Minutes of Navan Electoral Area Committee Meeting held on Wednesday10th February 2010 at 9.30am in the Council Chamber , Town Hall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.
Cllr J Holloway presided
Members Present
Cllr’s S Cassells, F Deane, J McHugh.
Other Members Present:
Cllr’s P Brennan, A McCabe
Apologies: Cllr’s T Reilly, S Jamal, J Reilly
Officials in Attendance
Mr Eugene Cummins, Area Manager, Navan Electoral Area.
Mr Martin Rogers, Senior Executive Officer, Infrastructure Section.
Mr Maurice Kelly, Senior Executive Engineer.
Mr Brendan Somers, Senior Resident Engineer M3
Mr Paul Phelan, Executive Engineer, Infrastructure Section
Mr Shane Donnelly, Area Administrator, Navan Electoral Area.
Ms Fiona Fallon, Area Engineer, Navan Electoral Area.
Confirmation of Minutes of the January Monthly Meeting of the Navan Electoral Area Committee held at 9.30am on 27th January 2010 in the Council Chamber, Navan Town & Area Office, Townhall, Navan, Co Meath.
The Minutes of the January Monthly Meeting of the Navan Electoral Area Committee held at 9.30am on 27th January 2010 in the Council Chamber, Navan Town & Area Office, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath were adopted on the proposal of Cllr S Cassells, seconded by Cllr J Holloway
Correspondence & Matters raised by the Area Manager.
The Area Administrator advised the Members that there were no items of correspondence or matters to be raised by the Area Manager.
To receive report on proposed Road Traffic (special speed limits) (M3 / M2) County of Meath Bye-Laws (No 1) 2010 ( to be held in joint session with the Members of Navan Town Council).
This part of the Meeting was held in Joint session of the Navan Electoral Area Committee Members and Navan Town Council Members.
The Members received a presentation in respect of the proposed Road Traffic ( Special Speed Limits) (M3/M2) County of Meath Bye-Laws ( No 1) 2010 which was delivered to them by Martin Rogers SEO Infrastructure and Maurice Kelly SEE. The Members noted that the Bye-Laws were required due to the proposed opening of the M3 Clonee to North of Kells Motorway Scheme and would provide for amendments to the existing bye-laws as well as a number of new bye-laws. A report (copy attached) was circulated to the Members which set out the special speed limit bye-law proposals.
The meeting was advised, as some of the proposals related to special speed limit bye-laws within the administrative area of Navan Town Council, that Meath County Council would have to formally write to the Town Council as part of the statutory process.
The officials responded to any queries raised by the Members.
On the proposal of Cllr J Holloway, seconded by Cllr F Deane it was agreed by the Members of the Navan Electoral Area Committee to accept the proposals as presented in the report and to commence the statutory process for the provision of the necessary speed limits.
In respect of the proposals that related to the Navan Town Council area, on the proposal of Cllr S Cassells, seconded by Cllr J Holloway it was resolved by the Members of Navan Town Council to accept the proposed special speed limit limits as set out in the report in relation to the Road Traffic (Special Speed Limits) (M3/M2) County of Meath Bye-Laws (No 1) 2010.
To receive a progress report in relation to the M3 works with particular attention given to the works affecting the Navan Area.
The Members received and noted an update in relation to the M3 works which was delivered to them by Mr Maurice Kelly, S.E.E.
A discussion then took place around the Kilcarn Interchange, the cul de sac of Swan Lane and the impact of this on over 450 residents trying to access/egress the N3.
Following the discussion the Area Manager advised the Members that the matter would be examined in full, and a report would be presented to the Members of Navan Town Council at their meeting scheduled for the 2nd March 2010.
5.0 Notice of Questions
Question to the Manager – Cllr. Jim Holloway
“What is the current situation in relation to completion and commissioning of Pedestrian Signals at Johnstown. Specifically what is the nature of the problem which has caused the delay in finalising the work and when is it expected that the signals will be in operation”.
· The Members were advised that Dublin City Council were the agency in charge of the works and delays had been experienced between the contractor and the ESB. It was agreed that the Area Engineer would follow this matter up with the relevant bodies and revert to the Members further on receipt of any update.
6.0 Notices of Motion
Notice of Motion – Cllr Jim Holloway
“In order to facilitate the egress of traffic from Athlumney Abbey, a yellow box be incorporated at traffic signals at this location”
This Notice of Motion was proposed by the Cllr J Holloway and seconded by Cllr F Deane.
It was agreed that the Area Engineer would investigate the matter further.
Notice of Motion – Cllr Jenny McHugh
“I call on Meath Co Council to urgently review the Local Area Plan for Johnstown. It is essential that suitable educational buildings are provided for the children of Johnstown and Navan. With the demand increasing every year and the limited number of spaces available, it is important to ensure that adequate educational buildings, parking, green area’s, walkways etc are provided for. With this in mind I hereby call on the Navan Electoral Area Committee to write to the Minister for Education and Science to seek an urgent meeting with him and the Local Area representatives”.
Whilst Cllr J McHugh had to leave the meeting earlier, the Area Administrator advised the Members that the Forward Planning Section would give a briefing on this Local Area Plan at the March Monthly Meeting of the Navan Electoral Committee.
7.0 To receive a report on the Taking in Charge of the following estates:
· Clady Meadows, Robinstown
· Balbradagh, Robinstown
· Hollybrook Robinstown
And if thought fit to recommend to the Full Council that they be taken in charge in accordance with the statutory provisions provided for under the Roads Act 1993 & Planning & Development Act 2000 – 2009.
The Members received and noted a report in relation to the taking in charge of Clady Meadows, Robinstown, Balbradagh, Robinstown and Hollybrook Robinstown which was delivered to them by the Area Engineer
Having considered the report, on the proposal of Cllr S Cassells, seconded by Cllr J Holloway it was agreed by the Members of the Navan Electoral Area Committee to accept the report as presented and to recommend to the Full Council that the aforesaid estates be taken in charge in accordance with the statutory provisions provided for under the Roads Act 1993 & Planning & Development Act 2000 – 2009.
8.0 Any Other Business
Burst Water main Swan Lane – Members requested to know the position in the context of the proposed resurfacing of the road.
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Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath