Minutes of Outseats Parish Council meeting held on Monday 23September 2013 in theSampson Room, Hathersage Memorial Hall at 7.30pm
Present:Councillor Jane Marsden (chair)In attendance:
Councillor Simon TaylorCouncillor Judith Twigg, Derbyshire
Councillor Bill GordonCouncillor Jenni Wedgwood, Hathersage Parish Councillor Jean Hodgkinson Clerk: Peter Leppard
Councillor David Palmer
Councillor Bill HanleyNo members of the public were present.
There were apologies for absence from Cllr Pauline Whitney (on holiday) and District Cllr Jean Monks.
127/13Variations in Order of Business
128/13Declaration of Members’ Interests
Cllr Gordon declared an interest, because he is employed by the Peak District National Park.
129/13Public Speaking
- District Cllr Monks had sent a written report on current DDDC matters, which was noted.
- County Cllr Twigg explained that she is investigating why DCC bus passes for school pupils are not always valid after after-school activities, and whether this can be changed. Action: JT
130/13Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
It was resolved to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July.
131/13Planning Applications
1. NP/DDD/0813/0730–Cow Close Farm: removal of “occupation by person in agriculture” condition: It was resolved to respond to PDNPA as follows: Outseats Parish Council has carefully reviewed this application. The Council supports the general principle of an agricultural-occupancy condition being applied to farms when appropriate, and supports such conditions being applied to all the buildings on a given farm in order to prevent the intent of the condition being circumvented. Cow Close Farm is situated in a very attractive rural location, in and around which the building of new housing would be very far from appropriate, and so it is important that, to prevent the need for this, the existing farm buildings are reserved for use as a home by those employed in agriculture. So the Council believes that it has been right that Cow Close Farm has been subject to an agricultural-occupancy condition - the Council does not support the applicant's view that there has never been a need for this condition, and notes that the applicant provides little reasoning to support his view. Although the Farm is probably unsuitable for some types of farming, the Council's view is that it remains viable for other types of
farming; indeed, when bought by the present owners, it had been marketed as a viable farm, and it is understood to have been bought on that basis. Therefore the Council sees no case to remove the
agricultural-occupancy condition. The Parish Council recommends strongly against the granting of this
application.Action: Clerk
2. The Council noted the granting of consent to applications NP/DDD/0213/0088 (Barn at Cow Close Farm), NP/DDD/0413/0304 (Riverdale), NP/DDD/0413/0317 (Little Gatehouse) and NP/DDD/0413/0325 (Severn Trent kiosk on land off Ranmoor Hill).
132/13 Highways/Footpaths
- Since the last meeting, a reply had been received fromDerbyshire CC, declining to progressdesignation of Ridgeway as a Quiet Lane.
- Cllr Twigg undertook to pursue the fact that Outseats Bridleway 5 has been strimmed by DCC in a way which has placed it on the wrong alignment, thus introducing hazards to users. Action: JT
- The Council expressed concern regarding howlong it is taking DCC torepair the vandalised road-vehicle barriers at the ends of Long Causeway. Cllr Twigg undertook to investigate. Action: JT
- An e-mail from Bradwell Parish Council about dog fouling was reviewed.The Councildecided to advise Bradwell PC that this is not currently a significant problem in Outseats. Action: Clerk
- The Council noted that the height of some trees by the bund wall on Jaggers Lane has become oppressive to some Cliffe Lane residents; remedial action has been requested from DCC Highways.
- The Council noted that tree growth on Ridgeway, on the bend immediately north of Gatehouse Corner, has created a ‘tunnel’ and thus poor visibility - putting walkers at risk from road vehicles. It was resolved to ask DCC Highways to remove the trees on the east side of the road. Action: Clerk
- The task of regularly checking the contents of grit bins this winter was allocated as follows: Birley Lane, Cllr Gordon. Hill Lane/Ranmoor Lane, Cllr Palmer. Derwent Lane/Coggers Lane, Cllr Hanley. Jaggers Lane east, Cllr Taylor. Jaggers Lane west, Cllr Marsden. It was resolved that all grit bins should be visited by 1st October, to assess the need for initial re-stocking, following which the Clerk will place an order. Action BG/DP/BH/ST/JM/Clerk
- It was noted that episodes continue to occur of drivers unfamiliar to the area getting stuck in lanes unsuitable for their vehicles, as aresult of relying on SatNav. Drivers attempting to find North Lees campsite were felt to forma significant proportion of these, and it was resolved to write to PDNPA, asking them to erect improved signage to this site. Itwas also resolved to explore with Royal Mail whether anychanges to postcodes could improve the situation. Action: Clerk
- The recent PDNPA decision to apply a permanent Traffic Restriction Order to Long Causeway was welcomed by the Council. The Clerk was instructed to write to Sue Smith at PDNPA, thanking her for her contribution to achieving this outcome. Action: Clerk
- It was resolved to note the Statements of Accounts as at 31 July and 31 August 2013.
