SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
6:00 P.M.
ATTENDANCE Mayor Ware and Councilmembers Ken Landers, Nellie McCain, Robin Clements and Peggy Allgood were present. Councilmember Mary Littlejohn was absent.
CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ware called the meeting to order.
MOMENT OF A moment of silence was observed honoring those impacted by the events of 9/11.
PLEDGE TO FLAG Peggy Allgood led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
MYRTLE DILLARD Ms. Myrtle Dillard lives at the eastern end of Love Street. She has a concern about water that is running down hill causing a large water hole at her driveway. This has caused Ms. Dillard several times to not be able to leave her home. A suggested solution to the problem is to make the curb longer in order to direct the water in another direction. Mayor Ware asked for a work order to be done by the water department in order to fix the problem.
APPROVAL OF MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to approve past minutes. Peggy Allgood
PAST MINUTES seconded the motion. All voted yes.
DAYCARE REPORT Average daily attendance was reported at 18.
D.D.A. REPORT Nancy Boehm, D.D.A. Chairman reported that the welcome center bathroom is almost complete. The D.D.A. will hold a workday to paint the new ramp on the front of the welcome center. Also, Boehm reported on “The Scarecrows Are Coming” which is a fun activity in which community members build and decorate a scarecrow, then place the scarecrow on display in front of their business or home. Boehm also gave a status update on the upcoming “Cave Spring Pig-Out” to be held September 22, 2012. More vendors and participants are still calling and the sponsors are up. Boehm reported that children would get in free and that there would be numerous free activities for children. Also, Ford Motor Company is bringing two Ford Escapes that attendees can register to win, and for every registry the Ford Motor Company will donate a $1.00 to their “Escape from Hunger” charities which fund organizations to help feed the hungry. Finally, D.D.A. is gearing up for the “Cave Screams Ghost Tours” which will be held October 27 in and around Cave Spring.
POLICE REPORT Chief Ely reported that City Police responded to 56 calls for the month of August. He also reported that all City officers would be participating in a recertification class at the gun range on Friday morning.
COURT REPORT It was reported that for the month of July, fines were levied in the amount of $1,366.00.
For the month of August, fines were levied in the amount of $420.00.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
WATER REPORT No discussion was held about the Water Report which was in written form.
CLERK’S REPORT It was reported that the final price for the Trailway System Project came in at $91,402.91 which was $537.22 under budget. It was also noted that the regular meeting for October would take place at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 9. Discussion was held about the date and time of the October work session and it was decided that the work session would take place on Wednesday October 3, at 9:00 a.m.
ADJUSTMENTS Nellie McCain asked if we would ever be done with contractor’s leaks. Mayor Ware responded that as of April, we were no longer under contract with Astra and we are now responsible for the maintenance of the work done by Astra.
MOTION: Ken Landers made a motion to approve adjustments for those customers with leak adjustment insurance. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.
MOTION: Ken Landers made a motion to approve the adjustment for Housing Authority tenant Elaina Beaird. Nellie McCain seconded the motion. All voted yes.
MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to approve adjustments for sewer and debt service only. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.
No action was taken on the adjustment requests for two customers who did not have a justifiable reason for requesting an adjustment.
MOTION TO MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to pay all bills. Ken Landers seconded the
PAY BILLS motion. All voted yes.
FIRE CODE Peggy Allgood expressed concern over the City fire department conducting fire inspections for all public buildings in the City. Allgood stated that it could become a liability issue as well as a time constraint for the City fire department. Allgood suggested that the City request that the State be responsible for fire inspections and have the Cave Spring fire department conduct courtesy inspections.
MOTION: Peggy Allgood made a motion to make the State of Georgia responsible for building and fire code inspections and only have Cave Spring fire department handle courtesy inspections. Ken Landers seconded the motion. All voted yes.
APPROVAL OF MOTION: Ken Landers made a motion to allow Mayor Ware to sign the agreement on
AGREEMENT WITH behalf of the City. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.
NEW EMPLOYMENT MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to approve full time employment for Carrie Simms. Ken Landers seconded the motion. All voted yes.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
REQUEST FOR The Cave Spring Ruritan Club requested the use of the community center on October 20,
USE OF CITY 2012, for their annual pancake breakfast. It was agreed upon to allow the Ruritan Club to
PROPERTY use the community center on October 20, 2012.
SECOND Zach Burkhalter explained the terms of the agreement with Northeast Alabama Water
AMENDMENT District. This agreement confirms the price of $1.56 per 1000 gallons and also extends
TO AGREEMENT the contract for another forty years and will renew itself each year. Mayor Ware asked if
WITH N.E. ALABAMA this was something that needed to be adopted by resolution or could it just be signed for
WATER DISTRICT on behalf of the City. Burkhalter responded that there should probably be a resolution by vote to allow Mayor Ware to sign on behalf of the City to re-adopt the agreement with N.E. Alabama Water District.
MOTION: Nelly McCain made a motion to allow Mayor Ware to sign a resolution on behalf of the City to re-adopt the agreement with N.E. Alabama Water District. Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes.
CEMETERY Peggy Allgood asked if discussion on the cemetery could be tabled until the worksession. Mayor Ware wanted to address two issues right away in order to resolve any further problems. The first issue is the construction of walls around cemetery plots. Mayor Ware wants a reaffirmation of the rule that prohibits walls from being built around grave sites. Peggy Allgood questioned how enforcement of this rule would be handled. Mayor Ware suggested a permitting system for anyone doing work at the cemetery and also would like to have council vote on increasing the price of the cemetery plots from $450 to $750. A permit can be obtained at City Hall for anyone needing one. Allgood asked what the consequences would be for not following the rules or if there are going to be any consequences. Mayor Ware suggested a study committee that could look into what needs to be done at the cemetery in order to enforce the rules and regulations.
MOTION: Peggy Allgood made a motion to reaffirm the “no wall” rule for the cemetery, to increase the price of cemetery plots to $750, and to require a permitting system for anyone doing work at the cemetery. Nellie McCain seconded the motion. All voted yes.
ADD TO AGENDA MOTION: Peggy Allgood made a motion to add the request from the Georgia School for the Deaf Alumni Association for use of City property in front of City Hall. Nellie McCain seconded the motion. All voted yes.
GEORGIA SCHOOL A discussion was held about the request from the Alumni Association of Georgia School
FOR THE DEAF for the Deaf to hold their fall bazaar in front of City Hall on October 20, 2012. Peggy
ALUMNI Allgood expressed support for the Deaf School stating that Fannin Hall was at one time
ASSOCIATION part of their campus. It was decided by council to allow the Deaf School to use the area in front of City Hall for their event.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
ADJOURN Mayor Ware adjourned the meeting.