A Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) was conducted on 08 Oct 16 at 10:30 AM. Commandant welcomed the parents and briefed them on the important events conducted during the period July to date.

Points from Commandant BBSB AFPA

1.  Results. The Cadets results for the academic exams as well as NDA mock test were shared with the parents. The names of cadets at top three positions subject-wise were announced and parents applauded them.

2.  Extra Classes for Weaker Cadets. Commandant informed the house regarding extra coaching classes organised through the Saffron City School for weaker students. Also arrangement for private tuitions made in the campus was shared with the parents.

3.  Absenteeism. Commandant reiterated that in the interest of the cadet’s frequent leave and leave on avoidable reasons should not be requested. The Cadets whose absence was more were informed individually and advised to control the same in future.

4.  Change of NDA Training Days. It was highlighted that frequent requests for change of NDA training days disturbs the continuity of training and must be avoided.

5.  Special Guest Lectures. Commandant informed the house of special guest lecturers conducted by experts of national repute to develop the all-round-personality of the Cadets.

6.  Discipline. The parents were informed of few disciplinary issues noticed and requested parents also to persuade their wards for maintaining highest level of discipline in the campus. Need for punctuality, adherence to correct dress, mutual respect and integrity were reiterated.

7.  Formation of Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The need for establishing a platform for addressing issues regarding the Cadets jointly was brought out. Commandant agreed and decided that PTA will be formed immediately and will comprise:

  1. Commandant BBSB AFPA – Patron PTA
  2. Director BBSB AFPA – Chairman PTA
  3. Five Parents – Executive members of PTA (Secretary, Chief Coordinator, Additional Coordinator, Administrative Advisor, Academic Advisor)
  4. Additional members – All parents

It was decided that PTA will meet once a month to be decided and chaired by the Chairman PTA. PTM will however be held once every quarter proposed by PTA and approved by the Patron PTA.

Thereafter, detailed interaction with individual parents along with their wards and Commandant and Director as well as with faculty was held. Lunch was organized in the Cadets mess for all present.

The PTM was closed at 4:30 PM.