- It was resolved to note that external audit of the Council’s 2012-13 accounts had found no issues.
- It was resolved to authorise the following accounts for payment (total £1003.50):
Clerk – salary, office allowance and expenses for August£148.42
Redwood Landscapes – footpaths maintenance £333.60
Hathersage Methodist Church – room hire, July£ 15.00
Clerk – salary, office allowance and expenses for September£168.08
.Grant Thornton – external audit fee£120.00
.HMRC - 2nd quarter income tax£218.40
- It was noted that a complaint to RBS about recent errors in the Council’s current account had resulted in them paying the Council £50 as a goodwill gesture.
- It was noted that Hathersage PC’s Leisure Committee have authorised purchase of new play-bark for the King George V play area, and that a proportion of the cost will be invoiced to Outseats PC.
134/13Correspondence for Decision
- It was noted that consultation responses have been sought regarding the proposal that the South Yorkshire Combined Authority should include Derbyshire Dales District. It was resolved that the Council does not wish to respond.
- It was resolved the Council will be represented as follows at forthcoming meetings:
Rural Action Derbyshire AGM, Pinxton, 26 Sep Clerk
Derbyshire Police quarterly liaison, Bradwell, 27 SepCllr Gordon
Blooming Dales! prizegiving, Matlock, 9 OctCllr Whitney (tbc)
Peak Park Parishes Day & AGM, Darley Dale, 12 Oct2 out of Cllr Gordon/Cllr Palmer/Clerk§
DDDC area forum, Bakewell, 14 OctClerk
Derbyshire Dales CVS funding fair, Matlock, 23 OctCllr Hodgkinson
§ = to be decided nearer the time
135/13Items for Information
It was resolved that the following items for information should be received:
Derbyshire Association of Local Councils Circulars 15/, 16/ & 17/2013, Annual report 2012/13
Derbyshire County CouncilNotification of Clean Ups in Derbyshire scheme
Hathersage Parish Council Agendas 6/8/13 & 3/9/13, Minutes 6/8/13
HPC Swimming Pool Committee Minutes 16/7 & 13/8/13, Agendas 13/8 & 17/9/13
HPC Leisure CommitteeAgendas 20/8 & 10/9/13, Minutes 20/8 & 10/9/13
Hathersage & Outseats Joint Transport CommitteeAgenda 26/9/13
Heart for HathersageMinutes 14/8/13, 4/9/13 & 10/9/13
Hathersage Memorial HallMinutes 1/7/13, Agenda 2/9/13
Dept for Communities & Local GovtLetter re Post Office Community Enterprise Fund
Rural Action Derbyshire Update e-mails
Rural Services Network Weekly e-mails, Rural Fair Share petition
Unlocking the General Power of CompetenceLGA conference papers, July 2013
Clerks & Councils Direct magazine Sep 2013
The Clerk magazineSep 2013
136/13 Committee and other meeting Reports
1.Hathersage Parish Council –It was resolved that Cllr Hodgkinsonwill attend the Octobermeeting ofHPC. Action:JH
2.HPC Swimming Pool Committee – Cllr Marsden reported on the latest swimming pool matters, including the excellent ticket revenue from the season and the 2014 brochure for customers.
3.HPC Leisure Committee – Cllr Hodgkinson noted that the problem of overflowing bins on the King George V field had not yet been fully solved, and that a new skatepark continues to be considered.
4.Memorial Hall Committee – Cllr Marsden described the discussions about funding of repainting.
5.Allotments Group – Cllr Taylor confirmed that installation of rabbit-proof fencing is going ahead.
6.Heart for Hathersage – The discussions at H4H’s most recent meetings were noted.
7.Stanage Forum – Cllr Hodgkinson reported on the recent deliberations of PDNPA’s ARP committee regarding the future ownership and management of the North Lees estate.
137/13Parish Matters and Items for Next Agenda
- To accommodate the Clerk, it was resolved that the June 2014 meeting will not be on the fourth Monday, but on June 30th.
- It was resolved that, as a 1-year experiment in 2014, the Council’s practice of not meeting in August will be suspended.
- In light of a recent legislation change regarding public recording of County and District council meetings, the Council reviewed whether its Standing Orders would benefit from revision on this point. It was resolved not to change existing Standing Orders.
- Progress towards achieving a proposedCommunity Governance Review, for Hathersage and Outseats combined, was discussed. It was noted that, subject to any final comments from Sandra Lamb of DDDC,the proposed petition of electors is now ready for signatures to be obtained. Subject to Hathersage PC’s agreement at its next meeting, the Council resolved that the petition should now be launched.
Dates of Next Meetings
The next two meetingswill beat 7.30pm on 28 October and 25 November, at Hathersage Memorial Hall.
The meeting closed at10.05pm.