pre-payment be applied to your account beginning on MONDAY, August 14, to activate the student billing. This $20 will be used to cover the first week’s lunch order. CHARGING WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. If your student account falls below $10.00 a reminder e-mail will be sent to you every day until the account is above $10.00.

Listed below are the steps to create an order and pay for your student(s) lunch in RenWeb:


1.  Log on to WWW.RENWEB.COM or click the quicklink on the WWW.CCSCRUSADERS.COM homepage

2.  Under LOGINS, Select ParentsWeb Login

3.  Click on the STUDENT INFORMATION section

4.  Click on LUNCH

5.  Here you will see the calendar in which orders may be placed. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to click on CREATE WEB ORDER.

6.  Select the quantity of each item for each available day. If you have more than one student, the others will be listed on the same page.

7.  Once your order is complete, click order items. This completes your order process, but payment must still be made.


1.  Click on the FAMILY INFORMATION section (just under student information)

2.  In the bottom section to the right, click on the “$ PAY NOW” icon

3.  This will give your current balance, but keep in mind, if the lunch has not yet been eaten, it will not be deducted from your balance since charges are only posted ONCE LUNCH IS EATEN.

4.  This is where you can also “pre load” your student(s) account for payments. For example, if you would like to pay $50 at one time, you can do that and this system will keep track of your balance.

5.  Payments may be made by electronic check, credit or debit card; however, electronic check is the PREFERRED method since additional fees will be incurred by the school if cards are used.

We are very excited to be able to offer you the ability to see your account balance in real time, as well as the convenience and flexibility it will provide for our parents, staff, and students. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either Gaye Waters or Lacey Fincher.

In His Service,

Lacey Fincher Director of Finance