Minutes of Parent Council AGM


Present: Eddie Romeo, Anne Anderson, Craig Hamilton, Liz Russell, Dee Mitchell, Kenny McPherson, Richard Porter, Gordon Wilson, Peter and Evelyn Wright, Julie Manson, Helen Sanders, Angela Coutts, David Douglas, Alison Melrose, Anne Marie Bradshaw, Adele McCabe

Apologies: L Ervine

  1. Eddie Romeo (chairperson) opened the meeting by welcoming Anne Anderson and new members to the Parent council.

ER praised the work of last year’s council and commented on the setting up of the fundraising committee, the success of the race night, the updating of the website, Curriculum for Excellence, the visit to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the ongoing issues with Ambassador drills, the request for a Parent Council notice board and the gift of football strips to the school.

  1. Office Bearers.

Eddie Romeo and Richard Porter (vice chair) put themselves forward to stand again and this was agreed by the council.

AA agreed to take the minutes in lieu of appointing a clerk.

  1. Treasurer’s report

We have £3372.71 in our bank account.

Signatories are to be changed over to Craig Hamilton and Evelyn Wright and they completed form this evening. Eddie Romeo will remain as a signatory.

Question raised about £500 which had been allocated for bike trailer/lights. Much discussion ensued. ER will speak to D McMaster to seek clarification.

The cheque for D McMaster’s gift is not in recorded in the chequebook and this will be updated.

  1. AA distributed draft constitution. ER suggested that we have a subgroup to look at this. A Anderson, E Romeo, R Porter, G Wilson and A M Bradshaw will form this subgroup.

RP indicated that he would approach Catherine Farrell, Parental Involvement Officer at Glasgow City Council for advice on setting up a constitution.

RP commented that the constitution should not be too restrictive or too formal and this was agreed by the group.

ER outlined the reasons for updating the constitution and suggested that the group meet after the cheese and wine next week.

  1. Fundraising committee suggested that a calendar be created of the fundraising events throughout the year.

The race night has been booked for the 29th October and there are 100 tickets. Craig Hamilton suggested that the tickets be split 50/50 and asked that the tickets that the members of the parents council have be distributed to other parents whose children attend the school. Tickets will be available at the next meeting. CH distributed race cards – they generate £16 per race. Sponsors are to be sought to provide 2 bottles of spirits as prizes for the race. Dee Mitchell, campus police officer said that she would approach local businesses on her rounds in the community. The sponsor would get their name on a race.

Suggestion of having another raffle at the awards ceremony and in taking part in the NG5K to raise money. It was also suggested that the parent council be involved in showcasing their work, along with the work of the rest of the school at the next P7 open night as the group are keen to promote the work of the parent council.

ER suggested that the Parent Council funded 2 trophies to be presented at the junior and senior awards ceremonies. Pupils/staff/parents could nominate to the parent council a young person who is active in their community. There was much discussion about the detail of this.

More discussion about what funds to be spent on will take place at the next meeting.

  1. Play ground and big lottery fund

ER, G Wilson and D Mitchell had looked at funding.

D Mitchell indicated that she had e-mail re bidding for £30,000 from proceeds of crime act. Dee will provide more information.

After some discussion about bidding for money and what should be done with the playground/football pitch it was decided that a subgroup be created. Craig Hamilton, Dee Mitchell, Gordon Wilson, David Douglas and Anne Anderson will form this group and feedback to the council.

  1. It was requested that a link to parentzone be added to the parent council section of the website. AA agreed to follow up.

AA has updated several areas of the school website.

Minutes are to be put on.

  1. AOCB

Bullying is to be on the next agenda and more information on bullying is to be put on the website.

RP requested that the Respectme information be put on the website.

There was much discussion about there being pupil members of the parent council. The parent council requested that they be allowed to see the minutes of the pupil council meetings. It was suggested that it be proposed to the pupil council that they be allowed to feed ideas in to the parent council.

RP asked if the number of pupils taking school dinners had increased and CH indicated that the Fuel Zone seemed to be very busy and that the staff in the Fuel Zone were happy with the level of business. RP is meeting with the area manager.

CH estimated that approx 50 pupils per day are using the breakfast club. CH is to investigate if breakfast if free for those pupils who have means tested free meals. AA outlined changes to when free meal entitlement is downloaded during the school day.

RP indicated that an insurance form should arrive for us to update shortly and it was suggested that we pay the additional £8/9 to cover the activities of the parent council.